Chapter 138 Champion Skin Sales!!

PS: Generally, the group draw ceremony of the S stage group stage is held before the start of the qualifying round.

Each group first determines three teams, and then when the play-in is completed, the four teams that qualify will be divided into four groups.

But if you write it, simply determine the grouping in one breath before the group stage, so that it should look and feel smoother.


September 23, 2017.

S7 qualifying round start day.

Today’s anti-bar hot post, everyone ended the fried post bar session and began to discuss the competition.

“Report! FNC was beheaded by YG! ”

“Look again and report again!”

“Die of laughter, FNC is here this year.”

“SSG: This play-in is a bit of a dimensionality reduction blow.”

“RPG is okay to play this carefully, the LJL division understands ninjas.”

“My super, brothers, internal news, this time EDG skin cow big hair general champion skin sales time is about a month and a half.”

EDG’s champion skin came online a little late this time, and finally ended sales in September.

And EDG this summer can be described as high-energy, from MSI to summer finals, all are the highlights, to a certain extent, but also make the champion skin more popular…

This year’s champion skin sales are amazing, basically since the day of the sale has been 170.

And the final sales of EDG champion skins this year directly shocked the fist staff.

At the EDG base, Luo Xuyan was also a little surprised when he saw the sales report and share details of the champion skin.

Even the EZ and women’s guns with relatively low sales among EDG’s six champion skins have easily exceeded one million sales…

For the approximate sales of champion skins, Luo Xuyan has some understanding.

Historically, the sales of S8IG champion skins are in the millions, and the subsequent FPX and EDG skin sales are lower.

And this year’s sales of EDG champion skins stand out as scary. Centaur, Sindra, and Nar’s skin sales are close to two million.

Sales of Champion Jinx… It is as high as more than five million.

According to the contract signed after winning the S Game, for every championship skin sold, the player who owns the skin will receive a share of the share.

I have to say that this is really a lot of income.

At lunch that day, Boss Edzhu smiled and said, “Does Brother Luo want to take a stake in EDG as a shareholder?” I can give you some shares, not too much, but definitely a lot! ”

Luo Xuyan thought for a moment, and then smiled with relief: “I have received my wishes, wait for me to retire.” ”

Edzhu is also a human spirit, and he will instantly realize it after being stunned.

If Luo Xuyan gets EDG shares, do the other team members want to take it? The S7 war is imminent, and the impact will be too great in case of disagreement.

The matter of giving shares is a little later.

Edzhu was eating, the more he looked at Luo Xuyan, the more he felt an unfathomable feeling After lunch, Boss Edzhu couldn’t help but sigh: “The creation of EDG relies on Mingkai, and it is Xiao Luo who brings EDG to the top position in the world.” ”

The team members and staff who were also eating in the cafeteria all nodded in approval.

Luo Xuyan was putting his dinner plate in the place where he was tidying up, and when he heard Edzhu’s words, he smiled.

It’s always a good word.

In addition, the home game is really good, you can eat what you usually eat, and you don’t have to reverse the jet lag, and I feel that I can maintain my condition seamlessly to the world competition.

The matter of champion skin sales is an episode, and everyone is preparing for the S7 almost all the time these days, and there is no time to count the money.

On September 29, the S7 qualifying stage ended.

Final results of the Finalists:

The four teams of SSG, C9, FNC, FB rushed into the group stage and reached the round of sixteen…

It was also on this day that the provincial capital sports center venue.

Dressed in a suit and leather shoes, ICON stepped onto the platform and appeared in front of the draw table, bowed slightly and stood up straight.

The hair is permed in a thick hairstyle.

Hallucinogenic: “The Icon is here. ”

Hao Kai: “Now it’s up to Leng Shao’s temper.” ”

Today’s live broadcast of Hao Kai and Hallucinogenius is also constantly analyzing possible situations, but what they say is messy, and everyone is basically not listening.

Everyone’s eyes locked on Icon’s hand, and the first draw ball he took out in his hand.

There are a number of restrictions on the group draw for the S rounds.

Teams from the same division will not be grouped.

And there is also a principle of avoidance between seeds No. 1.

This year, the No. 1 seed in the four divisions of LPL, LCK, EU and LMS, will not be placed in the same group in advance.

The reason is that the Spring Championship of these four divisions won the semifinalist position in MSI, which is defaulted to the more advanced division.

And accompanied by the draw of the icon.

The EDG, G2, LZ, and FW teams were divided into four groups of ABCD

In the backstage EDG lounge, Luo Xuyan and his teammates were watching the draw ceremony.

Meiko on the side was inexplicably excited today, and every time Group A updated an opponent, Meiko had to get up and shout ten times.

“Another one, it’s C9! Ha! Sneaky, it’s you again! ”

The director of the plant suddenly came to a commotion: “Doesn’t this give us an LCK strong team to fight a dozen?” Upper difficulty. ”

The director did not say anything, and ICON drew the third team of Group A.

The label on icon’s hand turned to be the SKT red and yellow badge shaped team logo.

The audience immediately exclaimed, last year’s S6 champion and runner-up met in the group stage this time!

And EDG crowds in the lounge.

First silent, then confident, then a little empty, and finally they all hugged their arms, because if you think about it, it seems to be not empty.

Only the director was speechless for a whole minute.

Mr. Ming, all the encounters in this world are reunions after a long absence.

The grouping of each group proceeded quickly:

Group A: EDG, SKT, AHQ, C9; The situation of the other groups of S7 is also gradually determined: group B: G2, RNG, IMT, FB; Group C: LZ, WE, TSM, FNC; Group D: FW, GAM, MSF, SSG.

The final draw ball was confirmed and the S7 grouping ceremony ended.

Luo Xuyan didn’t even have to seriously study the grouping.

Wait five minutes and go to the major esports communities to see, the old buddy has completed a comprehensive analysis of the S7 group stage.

It’s so worry-free…

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