Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 646 Disadvantage

Now the fpx side is almost always at a disadvantage, the first Dragon resource behind, fpx will definitely not compete for it, so the captain might as well use this teleportation for his own development and let himself be in line. The above can be a little more comfortable.

And once the captain uses this teleportation to come to the line, then he can gain a lot of economy and experience, because Su Chen's crocodile has chosen to return to the city after killing the captain, so now Su Chen's crocodile cannot interfere. The captain is here for the economy.

This is a blessing in misfortune for the captain, but if he has a choice, the captain would definitely hope that he will not die, even if he can't eat the economy of these lines.

As long as he can gain experience, it’s okay for the captain. After all, the captain is not very afraid of Su Chen’s crocodile as long as he has a higher level. Under circumstances.

But now Su Chen's crocodile already has two heads and is still leading a teleport on the lane, which is actually a very uncomfortable thing for the captain.

After all, the economy brought about by the two heads plus the economy lost on the front line of troops, this time and again, in fact, the captain has entered a particularly big disadvantage for the crocodile from Su Chen, but the captain himself There is really no way.

After all, the hero on the ship needs to be displaced without displacement, damage and no damage in the early stage, and blood volume and blood volume. It seems to be a more comprehensive hero, but once you get into a disadvantage, these so-called comprehensiveness will all turn into a shortcoming. And disadvantages.

Although this hero's performance next door is actually a brighter point, it may also be because there is no player like Su Chen next door. After all, the appearance of a player like Su Chen naturally brings a team that can be carried out. A swinging style of play is indeed relatively rare. It is impossible to say how strong Su Chen is. Su Chen is actually a player who is more partial to the team. He is stronger than his personal outstanding strength. Generally speaking, Su Chen When he first stepped into his career, Su Chen's style of play was indeed more radical and more personal.

However, after the conflict with the management team and the series of games that followed, Su Chen slowly understood that the team he was in, in fact, it was difficult to win the game.

After all, there is no team. Every position is a top-notch configuration. Everyone should play their own role. In Su Chen's view, as long as everyone can play their own role, then they can actually achieve something. Unexpected effect.

It’s not that five people with the strongest positions can become the strongest team together. It should be that five people who are all suitable for each other can become the strongest team. This is what Su Chen believes. .

Going back to the line, in fact, the captain is already in a very uncomfortable situation. After all, Su Chen’s crocodile has already replenished the equipment after getting two heads. In fact, the online suppressing power for the captain is now sufficient. Slowly manifested.

If Su Chen’s crocodile and the captain were still in a 50-50 situation before, but after this wave of level six, Su Chen’s crocodile went home to replenish the equipment and then returned to the line, then for a captain For the lane, it's a ten-zero position.

It's ten open, and there is no feeling left at all, unless Su Chen's crocodile will make a lot of mistakes and the captain will occupy a lot of advantages in the exchange of blood, otherwise Su Chen will not encounter the captain's single kill online.

Even the captain now has to be cautious about Su Chen's crocodile, to avoid Su Chen's crocodile from being too aggressive, and forcibly killing his captain.

However, despite Su Chen's huge advantage, he still did not choose to make a card line after he returned to the line. After all, for Su Chen, he also needs to ensure the development of his crocodile. After all, the crocodile is a hero. It is very economical.

(Li Zhao’s) And Su Chen’s game is destined to provoke the backbone of the EDG team in the mid-term to take over the rhythm of the game in the mid-term, so for Su Chen, the current economy is of course for him. There is something more important than anything less.

As far as the captain is concerned, as long as Su Chen's crocodile doesn't get stuck, it is still an acceptable fact for him.

After all, a hero like the captain, as long as the opponent doesn’t get stuck in your line, then you can still develop slowly and comfortably, but this is in a professional game, if you do have enough time for you in the general duel. To develop

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