Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 445 Start to force Baron

Su Chen is on the periphery of the sky and the earth. He was already closer to the LCK defense tower than the Czar. Even if the Czar flashed out, he could not escape the attack range of the barrel, not to mention that the barrel had W drunken rage, and added damage. Attack distance.

The Q skill rolling the barrel can also slow down.

After Faker calmly judged, he decisively decided to save a flash and forget it. He stayed "honestly" and was constantly poked by the prince. In addition, the Q-rolling barrel of the wine barrel took the head away.

It only took two people on the road to successfully gank the czar, and it took a very short time, and there was no time for the bottom road to exchange resources.

The wine barrel consumes the tower's HP on the road, and the prince disappears into the wild area. Coupled with the barrel’s TP, 22 forces other roads to dare not act rashly. This is the role of the wine barrel’s ultimate move. If you want to stably kill the czar, I am afraid that you will have to show up and follow you, and let Shenjiao make big moves.

In that way, even if it can gank the tsar, LCK can take the opportunity to push it down, and it won't suffer too much from the overall economy.

But now LPL still has enough confidence to support the bottom road. On the contrary, if the LCK wants to force over the tower, it will not be pleased. Shen's sword formation can make him support for a long time. Su Chen does not waste too much time on the top road and consumes the defense tower. , Anyway, he is a keg, and not a single-band hero. The defensive tower can be automatically pushed down after winning a wave. He now needs to constantly look for opportunities.

The biggest advantage of Czar Ganggank is that he did not hand over the flash. Therefore, the barrel used the surprise of the E flash to directly hit the smoke of the middle road. Directly using the sun's flares to set Jhin on the spot, ∪Zl and Su Chen directly took them away.

Even if Su Chen uses a barrel hero, he can play the effect of an assassin hero, forcibly turning back to the disadvantage, but now only Su Chen is fat, level and equipped. The situation of the others is just alleviated. There is no advantage to the heroes of the LCK.

But time passed by one minute and one second. At this time, you can see the impact of superstar players on everyone's morale. If it is now U? With the same development as Su Chen, maybe everyone's confidence will be more sufficient.

Su Chen took a look at everyone's equipment. Now the enemy and our team members have come to the two-piece stage, two and a half pieces fatter, while Su Chen himself has one and a half pieces of equipment!

"Come on, let's not look for opportunities online, just come over and control Baron's vision, we have to force the Baron group!

Su Chen was not taken over by his previous successful gank. In terms of lineup, after reaching the late stage, the LCK side must have an advantage, and this advantage cannot be beaten back by operation. After all, the opponent is also a top professional player.

When two and a half, or even three-piece suits, they can play a dozen. If they wait for about four-piece suits, they must be crushed by the LCK. The UZ factory director and others immediately understood Su Chen’s concerns, but fortunately they needed it. There are already fewer heroes. Everyone starts to gather in the rivers of the UZ. In the past, UZ can still eat the line of the middle road. However, the support will be more convenient than Qinggangying when he is cautious on the bottom road.

The barrels of ultimatums have now turned for the better. The heroic threat to the LCK's vision is very much dependent on the deterrence of the barrels. The director and Xiao Ming completely drained the view of the river, ensuring that LCK cannot see it in the first time. The situation in Baron Pit.

Naturally, LCK can't sit back and watch this happen. Their lineup meat is good. Of course, Sister Pig and Bronding are at the forefront. Of course, the two of them may be blown back directly by the barrel, but they can be topped for a while. And if the heroes of LPL throw most of their damage skills on them, on the contrary, the Tsar and Jhin will be able to output without threats.

Bron and Sister Pig stepped into the field of vision and continued to approach Baron Pit. Soon they could see the opening of Baron Pit, and they were completely sure whether the LPL players were actually playing Baron.

However, at this moment, Xiao Ming's female tank suddenly pointed up with the E Zenith Blade, and used the Zenith Blade's ability to control displacement, directly inserted into the back of Bloom. P387L wanted to start a group and be careful! "

But there is only one goddess of dawn, let's take him off first! He might just be buying time for teammate.

"Full output, can't let a Support hold us down!"

LCK quickly reached a consensus and tried its best to drop the female tanks in seconds, and then moved forward quickly. The female tanks pointed into the crowd regardless of life or death, which probably meant that LPL hit Baron at a critical moment.

As long as Dawn is killed without injury first, it doesn’t matter if Baron can’t be grabbed. They must take advantage of the number and formation of this time to keep all the LPL players behind and destroy most of the BaronBUFF. However, the Tsar and Jhin are also pushing forward. When I wanted to hit the maximum output for the first time, I found that a wine barrel was thrown over across the wall. Because there was a dark vision on the other end of the wall, no one could react. The blasting of the wine barrel exploded Su. The effect Chen totally hoped.

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