Chapter 123 is not moving like a mountain!!

Barrage: “Nima, Mouse! ”

“Bad, bad, bad, Qinggangying, this hero is fat, and there is no solution.”

“Stop showing!”

“The water dragon dropped.”

“The director of the factory is also sick, can Qinggangying’s blood bar be believed?”

“This game is really wrong, I dressed too fast on the road.”

“I’m going to be pierced by this blue steel shadow.”

“Ah Kuang, what are you doing, Ah Kuang.”

The nickname of mouse Ah Kuang was S6 when it was born, and it was a black name at first.

At that time, there was a small editor who boasted that the mouse was the light of the list, and it was ridiculed…

Luo Xuyan updated the attack speed shoes early, and it was the time to point the tower.

But SCORE was patrolling near the lower road during this time.

Luo Xuyan glanced at the prince who opened his eyes and opened his eyes.

The prince has been putting pressure on himself to suppress the HP of the Deft Defense Tower forward.

This score is also an old fighter, the old captain of KT, who used to be in KT when Rookie was still in KT.

During this period, the first little dragon was also controlled by the prince.

Smiling explained the situation in the field, looking distressed.

The female policeman has suppressed about fifteen knives of cold ice, which is a great advantage in the line.

The opposite line of this game is undoubtedly that Luo Xuyan and Meiko won, but the advantage accumulated little by little is still slow.

Now the problem is that the road collapses too quickly, and if the policewoman wants to break the game, she has to push the rhythm of the tower, and the equipment directly crushes the cold ice.

The female police tower system is also a very classic tactical idea of LPL.

Step 1: The female police officer uses the online advantage to consume the opponent’s defense tower HP.

Step 2: Teammates come to help, and the policewoman takes a blood tower money.

Step 3: Huddle and turn in, bulldoze the other two roads and one tower.

Subsequently, using the push tower economy, the equipment of female police officers can be formed in advance.

The better the equipment, the faster the money, the snowball rolls and flies, and it directly explodes when playing in a group…

Score stared at the policewoman, and he was now sending himself to stay under the next tower of KT to help guard the tower.

This game SMEB played a huge advantage, which is typical of other ways to stabilize and do not send to win.

The score showed no flaws.

But near the eighth minute, EDG managed to play a predetermined formation build.

Mouse: “I have a big move. ”

Scout moved in the middle of the river on the lower road, and the big move wall mantle extended and grabbed, and the rock sparrow robe fluttered.

Iwaku: “I’ll do it!” ”

The big move wall mantle of the rock sparrow will appear on the road that the wall mantle is about to pass.

Deft judges the situation, and the ice move stuns the rock sparrow that has just flown out of the thick wall on the left…

Meiko: “I’m open!” ”

It was as fast as the wind, and a bright yellow pale shadow flew to the side of the rock sparrow, which was Luo’s E skill.

Mata Nami found the right moment and turned around ten blue wave cages to cover the overlapping positions of Law and Iwaku.

As a result, Meiko’s hand speed flew into the clouds, and the clouds flowed.

Luo was already at six by this time, and Meiko used the R flash W combo.

Luo’s movements were so fast that the Bibo cage only fell behind him!

Luo Xuyan: “All kill.” ”

Luo Yueta seductively pulled his position, and then hit the two people of Hanbing Kanami.

The smile explained his eyes brightened: “W lift two, meiko opens beautifully!” ”

Luo’s set of group opening combos was once very incomprehensible in the professional arena, and Luo, who had flashes and R, almost couldn’t open as long as he wanted to start a group!

Luo single-handedly punched the control chain for more than two seconds, and Scout changed his hand and carried Nami Hanbing back together.

Nami ate Luo Xuyan’s clamp control again, and was directly killed by a shot.

EDG Picheng policewoman kills KT Nami!

Shen fell beside Luo, and the deft remnant blood double move was pulled away, and was caught up by the mouse Shen E skill.

EDG Kill KT Ice Shooter!

Luo’s second E flew back to the policewoman, and the perfect combo moved.

This wave of EDG’s four-pack two-action came extremely quickly.

After judging the number of EDG participants, SCORE played calmly and directly gave up participating in this wave of team battles.

After the package was successful, Michael Doll suddenly felt a little relieved.

Michael: “If there is a rock sparrow and there is caution, EDG should play like this, just play more and fight less.” ”

Doll: “I can play and I can play, really, Luo Shen has a head to say.” ”

Old AD smiled and began to help settle the account: “This one-blood tower will be very profitable if you can get it, and you can just take out the endless loose pieces when you go back, it will be very comfortable.” ”

On the next road, EDG four Qing soldiers pushed the tower, ready to take a blood tower money.

On the road, smeb was clearing troops with Tiamat, and after approaching the defense tower, he kicked A to Q to trigger the glare.

However, the factory director’s wave was already prepared, and after hitting the stone man, the E skill flew under the previous tower.

The director gave the on-road shot, and Michael couldn’t help but clench his fists when he saw this scene.

The director really uses his brain to play games, this wave of EDG will be wasted if he goes to five packs and two, and the director stays on the road to help guard the blood tower.

SMEB wants to fight a blood tower, no way!

Barrage: “The consciousness of the director!” ”


But SMEB’s actions were much bolder than expected.

Smeb noticed the shadow under his feet, went around the shadow range, and instead gave Zach a kick to the ground to receive real damage Q.

Tiamat canceled the general attack and swung back, and accelerated out of the tower after another A kick.

The director of the factory wants to use the Q skill to punch Qinggang Ying.

smeb turned W to catch the flying E combo, used the E skill hook to open the distance, and turned around to hit the tactical sweep of the outside damage.


This wave of combos knows the essence of Qinggang Shadow pulling.

Zach failed to do any damage, and he was first knocked out of half blood.

Under this tower… It’s also not safe.

Commentator Xi, smile to see this scene and lower his forehead, this green steel shadow is too fat

On the other side, KT old captain score also has to guard the road a blood tower.

And it was much easier for the prince to do this, only to see that the score suddenly flashed R seconds to pick up EQ and leave, risking to clean up a wave of small soldiers.

Score noticed a clip lying right behind his R, and was also scared into a cold sweat.

The prince just flashed R Luo, and the position of R landing was slightly off, so that there was no clip in the second.

Meiko: “Gee. ”

Meiko also used it for his grand debut just now, but the prince’s EQ move was one line faster than Luo W’s front swing.

The doll hurriedly said: “Wow this score, use a big move to clear the line, if you want to push the tower on the next road, you have to wait for another wave of lines!” ”

Both sides grabbed a blood tower money to grab it and were taking risks, and the net share was a matter of seconds.

The middle Pawn vampire is still mending the knife without missing a knife, as if everything has nothing to do with him.

The vampire mending knife now has five more knives than the rock sparrow…

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