Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 440 Unfavorable

Su Chen no longer pays too much attention to the situation of online play, he needs to rush to the battlefield, play support, and then care about the position of the czar.

Although the czar is an authentic legal system output, once he is hit by a barrel of meat bombs and a series of skills are hit, he may really be soloed by Su Chen because the czar still needs to hide Su Chen a little bit. , Just keep telling the teammates of Su Chen's location with signals.

However, the line has been smashed, and they can't take care of the people coming from the wild area. They can only make faker speed up.

Su Chen could kill in the nearest straight line, but when he arrived, the teamfight had come to an end.

Even if ∪Z1 and others tried their best to fight back, they could only beat Qinggangying into residual blood.

But they themselves, except for the Japanese woman, are all dead.

"Don't be afraid, Xiao Ming, I'll fight back!" Su Chen didn't throw a big move this time to blow up the people. Although it would save Xiao Ming's life, they would be in vain for this key team battle.

When the heroes of L22CK update new equipment, they may not even be able to suppress the bot lane.

Even if the opponent has already gathered in the bot lane, Ruthless Wolf's heart can reverse the LPL bot lane, and even Z has become a disadvantage.

Su Chen turned directly, and now his position is not good to use E flash, he simply flashes E!

First flash to the most appropriate position, and then the meat bomb impact. Now the heroes of LCK are in front because they want to chase people. No one can block E for him in Jhin's position, and the burst flash is now the first time he escaped the prince's ultimate move. After paying Yijin's blood, he didn't need extra skills at all. An E and a Q rolled the barrel directly.

At this time, the LCK players just reacted.

Compared with the Support Japanese girl, of course the Solo Mid barrels are more "fragrant", not to mention the faker in the headset directly commanding: "Kill the barrel once, kill the barrel once anyway!"

Su Chen has put too much pressure on them before. Not only can he turn the situation around, but he is also very difficult to kill. He can kill the barrel once, and he can cheer up the LCK players from the morale alone. However, the LCK players have tried their best to Su Chen forced it over, but after his death, only the residual blood and steel shadow could hit the damage, and the skills of the pig sister and the Bron had just been handed in when they just killed, and now they are only two Heimerdinger soldiers who can tie the A.

Fortunately, Bloom’s level A also has a big effect. At least put the passive on the barrel first. As long as the stun effect is stacked, Qinggang Ying can create the best chance to kick and hit the damage. However, Su Chen is only Without delaying with them, everyone on the other side rushed to the barrel and instead gave him a good opportunity.

Su Chen directly picked the angle and threw out the blasting wine barrel!

Bron and Sister Pig were directly blown back to their homes, while Qing Gang Ying was blown in the opposite direction. After a sip of wine from the barrel, W was drunk and violent, facing Qing Gang Ying’s past hit bonus damage. He took away the Solo Mid wine barrel. It was also the Solo Mid that took the first time and then the second time. After harvesting two heads, Su Chen returned with satisfaction.

The pig sister and Bron who were bombed back have no skills to keep people, and the faker czar who has a big move has just arrived at this time, even if he surrenders the flash and drifts through the czar, it is impossible to push the barrel back.

Faker's heart was full of chagrin.

He was really too jealous of Su Chen just now. He would rather take a long way. If he knew that, he would rather not be able to reach the battlefield and should drag Su Chen to death in the river. It’s just that, would it reveal flaws and let Su Chen The backhand flew his czar into an embarrassing position, no one can tell.

Because Su Chen rushed to the scene in time, not only saved the last Xiao Ming, but also took away the heads in the two key positions. In the exchange ratio, it was a wave of three changes. Judging from the heads, it’s not too bad. But considering that LPLオ was the organizer of this attack, their original goal was to kill and take down Luta. After the fight, it was thanks to a head. It would be really a bad thing for the LCK players not to mention an extra head. Money, with the opportunity of team battle victory, they can sort out the 383 line in advance, so that the LPL side, thanks to a few waves of pawn lines, the economy is further pulled back. After knowing it, the wolf mercilessly bought two more Pink Wards and inserted them in the deeper area that he did not row last time. It finally guaranteed that his own movement would not be detected in advance but the prince who was already at a disadvantage, now the economy is more He was pulled away, and what the director is doing now is defensive eye position, unable to know the head of An's next move.

As long as the big move CD gets better, the pig girl will never sit back and watch the direction chosen by the head of An is to go on the road.

Because of the continuous pressure on the bottom lane, it is difficult for the LCK side to turn around. It is not just that Jhin's equipment makes it easier to compete with the EZ line, but their bottom lane tower has been worn a lot first.

If the head of An is blindly assisting, and then reversely grinds down the ∪Z's bottom tower, it will be a little more than worth the loss, it will be too time-consuming, and you must beware of Shen's utmost support.

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