Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 458 Support speed

The head of An selected the factory manager to play Blue Buff, and when he was punished with a very "warm" blood volume, and then suddenly attacked, just to prevent the factory manager from easily abandoning the Blue Buff, and could only drag the p-line players with them. In order to speed up the fight against Blue Buff, the factory manager has handed over all the skills, and all the skills of the head An have been hit on the factory manager, and he has the blood first. The volume advantage, while stuck in position.

The factory manager is also in a dilemma. The most decisive way is of course to quickly output two more Blue Buffs, then punished them, and then drove away.

But now he only has flat a as the output method, and when he is outputting blue buf, the blind monk can further consume his ~ HP.

The factory manager didn’t want to suffer from this kind of loss, and he went straight to the blind monk. Although the blind monk was a hero with strong output in the early stage, the prince was also very powerful. As long as the teammates’ support was timely, he would be safe. door.

Both of them used each other as the main output target, and indirectly caused damage to the blue buf, which caused the blue buf's blood volume to drop very slowly.

The nerves of the head An and the factory manager are very tight, and they don't want to make mistakes in the key punishment.

At this time, ui and Xiao Ming first supported Xiao Ming to spot the position of the head of An, and directly used the wine barrel to perform the e-flash!

Meat bomb impact!

When Xiaoming shot, he was still in the blind spot of the head of An’s vision, and most of the head of An’s attention was on Lanbu1 and the factory director. He was directly resisted by Xiaoming. But at the moment, Xiaoming’s level is still too low and there is no big move. Being able to blow back the head of An, this time he can only faint the blind monk, hit a little bit of damage, and buy more time. UZi's Ize is also very flexible, jumping forward and constantly consuming it through qa.

The support advantage of p{ seems to have the upper hand, the factory manager’s confidence is instantly sufficient, and he seizes the time when Xiao Ming comes up.

"Great, I got the Blue Buff." Taking back a blue buf1, the factory manager felt extremely comfortable.

More importantly, they are holding the initiative now, and Lan Beif has obtained it. They want to fight and retreat all by their minds.

However, at this moment, the female tank pointed directly at the other side of the wall of the river crossing in the wild area, fixed the factory director, and immediately connected the shield of daybreak, and then drove the top to the front to resist damage. Xia was from the front at this time. As he walked forward, he drank his feathers and hit a good output. Because of the limitation of the river mouth, everyone could only deal damage to the female tank in front, and after gathering everyone, they had already been consumed by the factory director who was left with the blood. After being charged to death, Yu Xia took away the head of the factory manager, and the manager's blue buf was also robbed for nothing, which was equivalent to hitting the Blue Buff first and giving it to Xia.

"No, withdraw quickly, this one can't be fought." When the director died, all the damage went to Xiao Ming's body. Although he was a wine barrel, he had the ability to reduce damage, but he couldn't hold it for long.

uZi used to output to the blind monk, and now it is pushed to the front by the Japanese girl, and it is impossible for ui to pass the heroes in front to hit the back. Now it can only give up and pay for the factory director. Although it is annoying, they will not be lost because of this. Reasonably, if you lose more, then the early advantage will be lost.

However, just when Xiao Ming wanted to retreat, Zoe's hypnotic bubble suddenly came through the wall.

Sure enough, Su Chen's worries came true. Faker's skill support was much more convenient than Verus. Xiao Ming was unprepared and was directly fainted.

Begging for flowers and Xiao Ming's flash and meat bomb impact have all been handed in, and now he doesn't have any displacement skills.

Although uZi wanted to go up and block the damage for him, faker's actions were faster than uZi, and he directly pulled the chaos into the flying star and hit Xiao Ming!

Xiao Ming's blood volume was already unhealthy before, and after being hit by the hypnotic bubble, the damage caused by the chaos into the flying star was extremely terrifying, and he was taken away directly.

This wave of support for the factory manager to steal the blue buf1 is equivalent to not stealing it at all. The blue buf should have been on the head of An, but now it has been transferred to Xia, and the p team lost two heads and the initiative of the line. right!

Both the factory director and Xiao Ming need to be resurrected in the spring, so that both the middle and lower roads are under the threat of the head of An, especially Uzi’s Izawa. Even if Izawa’s hands are supported, he does not dare. Too arrogant in front of the female tanks, they can only give up the pawn line and retreat. Before uZi and Xiaoming had the pawn line advantage, they pressed ck's down lane to fight, but now the opponent calmly took all the creeps and gave it to p. Line pressure of soldiers.

Su Chen can't take care of the bottom lane. Faker's Zoe also took a head. Coupled with the first few levels of line pressure, faker's economy is now at least 500 higher than him. Su Chen must fully consume the line. , Zoe can no longer suppress the line of troops.

More importantly, this wave directly interrupted the rhythm of the factory manager, the prince, and the blind monks. Both the prince and the blind monk require a very strong rhythm. Therefore, the early victory or defeat determines the initiative of both sides, taking advantage of the resurrection of the prince. In time, the blind monk can invade another wave calmly, widening the gap. Ding reward points report

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