Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 614 Interview candidates

Many people also bring this hope of Solo Top to themselves, but for Su Chen, he is invincible, he is omnipotent, and he can play in any position.

So the five kills of Su Chen’s crocodile have come to an end. This year’s pig and dog war has now come to an end. It is obvious that EDG won the final victory, even if the third game is not Su Chen thought. If you want to let the water go, then in fact, Su Chen can lead the team to a three-to-zero situation. The RNG team will never think of himself. Since it has said goodbye to this game in this way, it is also goodbye. With the opportunity to compete for the championship and runner-up, now there is only one way left in front of RN's "Five-Five Zero" G, which is to fight through the encirclement in the subsequent knockout rounds, and then get the status of the third seed, so that they can participate in the S game. .

After all, looking at the history of the RNG team, almost never missed the S game, so RNG can only choose to continue to work hard.

In fact, RNG played quite well in this game. After all, EDG had a very strong advantage in the early stage, but some problems appeared in the mid-term decision-making, which led to the profound impact of the teamfight mistakes in the mid-term.

Fortunately, Su Chen's crocodile stepped forward to help the team continue to expand its advantage. At the same time, while pushing down the high ground, it also personally fought three people on the defensive tower on the RNG side, and then completed the triple kill by one person. This wave of three kills allowed the EDG team to win the final victory. After the game, the two teams also had to shake hands with each other. After the game, there will be a post-match interview event. This time, a post-match interview. Naturally, I would choose to interview Su Chen. After all, Su Chen's performance in these four rounds was more eye-catching. If this interview is not given to Su Chen, I am afraid that fans will not agree.

After the game, the puppy was also relatively lonely sitting on the chair. After all, the puppy is now a veteran of the LPL, and his physical condition is beginning to decline. Every championship is the goal that the puppy pursues. , But this time was the most promising year in his opinion, but it was defeated by EDG led by Su Chen.

Su Chen naturally saw a lonely puppy, but Su Chen didn’t feel comfortable in the past, because every player should have a strong mentality to deal with every loss. This is the arena, and the arena is like a battlefield. This is the game. Rules, when you lose, saying more is like making excuses.

Soon it was time for the interview. This time it was Yu Shuang who was in charge of the interview. "Hello everyone, this time our post-match interview also invited Su Chen who played a brighter in the four games just now, and also welcomes Su Chen.

As Yu Shuang said, the camera was also given to Su Chen, who was on the sidelines.

"Hello everyone."

Su Chen nodded. After all, after so many interviews, Su Chen is no longer as shy as he was at the beginning.

Okay, I would like to congratulate the EDG led by Su Chen for winning the quarter-finals and advancing to the final. Su Chen is standing here now. Anything you want to say? "

Yu Shuang said with a smile.

"I would also like to thank the fans for their support. After all, the strength of the RNG side in the past few games is also relatively strong, and it is not easy for us to win."

After Su Chen finished speaking, the barrage of the entire live broadcast room began to flash the words Su Chen Versailles, saying that Su Chen is the master of Versailles, my God, Su Chen is too Versailles, it is not very easy to win. Directly rolling "There is one thing to say, don't look at Su Chen's playing easier, you look at other ways, if it's not Su Chen, it's not necessarily.

There is also a considerable analysis of the water friends that it is indeed like this. If you put aside the line of Su Chen's line, the other lines of the line are quite satisfactory, and there is not even any dazzling performance.

Logically speaking, in the case where the early teams are all superior, Su Chen's teammate should be more eye-catching, but this is not the case. Su Chen's teammate has a lot of mistakes instead.

Just like the fourth game, he was hit with a zero-for-four result when he had the advantage, and almost came back tragically.

In that wave, if it were not for Su Chen's crocodile to stand up and turn the tide, the terrible RNG and EDG would have to play in the fifth game.

"There is a question, I think everyone wants to ask."

Yu Shuang glanced at his hand card, and then asked: "I want to ask Su Chen for 1.2, why would he play a mid lane in the third game? And he would choose a hero like a male sword."

Su Chen took the microphone.

"Actually, it's nothing. Everyone is a fake fan in Chengdu? Forget that Su Chen played mid lane? Don’t forget, I’m a Solo Mid player. Isn’t it normal to go to mid lane? Then Su Chen paused. Continue to say: "Actually, when I switched to mid lane, I wanted to change someone to the line, but I didn’t expect that I would meet the opponent in the previous game. Actually, I wanted to line up with Xiaohu, and I had some talent. An adaptive ball. "

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