Luo Xuyan said directly: “Okay, the next game will be handed over to me.” ”

As soon as the words fell, Luo Xuyan at this time felt the gaze surrounding the lounge.

Although Abu said that he would give the choice to Luo Xuyan, he himself was the most surprised.

Abu is an old fritrro who knows how to save his life, and if Deft gets pitted, there will definitely be fans who scold the management for why they don’t try to replace AD.

Last year’s S5’s IG was like this, playing the group stage until there was no chance to qualify before changing to substitute AD, and the coaching staff was sprayed out.

Moreover, Luo Xuyan is handsome, the topic has not been low, and the rank score has always been very high, and Boss Zhu will definitely come to ask questions at that time.

Therefore, Abu was ready to simply let Luo Xuyan refuse himself, so that the pot could not be thrown on him.

But, politely and politely, I didn’t expect you to really agree?

You know, although Deft has been in a bit unstable lately, he has been EDG’s thigh for a whole year.

What’s more, DEFT is also a first-line level ADC, and you are a substitute, and you don’t play many training matches, what use can it come in handy at this time?

Abu stared at Luo Xuyan, as if he wanted to remind Luo Xuyan with his eyes to retreat in the face of difficulties.

Luo Xuyan ignored his eyes.

This opportunity is rare, and this S Tournament may even have such a chance to play once.


Mao Kai, a data analyst at EDG, frowned on the side, flipped through the small book in his hand, and looked at Luo Xuyan’s hero pool.

The director looked worried, and the corner of Meiko’s mouth smiled, and Koro1 in the corner raised his head slightly.

Scout looked at Luo Xuyan fixedly, while Deft sat on the sofa and hugged his arms.

After thinking about it again and again, Mao Kai finally said: “No problem, I am confident that Xiao Luo will play in the next game.” ”

In this S6 group stage, deft did not show strong performance in the LPL at all, and he also made a lot of mistakes in the first round when EDG lost to intz.

Therefore, after the first round, Luo Xuyan also had the opportunity to play training matches, and his current performance in training matches is also very good.

Now it is indeed possible to let Luo Xuyan try it.

Seeing that Mao Kai agreed, Abu thought for a while, gritting his teeth as if he had made the most important decision.

“Okay! I remember that your Jinx played well, and playing AHQ can also be used to grab the ban! ”


Luo Xuyan’s eyes lit up, and the opportunity had arrived!

And at the same time as he qualified for the next game, in Luo Xuyan’s mind, a voice suddenly sounded!

“The host has successfully qualified for the League of Legends S6 World Championship!!”

“Congratulations to the Host Fusion Infinite Talent System for its success!”

“The host has currently unlocked the first day gift: “Sniper”; ”

“Day 1 Assigned Current Level: 1;”

“Sniper Talent Effect: When the host attacks enemies at a distance, dynamic vision and instant reaction power increase by 30%;”


Luo Xuyan was shocked, it was the system!

[Sniper, this talent is taken literally, and I have to choose a long hand to fight a short hand. ] 】


Soon, EDG was named in the starting list for Game 3 of the second round of the group stage, and the second match against Team AHQ was about to begin.

On the way to the seats in the players’ seats, Mao Kai also emphasized tactics next to the director.

Luo Xuyan looked at the side, according to memory, Meiko, who was the same age, had a good relationship with himself.

Meiko was also full of confidence in the next round, and he also touched Luo Xuyan with his arm and said:

“Brother, don’t be nervous, the opposite side is easy to fight, you can just play as a training match.”

Luo Xuyan smiled.


Luo Xuyan recalled a little about the battle between EDG and AHQ in history.

This game is simply AHQ explosive play, EDG almost collapsed in the early stage, and won by the vampire blood C of the single pawn.

And right now, Pawn is recovering from illness, and the biggest CARRY point in EDG at that time is not in the next game, and it is really difficult to say whether it is a loss or a win.


LPL’s commentary table is nearby, and in the corridor, Luo Xuyan can also hear the voices of Guan Zeyuan, Hallucinogenic and Longhair.

Guan Zeyuan: “…. Here it came, my side also received a notice from the director, the next game will be the young player Xu Yan to take the position of EDG’s starting AD, wow, it’s really a very courageous choice. ”

Hallucinogenic is quite optimistic about EDG’s substitution: “At this time, I believe EDG also has its own considerations.” ”

Longhair said: “Maybe to prevent AHQ from learning H2K to start targeting the next road? So a new person for a different style of play? ”

Guan Zeyuan shook his head: “But deft has always been a very important core of EDG in our impression, at this time, changing to a newcomer, or such an important life and death situation, can it really bear it?” ”

Hallucinogenic: “Now I can only cheer EDG, come, you can see that the EDG players have entered, come on, this is a life and death game must not lose!” ”

Luo Xuyan slowly sat in his place and shook the mouse.

The own keyboard is the model that he is used to, the VA68 model of Amilo.

Luo Xuyan shook the mouse, which is also familiar and feels good.

With a smile, it seems that there is no need for time to adapt to peripherals.

Even the mouse pad is a panorama of the protagonist group in the comic full-time hunter when they enter the island of greed, which is Luo Xuyan’s favorite comic over the years.

BP’s BGM rings and the BP interface lights up.

Look at the interface with only three bans.

Luo Xuyan smiled slightly, quite a feeling of nostalgia.

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