Chapter 156: The Prince of MLXG, Gario of Faker!!

In this afternoon’s episode, Guan Zeyuan sent a congratulatory SSG Weibo, which was smashed by WE fans.

It should be washed, after all, he is Ipl’s commentary, but Guan Zeyuan has an iron fan posture that will not change when he dies.

Although SSG won WE, to be honest, the team’s current presence is still not that high.

It can be said that it is still the lowest of all the remaining teams.

This team has been like this in history, until the final swept SKT 3-0, many people suddenly realized that SSG was so strong.

Although many people say that SSG is just a version team.

But this is actually nonsense, strictly speaking, every strong team is a version team, and you can’t beat and shout that the opposite side is a version team.

Today, there is an interview on Twitter that is very popular and was reposted on Weibo, where several CK commentators analyzed the next situation in S7 after the game.

Ick’s ability to analyze the game is quite strong, at least the audience 05 will sound, eh, quite reasonable.

Occasionally listening to Ick’s commentary blow the 1PL contestants, it feels quite good, so the cooked meat version of this interview is also very popular on Weibo.

LCK commentator CT, a former professional player, who previously finished second in the S2 S race with Madlife.

CT: “Today is also a day of panic battles, finally blocking one of the three vehicles of the LPL.” ”

Kim Dong-joon, who is also a five-year veteran, replied: “I feel the home of Ipl, and the Ipl players are also playing beautifully, and tomorrow SKT will be a long alarm bell.” ”

CT: “The biggest opponent is EDG, and Rainstorm was the first to give me the idea of, ah, how can I beat him!” P player. ”

Kim Dong-joon: “Ah, rainstorm, yes, it’s like a mountain, not only can you use a variety of strategic characters, but also a strong version of heroes.” ”

CT: “Actually, EDG could have been brought with the phrase that they had played well, but this year EDG must mention that they have almost all been sublimated. ”

Kim Dong-joon agreed: “EDG’s reputation on the road is also rising sharply, and Marin and Duke have suffered losses on his hands before, and they are simply single killers on SKT.” ”

CT: “In short, EDG is too many powerful points! But they also have a little bit of unease. ”

Kim Dong-joon: “Oh? Then I’ll listen to it. ”

ct: “I personally feel that meiko this point, meiko this. ”

A player is good, but he doesn’t meet the auxiliary requirements of this version.

Kim Dong-joon: “Actually, my evaluation of Meiko has improved a lot. ”

CT: “It’s even a little bit up to a height he doesn’t match, and from some points of view he’s playing well, but a lot of it goes with the trend, and I think EDG is extremely powerful now, but there are variables in SSG that rides on the version of the tailwind.” ”

The two Ick explanations are quite reasonable.

Ct can see clearly that he already sees SSG as the only team that has only a chance to beat EDG, although he does not explicitly say so.


October 22nd.

RNG vs. SKT battle.

The MLXG prince was caught in the second class, and before the Blanks could react, Huni was arrested.

The first round rng won quickly.

The last wave of Bang protected by the layers of shields of the group SKT was held down by the Xiaohu grasshopper, and Uzi Tuqi opened R three times to die.

The mouse opened R in the late stage, it only took three seconds for A to come out, and the SKT battle was directly gone, and it was useless for Faker to mock to four.

When the second game came, the BP interface lit up, and Luo Xuyan picked ten hairs.

Sure enough, SKT released Luo Xia this game.

In fact, in history, SKT was gambling at this time, if RNG really took Luo Xia out and played the effect, then SKT would almost certainly lose two games in a row

The red side of the rng easily selected Luo with the first hand, and then groaned for a long time in the second hand.

At the last moment, Kasumi was still locked.

Guan Zeyuan: “Luo Xia is out!” What is skt thinking! ”

Su Xiaoyan: “Luo Xia, who has a 100% winning rate so far, should be said to be second only to skateboard shoes without solution.” ”

Uzi pinched his fingers at this time, and Brother Feng was next to Uzi and had been communicating with Uzi.

Uzi dares to take Xia this time, which is actually part of the butterfly effect.

When Kasumi, the hero, first came out, he appeared very few times in the 1PL division, and many times Luo’s priority was much higher than Kasumi’s.

At that time, 1PL generally felt that Kasumi was short, the online ability was average, and the output of team battles was not explosive enough.

But Luo Xuyan directly reversed this trend when he debuted in the LPL spring tournament this year.

Since Rainstorm a wave of towers under QAE flash kill rng

Three years later, it completely shocked the audience, and the appearance rate of Kasumi, the hero in 1P, increased sharply

In this situation of being hammered by the opposite Xia, Uzi practiced Xia earlier than in history.

In fact, Uzi is trained to be able to use it quite well in 18 years.

So this time, after hesitating for a while, although it was still not as skilled as a mouse, R567ng still locked Luo Xia.

With Luo Xia’s amazing edge, the second game RNG won again.

In the G Market Hall, the cheers of the audience at this time were extremely high, and the camera could see that Shan Huni on the SKT stood up and slowly held the table.

Only Faker, his face has not changed much from the first game to this time, still pursing his lips, unable to see his mood.

In the third game, SK snatched Gary Oh.

The Faker of this bureau changed the situation with a terrifying speed of support, and the third-level Gario caught the four on foot and shocked the four, and collapsed Letme’s Nar

When playing in the group, Captain Huni hit the soles of Uzi Tucci’s feet with a thunderfire, Uzi’s movement speed was suddenly reduced by half, blood disappeared and could not be output, Gario W dodged to the mouse, and skt pulled back a round.

In the fourth game, Faker was still flying, and Bang’s state also warmed up, with three tank strong men surrounding Bang’s big mouth, and Uzi mice looking for a long time on the flank without an output position.

The mouse stealth time is over, the highland front bang big mouth gets Lulu W to accelerate, chase and kill the mouse backpoint, and replicate the classic to defeat RNG.

So the BGM of the fifth inning still sounded in the central venue of G City.

mlxg has already had four C, and the same blackface expression as the faker with the same four C…

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