Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 515 Baron Forced

Of course edg knows ig's wishful thinking, but edg has no way to deal with it? Of course not, you have to know that when two teams are in a game, if one party's early lineup has a big advantage in front, it is easy to end the game.

The key to ending this game lies in something. As long as Baron buff has the advancement of Baronbuf, it can quickly break the three-way pawn line, and then it can continue to snowball to compress the economy of the wild area, as well as contain the line by bringing the line. opposite.

Once ck was most famous in the world, it was through the operation of the pawn line to achieve a bloodless way to win the game.

And the team on the p side is not that it can’t operate, but it’s not the same as the style. But the edg team, the team that made the first change last night, has been learning from the beginning of the 22 operation ideas on the Han country. The tactics of split push are also easy to play.

The time also slowly came to 20 minutes. Although Su Chen’s enchantress did not find too many opportunities during the period, through the harassment of the enchantress, it also gave enough pressure on the other three lines, and at the same time allowed edg to gain in the early stage. With a relatively large advantage and grasping the field of vision near the Baron pit in advance, for edg, you can directly rush Baron, and then do not give ig a chance to counterattack, and directly win the game.

ig saw the five edg guys leaning towards Baron, and I also know what edg’s idea is. Don’t look at edg’s current advantage, but in the face of Baron who just appeared in 20 minutes, erush Baron’s speed is not fast, more The idea is to come to the wild area to start a group through the field of vision of deployment in advance.

After all, the two heroes, Enchantress and Vampire, can't waste their skills to Baron, right?

Therefore, in edg's view, Baron is just scaring ig. As long as it can take the initiative in this wave of Baron group and take a few heads, then edg can take advantage of Baron, then push forward, operate slowly, and wait until the economy is crushed. When, the game ends in a straight wave.

But if ig can't come, then edg won't be polite. It's Baron, who must have eaten it directly.

However, everyone knows that ig will definitely come, even if they can't come to pick up the group, they will come to grab the dragon.

e(8 Naturally, I don’t want to put this baron. The main reason is that everyone in ig was too collapsed in the early stage, which has led to the eight thousand economy ahead of us in twenty minutes. You must know what the eight thousand economy is. On average, except for Support, everyone on edg is ahead of a big one.

For ig, not to mention that their lineup is a somewhat late lineup, that is, the lineups of the two sides are interchanged. They play a mid-to-mid lineup, while edg is playing a mid-to-late lineup, but they are eight in the lead. Under the economic conditions of a thousand, there is no suspense at all when the two sides form a group.

But this wave of Baron group has to send the arrow on the string, for the ig everyone can only try a wave.

Now anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is already very difficult for ig to continue to drag. The damage of the enchantress will change immediately after getting Baronbuf. Then Baronbuf is the power of the law. For Su Chen, it is completely visible. Whoever is in the second and who is not ig can't take the team rashly, but King Ning must try his luck. If King Ning grabs Baron, then there is still a saying in this game, and it can be delayed for at least five minutes. .

But if King Ning did not grab it, then for ig, it was only a loss of a Jungle. Maybe the negative couple could resist a bit. So ig's plan is to let the broiler's Zoe open the way through hypnotic bubbles. Detect if there is anyone crouching behind the grass or the wall, so as not to sink heavily and to get Jack's ice ready, use the e skill to give King Ning a view, so that King Ning can go under 457 to grab the dragon.

But while ⅰg everyone was planning, Su Chen’s demon girl drove back home ahead of time to change the scan, scanning all the way to the back of ig, it seems that it is ready to ambush ig and looking at the situation from the situation ⅰg here Regardless of whether King Ning grabbed Baron or not, ig must retreat, and the position of Su Chen just cut off the path of retreat.

Su Chen is serious, and the goal is to directly lock the broiler Zoe. It’s not because they are all playing Solo Mid, so they must kill you. The main thing is the distribution of ig personnel. Zoe focuses on poke, and Jack’s ice is straight. Lulu is inseparable to follow, even if Su Chen wants to cut off the ice, he may lose. After all, Lulu’s transformation into sheep and flying back to blood are not just talking, the road is just suppressed, but there is no death. The level is not low, and the equipment is not too bad.

But Zoe of Broiler is different. If you really want to start a group, no one cares about rewarding points at all. report

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