Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 443 Advanced development of wine barrels

Su Chen was the first to realize this, so he simply went the other way and sneaked up on the road.

If such a choice makes a mistake in judgment, the consequences are extremely serious. If their early lineup fails to control Dragon, they will be delayed by the LC K team in the later stage.

LCK is best at avoiding battles and developing. However, Su Chen likes this choice where opportunities and risks coexist, and he is willing to bear any price for it.

When 957 started to push the line more aggressively, Qing Gangying really wanted to pull back while thinking about consuming Shen's blood. He wanted to attract 957 to go further away from the tower, and at the same time, he deliberately sent a signal to 957. Qing Gangying didn't seem to want to fight Shen.

However, in a blink of an eye, Qing Gangying immediately pulled out the hook and kicked directly to Shen's position, seeing that Shen's blood volume dropped significantly. At the same time, Qing Gangying did not hesitate to hand over R Hex. Tong Di.

Heroes such as Tsar and Jin came out at the same time. Obviously, the preparation time for LCK to get on the road was longer than Su Chen expected.

Fortunately, Su Chen's movements are not slow. When he "seduces" 957 to attack, he was already in place. Now he calmly waited for the LCK players to get close enough. He suddenly appeared from behind and threw out directly. After the R blasting barrel Qinggangying released a big move, he trapped Shen in place, so that the pig girl and the czar can quickly rush over, while the blast will amplify the support ~ damage in the rear.

At this moment, Su Chen's barrel tactics fell from the sky and hit the deadliest position. Qing Gang Ying, Sister Pig, and Bron were all smashed under his own tower, and the Tsar was blown away.

Shen originally resisted most of the damage by relying on the sword formation, and now his blood volume is more than half. With 957's proficiency for Shen, of course he will not miss this opportunity. Everyone mocked under the tower!

Qinggang Ying has also become the first attack target of the defensive tower.

With Qinggangying's small body, Su Chen had already blown up a big move, and now he was hit by the defensive tower and was taken away directly.

And LPL's control skills are not just cautious taunts, but the barrels also have meat bomb impact.

Su Chen found the direction, and directly hit the top of the E meat bomb and hit the pig girl and Bron. At the same time, they threw a Q rolling wine barrel. Not only were they stunned, they were also slowed down, and more importantly, they were under the defensive tower. , Couldn't stand it at all, so she had to flee to the outside of the tower and was chased to death by the wine barrel.

In this wave, LCK gathered five people on the road, but because of 957's initiative to seduce and Su Chen's anti-squatting, they actually killed two of them, and 957 and Su Chen had their own gains.

"What is LCK doing? I can't believe that they would make such a mistake."

At this time, LCK really lost his wife and broke down. They took the initiative to let Dragon go, and gave out two more heads on the road. In fact, it would be good for Jiu Keg and Shen Neng to develop more. "

Everyone has seen the damage of the barrel before, and it is not bad. Shen is a very strong front-row meat shield, and he has very terrible control himself, which is very good for future LPL team team battles.

"I don’t think it’s CK’s mistake. In fact, what they did was just trying to get rid of Shen early. Who would have thought that a wine barrel would suddenly appear, and you don’t think Su Chen’s big move was too accurate. That's it!"

It’s not wrong to ask for flowers. Gang オ LCK sent two heads on the road. It looks very funny, but it is also because of Su Chen’s ability to change the formation.

The front row and C output of the LCK were separated for the first time, and it happened to allow the heroes such as Qinggang Ying to enter the attack range of the defensive tower.

At this moment, the defensive tower became an extremely powerful output support for them, which made up for their lack of output. Relying on the powerful control ability of Shenhe Keg, he finally got two heads.

That’s right, but what impressed me more is Su Chen’s sense of smell on the battlefield. 957 is already very sensitive to danger, but did you find out? Su Chen went on the road very early, and he faced the LCK. The main force is not at all okay! Dare to fight! And it really made him operate successfully. "

I thought about it carefully. It seems that only the barrel Solo Mid can achieve this effect. Others don’t have the ability to forcibly change the position of the enemy’s main force. If you switch to another Solo Mid, you may be able to do more damage. But in the end it was still unable to achieve such a result.

Now, everyone no longer blames Su Chen for his choice of wine barrels, but instead thinks that he is quite prescient.

Although in terms of lineup, the current LPL’s headcount and economy are still not enough to support them in the early stage, but when the LCK is insufficient, the LPL can strongly control the field of vision and prepare for the next gank. Su Chen’s barrels You can get a head in the first attack, and Su Chen takes extreme AP output flow. Now the damage is even stronger than that of the czar who is not developing smoothly. Of course, Su Chen's output ability is only one wave, and he must grasp it. Every time the skill CD turns for a better time. Ding reward points report

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