Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 476 Change of initiative

"Su Chen is so handsome!" The previous commentators and the audience's doubts about Su Chen are now all turned into cheers.

On the contrary, the ck audience also knew what it meant to be taken away in the end. Their joy turned into nothing but incomparable anger, and they sent barrage and stickers to the performance of the players on the court. son.

They won’t look at Su Chen’s last arrow, how well he can control the angle and distance, he was caught off guard, and they would just curse, why Kasumi and Nienu’s reaction is so slow, even if it’s really impossible Avoiding that arrow, you shouldn't both die.

Some people are even more angry with Japanese women... Obviously seeing Verus approaching, why does he stand with ad? He should take the initiative to sacrifice himself and post it to control it.

If Su Chen does not want to be pointed out by the female confessor, he can only retreat, which is equivalent to being forced to retreat by the female confessor and can no longer threaten Xia and the blind monk.

This ck can only be accepted, preparing to wait for the resurrection of the team members before organizing and advancing. At this time, the blind monk and the resurrected Nar and Zoe try their best to improve their vision first.

When all members of p were resurrected, they kept pushing out the line of troops and then snatching resources in the wild area.

No matter how high the Baronbuff bonus is, the pawn line appears from the base at a fixed time. As long as the previous wave of pawn line is pushed off, ck can only wait.

As for the competition in the wild area, because p has more people, it is easier to group together, so ck does not dare to fight with it. At this time, you can see how good Su Chen's performance in the last moment is. Now p can occupy after losing Baron. Take the initiative, thanks to his second killing of Xia and Nv Tan ck at the last moment, and decisively chose to abandon the battle line, which also realized that Baron's subsequent offensive would not be able to achieve great results.

As an operating team, they can be more stable. Although they can't advance when they get Baron, at least, they didn't let p get Baron.

Although there was only one blind monk left in the end, it was equivalent to changing to Baron with four heads, but in the previous team battle, they also killed the four players first. In fact, they did not lose in the head. However, ck did. I overlooked a problem, that is, most of the heads fell on Su Chen's body, so that Verus, who was already developed ahead of time, now has greater equipment and level suppression. However, when the top Japanese girl bears After Verus’s first Q skill, watching two-thirds of his blood immediately disappeared, all the ck players understand that the Japanese girl’s flesh is very good, at least compared to Zoe and Kasato who are c-placed. Even more fleshy, even the female tanks have lost so much blood. If Xia and Zoe were shot by Su Chen, they would lose their combat capabilities even if they were not dead.

Now the outer defense towers of both sides have been pushed down a lot, except for the single belt line of Gnar, it is no longer necessary to be exposed to the opponent's field of vision. Su Chen can poke but there are still some places they can't hide, such as Talk about the fight for the big Dragon!

As long as p takes the position first, and even directly starts the fight, the players who can force ck must move forward. In this process, they are simply the best targets. ck cannot wait for the passive situation to happen. It is necessary to find opportunities to establish a clear advantage. As long as they can take advantage of the advantage and occupy the Longkeng River first, then the offensive and defensive trends are interchanged, and it is ck's turn to easily play the biggest poke advantage.

Zoe’s current damage cannot be opposed to Su Chen, but his skills can easily traverse the terrain, and can use the terrain to extend the distance, there are still many advantages.

957, you must be careful, don't have an accident, and pay attention to Gnar's tp if it is in a large group, timely support. Wine barrels and princes can be in front of ck and have meat, of course, p is more, and in terms of developmental status, princes and wine barrels are obviously more fleshy than female tanks, and more importantly, the skill consumption on both sides is not at the same level.

As long as ck’s people are found, they will usher in Su Chen’s “no money” Q skills. As long as they get a shot, their HP drops to less than half. Even the blind monk can’t resist the pong and the prince and the wine barrel. , As long as you don’t get hit by Zoe’s hypnotic bubbles, there will be no danger at all. Therefore, p’s position can be more aggressive and can also take the pawn line to a deeper position. Their high tower was directly threatened by P. Xia and the others still had to turn back to the front and hand over the wild area to the opponent. (Ma's Zhao eased the line of troops, so he fought back for the initiative of the river channel and Su Chen's husband). , As long as he is in the front, it is also very troublesome when ck guards the line, thinking about it, it is even more impossible to attack.

Obviously, economically, they are not behind, and they still have the lead in many positions, but now because of a well-developed Verus, they are restrained in tactical execution.

"We can't stand in a stalemate with the pl team anymore. We have to fight back immediately. Everyone makes good use of the female tanks' big moves. As long as they are hit, everyone will rush together."

"Veros' Q skill is the more initiative we get as far as we go. As long as we can stick to his face, we will definitely prevent the opponent's c position from being able to play.

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