Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 493 Rolling advantage

Because of the prince's flesh, it is impossible to be killed instantly.

Now, his flash is forced out, which is equivalent to cutting off the team's starting point.

With reduced pressure on the front, Su Chen can safely look for opportunities on the side.

Moreover, although this wave did not kill We’s players, they also failed to get their vision in. They only had one eye on the six-bird bushes, and Su Chen directly inserted Pink Ward and drained the lower half of the field, which was still very dark.

And 957 knew that Su Chen was wandering in the lower field, forcing him to retract into the tower.

In fact, Su Chen had already read the return journey for the first time. He knew that after this round of blows, We were even more afraid to enter the bottom lane. He could only focus on the upper and middle lanes, so he immediately followed the middle lane after he updated his equipment on the return trip. Turned to Ueno district.

Su Chen believes that now they are gaining an advantage in the laning phase, so in the mid-term, they can rest assured.

Many people think that Devil of Devil is a rhythmic explosive wizard assassin, so he should find the opportunity to kill the opposite side -. Actually, this is a misunderstanding. After the laning period, Devil of Devil has already established a huge Advantage, otherwise it is not so easy to form a single kill, his greater opportunity to play, in fact, is still in a small-scale teamfight.

Team We noticed that many opponents started to push towards the top road, even because the wild monsters in the bottom field were brushed, and even Graves also pushed over.

The bottom duo has completed the advancement of the top lane. With the advantage of the soldiers line, it suppressed Jace on the opposite side and rushed to the river, ready to support the wild area.

The prince of Emperor Kang is uncomfortable.

Jace and the Frost Archer are in the upper and middle lanes respectively, and their support speed is indeed slower than the other side.

Kandi had already missed the entire wild area of ​​the bottom road, and absolutely could not let half of it into the wild, otherwise he would explode as the prince grows, and he would not be able to survive in front of the opponent's output.

He forcibly demanded that both the Bottom Road Duo and Solo Mid should move closer to him. If the factory manager forcibly invades, then use his vision advantage to play a gank.

We's vision advantage is still very advantageous in small-scale teamfights.

Because they have a powerful poke hero Jace. If Director Su Chen and others want to forcibly invade the wilderness, they will definitely pass through a relatively narrow terrain. That is the easiest opportunity for Jace to hit explosive po damage.

Sure enough, the factory director had already appeared, with the bot lane duo behind, but they did not find the position of Su Chen after their good vision.

The situation couldn't help the team hesitate, Graves and Lulu had walked in side by side, and the policewoman leaned back.

If they were directly driven into the wild area, the vision was inserted, and the two sides had a "fair" duel, Kandi would really not have much confidence.

Xiye immediately released the enhanced cannon, which really worked well.

The factory manager, Graves, had already prepared. When he passed through the narrow mouth, he handed in the skill e to draw the gun in advance, and avoided Jace’s reinforced gun through a short distance, but Lulu couldn’t dodge it. He hit the shot as a support. , She didn't have much equipment, and she was smashed to nearly half blood when she was behind in level.

The two sides have not yet started fighting, and the HP of a hero is consumed first, and the factory manager and others do not have a serious front row, and they have no ability to recover. Although Lu Lu is only a support, he is consumed and disabled. , Will make the opponent's formation chaotic.

Do they want Graves and the policewoman to be at the forefront?

Gnar is too late even if he wants to come and support him.

I beg the flowers to use Lulu’s current health. If they still want to go up and fight against the wild, they will just drop her in seconds. The director has used e to draw the gun quickly, and now it’s difficult to return to the We team. A very good opportunity to fight back.

The prince of Kangdi rushed forward to create output opportunities for the subsequent teammates. After he opened his vision, the ice shooter immediately released a big move. If he wants to play the key control, he can kill anyone. But everyone's alertness It was still very high, and the threat from the rear was not ignored because of the interference of the prince.

Everyone moved quickly to avoid Frost's big move, but it also made them reluctant to output at this point in time.

Frost, Morgana and Jace can calmly push forward to the output distance. Lulu has no choice but to grit his teeth and throw the big move on himself, plus a shield to avoid being in the first wave of blows. Being killed directly. He now stays in front for a while to provide more output time for Graves and the policewoman.

When the female police saw Lulu's remnant, the We team had to force it over, and immediately put the clip down to interfere with the enemy's attack.

The narrow terrain of the wilderness has mutual influence on both sides. The policewoman's grip is also difficult for them to avoid, not to mention the cover of grass.

As soon as Jace rushed up, he was stopped by the clamp and suffered a headshot injury from the policewoman.

However, Hanbing Morgana and the prince seized the opportunity to kill Lulu, and at the same time forced the policewoman Graves over. It cannot launch an attack quickly. Ding reward points report

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