Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 461 The rhythm of the head of An

Faker called the head of Shang'an and hurried over to the blue zone. Although Zoe's skill consumption is not large, he needs to constantly use his skills to clear troops, so the demand for blue volume is very high.

If the blue buf is really robbed, then Zoe, who is under pressure on the line, will not be Verus’s opponent. You should know that the most fundamental reason why faker hasn’t had any problems online is that he is stable. To put it another way, it's horrible.

This style of play is actually not healthy, especially for Zoe, who has now been suppressed by Su Chen for a whole level of experience.

Replenishment is okay, but as a Solo Mid hero, if the level is suppressed, it will be very uncomfortable to fight.

This time Su Chen and the factory manager came to steal the Blue Buff. It was also an opportunity for them. The key is that Zoe can exert great lethal power through the wall, as long as the head is in place quickly!

The blind monk kicked out the q skill directly against the wall, and Zoe also threw the hypnotic bubble, and then...the icons on the map were completely emptied, and the blue point suddenly became empty, that is, when they wanted At the time of the attack, Su Chen and the factory manager stole the blue bu f1. Although faker realized that Su Chen and the factory manager were stealing the blue, he realized it was a bit late.

Su Chen brought the factory manager very decisively, and he waited until the bottom road duo gave feedback before rushing to the wild area. Su Chen was already more than one step behind.

Su Chen even took the blue buf first.

At this moment, Verus's skill consumption was more brainless, and the pressure of faker was even greater.

The fact is also true, Su Chen relied on the blue buf, desperately suppressing the line, approaching the faker. Constantly handing in skills, and the position of the faker was also greatly suppressed, ー accidentally will hit an arrow.

Especially in front of Verus, he would never dare to use the reentry jump, otherwise he would be consumed in vain.

Faker also hoped to find a chance to pay them back with the head of An, and went to the Ueno area to steal P's blue, but he really couldn't get away.

When the blue volume is suppressed, Fa Keri can't even leave the tower, how can it support the wild area.

If there is only the head of An, once it is dragged, it is to die.

The head of An understands the situation very well. He first gave up the middle road decisively, and then came to the top road to prepare to gank. However, at this time the factory manager also got his idea on the top road.

Because 957's flash is about to get better, as long as 957 has a flash, he can cooperate with the director to play a wave of perfect control, even if he can't kill the flexible Gnar, he can force his flash.

However, before the flash of 957 turned better, Gnar jumped up and slowed down 957 with a boomerang. At the same time, the head of An was no longer hiding, and he walked out from the wild area generously, using 957's deceleration. At that time, he immediately kicked his factory director and immediately changed the gank into an anti-squat, and also walked out of the wild area, trying to link the head of An or Gnar through the second company of eq.

The prince's body is much harder than Annie. He hopes to use the prince's deterrence to force the opponent back or attract their firepower.

However, the head of An's mind was very clear. After his second Q was posted, the flash that was bullying Annie hadn't improved, so he directly kicked and kicked Annie back and inflicted a huge amount of damage.

After that, Gnar took advantage of Annie's in the air, and also played full output.

957 can only explode the spell as Annie and wait for death.

There is no way, he has lost too much health in the process of being kicked by the blind times, and in the end he can only release these skills, the health is not enough to support him and the factory manager to fight the opposite side. First, get rid of Annie. , Although all the skills of the head of An were consumed, the prince did not have explosive damage, and they could retreat calmly.

The factory manager didn’t dare to push too much. If he waited until Gnar and Blind’s minor skills improved, he would be in danger. Now Gnar’s big move hasn’t been lost yet. 957 was ganked and Gnar got online again. With the advantage of, the director dare not to be presumptuous on the road, and it is even possible for faker to steal the blue.

No one thought that at this time, the head of An would kill directly from the top road to the middle road.

Su Chen originally saw that the head of An had already appeared on the road, and in order to surrender all the skills for Ganknar, Zhu did not expect that head of An was unexpectedly uncharacteristic, not only quickly launched a fierce gank, but also finished the game. Bo, immediately started another wave. Su Chen was really beaten unexpectedly. Fortunately, his flash was still (Honuo Zhao), so he could only find a chance to run away. Faker was suppressed by him for a long time. At this time, finally When I came to the opportunity to breathe out, I quickly pushed up, wanting to use a hypnotic bubble first.

As long as the hypnotic bubble is in, Su Chen will be killed even if he flashes. It is a pity that Su Chen has a stronger grasp of skills than faker and Anzhang!

The flash before the head of An has been handed over to 957, and now only one move q can close the distance, so Su Chen only needs to beware of their long-range skills in the process of escaping back, Su Chen still has time to drop a q plus e, After using faker, his face was full. Although he didn't charge the arrow, faker's blood volume was already very disabled, and now only blood skin is left.

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