Chapter 135 Summer Tournament Wins!!

【Turn on shaft rotation mode】

A few days after going back, on July 18, Kaiyin went online.

Kaiyin is a hero who has always been cold in the arena, but Ning and Kanavi love to use it.

Ning also did not hesitate to use Kaiyin in the regular season, and one hit and three counter-kills and left, beating LGD miserably.

IG’s summer tournament this year has a good momentum, full of potential, theshy from time to time a few hands will be made into gifs of unique skills…

In August, with the approach of the S7 version, the fist will weaken the MSI champion team.

Luo Xuyan took a sip of orange juice when he saw the 7.16 version update announcement of the playoffs.

This version removes changes such as the historical female police officer Q damage and the large tree sapling sapling damage.

The fist also additionally weakens the Big Mouth W Duration, the Verus Q Skill CD, and the HP of the Slag Fighting Wild Knife.

There are no such knives in history.

At the same time, the fist is finally not loaded. The only true god of S7 is out of the sheath.

Blazing incense burner.

Starting with version 7.12, this equipment has truly become hot and hot.

Just give your teammates a shield.

Attack speed, life theft, extra damage… What do you want.

These buffs are not fixed, and can be increased with the level, from level one to eighteen.

Invincible incense burner, the sooner it comes out, the stronger.

The properties of the incense burner itself have gone against the sky.

In comparison, this version of Assassin equipment is very cost-effective, and Assassin Heroes do not have a good time.

The living space of the auxiliary is also perfect, and the incense burner monster auxiliary becomes the version of the true god.

There was also an episode during this period.

The A monster is famous in Hanbok, and the young man understands the incense burner version.

Everyone was surprised to find that the high section had already reached the point where the ADC salary pretended to go out, and let the assistant mend the knife first, so as to make the incense burner as quickly as possible.

An unprecedented situation…

“Assist with a shield, thank you, wish.”

“Don’t Panson! It’s an aid that gives me a shield! It’s not you yourself with a shield. ”

“Upgrade your salary first, can’t you install an incense burner? Auxiliaries will not play. ”

“Don’t buy eyes, I’ll buy eyes, you just get out of the incense burner!”

This version of this kind of dialogue is often seen in rankings.

And the summer game in the LPL arena.

EDG won the second half of the regular season and qualified first in Group A.

EDG advanced to the final after beating IG 3-1 in the playoff stage.

In this bo5 of IG, the mouse-level crocodile was killed by the big bug of theshy-level E, and the person was directly red and warm.

So in the first game, a big bug like a prehistoric monster inexplicably appeared, Luo Xuyan’s small cannon burst the road, and in the middle of the game, he could only scrape the big bug.

The most against the sky is still a wave of big worms, open gargoyles, plate armor, take up big admissions, and grab the big dragon.

EDG had already knocked the situation back, but was suffocated by this mouthful, and finally failed to turn the game around.

In the second game, Koro1 was carried back, and the crocodile hit Prince Theshy.

The classic cooperation of the crocodile pig girl appeared, one control after another, and Theshy was clearly arranged by the factory director.

At this time, the IG tactical reserve is obviously not good, plus the next road is educated by the front and backhand, after losing a game, it can’t hold on, and is let one chase three to finish.

Koro1 gave Theshy a high opinion in the post-match interview, muttering: “In this meeting, I really didn’t beat him alone. ”

On the other hand, RNG defeated WE 3-2, and the plane turned over successfully with 90,000 damage in the tiebreaker.

Sunset and sunrise, time flies quickly. The summer finals are held on September 1st.

Imperial capital, Cadillac Center venue.

In this final, the number of high-energy clips in four rounds is staggering.

There is a factory director Pig Sister second level grabbed and hit Uzi cold ice;

There is also a famous scene of MLXG, SCOUT was hit by a wine barrel when he walked on the middle road, was hit by a wine barrel when he went to the road to close the line, and brush was also hit by a wine barrel;

meiko bullhead residual blood big move WQ dodged the cold ice, obtained the colossus courage shield, and the bullhead residual blood punched and knocked out the incense burner monster;

scout is also very C, in the third game, the demon Ji shifts, W steps on the minions plus chains the prince, and Central Asia dodges EQ;

Demon Ji Central Asia ended, got up Q soldier to receive the second stage W to receive the science and technology gun, after the Q skill detonated, the malicious demon seal madly ejected and crippled the prince, and the demon Ji cleared the line at the same time the technology gun took the initiative to make up for the prince who was three levels behind.

S7 Limited Edition Demon Ji, the skill set is perfect, and there are a few assassins who can still appear.

Xiaohu’s clockwork followed the plane, and Scout responded with Lucian’s trick and fought vigorously.

However, the highest energy of the game was in the fourth game.

Luo Xuyan Wayne against UZI Tucci.

This wave of highland battles on both sides is simply jaw-dropping.

Uzi Tucci drove directly from a distance, and the attack distance was extended to 850 yards, wanting to directly cripple EDG’s formation defending the lower heights.

As a result, a Wayne stunned four and cut into the battlefield, and Tucci’s continuous attacks only followed behind Wayne’s back.

In Tucci’s maniacal laughter, the green arrows that were avoided could only stir up the air.

Guan Zeyuan of the commentary seat looked dumbfounded like a wooden chicken: “Hide, hide A!?” Luo Shen moved to hide and level A! ”

What a dumbfounded.

Remember shouting hard: “After the rat opens R, his general attack can be avoided, but my God!” Little Brother Luo really dares to show ah, and starts killing! ”

It is indeed possible to hide, and the general attack distance after the mouse opens R is greatly improved, but the nature of the general attack will also be changed to use a du arrow with a penetrating effect.

Before being hit by a mouse crossbow arrow, move enough distance to the flank that the general attack after the mouse opens R can also be avoided!!!

The difficulty of such a show is also amazing.

A green crossbow arrow piercing the air, stepping on the phantom-like Wayne.

The visual impact of this wave of team battles is full.

Wayne, who escaped the first round of the rat outbreak, the RNG can no longer handle it, and the letme barrel and the bull’s head in the front row are lying in seconds.

RNG2.4 The fourth game was a painful loss and was overturned, and finally failed to play a tiebreaker.

2017 Summer Finals.

EDG won 3-1.

Iron fans remember: “Too strong, too strong Luo Shen!” ”

Rita gently opened her mouth: “What an exaggeration!” Little Brother Luo! It’s really unprecedented, it’s so showy, it’s awesome! ”

Guan Zeyuan: “… Congratulations to EDG again for winning the sixth LPL championship trophy in team history, and also becoming the No. 1 seed in the 2017 League of Legends World Finals, LPL Division! ”

Remember nodded and said: “Yes, at the same time, RNG has also obtained enough points to play S7 as the second seed in this LPL division.” ”

Guan Zeyuan rubbed his hands: “I’m already looking forward to S7.” ”

The summer decision on the LCK side is about a week earlier, the bubbling race is also earlier, and the USSG has already got the first king ticket…

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