Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 469 Su Chen is here

It can't be said that ck's reaction is too slow, or that their players don't know how to avoid arrows, but Su Chen played too "thief".

Su Chen didn't accumulate energy to shoot arrows after seeing a person, but used "guessing" to determine the opponent's position. In the case of blind vision, he began to accumulate energy to release the q skill.

Because ck was already in line when controlling the field of vision, they confirmed that they were not exposed to the vision of p【, so they were more careless in their position, and they did not expect to be shot directly by Su Chen’s charge q. .

This shows the advantage of a poke hero like Verus. His skill consumption is too small. Anyway, it is almost the skill consumption of "Nothing" 403 "ben". At most, Su Chen guessed it wrong, as long as he If you get it right, ck will pay a huge price.

ck Now any hero can't bear Verus who has developed beyond the timeline, so he can only put another Dragon, first as a bird and beast.

The factory manager put a hole in the wall and saw that ck retreated, he easily took the Dragon away with everyone, and took a route along the way.

But Su Chen didn't take too much risk. His moving speed was too slow, and once he was outflanked, he couldn't run away.

On the contrary, uZi's Eze is very flexible. After seeing Su Chen retreating, the factory manager and Xiao Ming turned to cover him.

Individuals have displacements, so they boldly press deeper, directly letting the line of soldiers threaten the opposite high ground.

Faker can give up the two towers in the middle road, but the pressure of the high tower makes ck have to separate a hero with the ability to clear troops to garrison here.

It made it more difficult for them to gank the heroes on the line. Su Chen went home and changed his equipment again, and then began to move on the road.

957 is now more and more sad facing Gnar, because 957 can only fight with his back on the defensive tower, deterring Gnar from killing him, and 957 relies on Anne's skills to clear the line of troops.

But Gnar can continuously consume the tower's HP through his own long-range attacks and flexibility.

Previously, P had not taken too much care of the top lane. Now Su Chen turned to this side. His long range is not afraid of Gnar. It can help 957 put pressure on the top lane defense tower. The outer tower in the mid lane broke early. This is also the most A safe offensive line.

957 saw that Su Chen started to move upwards. He also wanted to move forward quickly. Tunnar's position was aggressive. If 957 can play a wave of control and burst damage, plus Su Chen’s poke, it might be straightforward. Taking Gnar away Gnar is the strongest single point of the ck team and the best-growing hero now. They'd better interrupt Gnar's developmental rhythm.

However, ck's players are also very alert, or it may be that Verus hasn't appeared in the field of vision for too long, which aroused their alertness, and Gnar took the initiative to retreat very spiritually.

Su Chen directly commanded: "Quickly push the line, ck's next step is difficult to guess. We must push the outer tower on the road as soon as possible, and compress the opponent's activity area from the three routes at the same time."

Both 957 and Su Chen are short-legged heroes. Now the director and Xiao Ming want to keep uZi advancing, it is impossible to give them a view, so the sooner they push the outer tower and join the middle road, the safer Su Chen will be. The command is very keen, because ck is definitely not a team waiting to die. They are already planning a counterattack. The only thing Su Chen did not expect is that the target they want to target is not the two on the road, but the three of ui!

In terms of hero attributes, Verus and Annie are indeed short-legged, and they are indeed better ganks, but the ck people should think that if they force Su Chen and 957 to gank, the journey is too far, slightly poor, or invested If you have too much force, it will be u? Waiting for someone to catch the opportunity to directly push down the high ground defense tower.

Therefore, even if the three of uZi and others have displacement skills, they are willing to invest more troops to forcefully launch a gank. UZi and other members are also veterans. At the same time, Hexia went out of the same wild area and forced him to come over. The director immediately realized that something was wrong: "Go back, ck wants to enlist us!"

ck also felt that they were exposed. The female tank wanted to get out of the hook directly, and wanted to hook the factory director for control and displacement.

However, the factory manager was smart enough, and immediately eq seconded, flashing enough distance.

At the same time, uZi and Xiaoming also retreat from the front line. Although Zoe has a very powerful poke ability, he has no use for 1.2 on the front. All his damage will be blocked by the line, and the pursuit is very weak. uZi, Xiao Ming, and the factory manager met in the Shimo area. At this time, オ was a little relieved. If ck pursues too deep, they can even try to fight back because Izawa’s heroic characteristics are best for playing and slipping. If ck is just Using ordinary chasing methods, uZi would be "kite" miserably, but before the three of them could calm down in their stomachs, suddenly a golden light fell from the sky, and a huge golden ring solar flare appeared under their feet!

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