October 15, 16:00;

SSG vs. ANX;

SSG won the game 3-0.

Although the opponent was also 3-0, An’s technique was obviously much lighter and he played very steadily.

On the contrary, it is the auxiliary CoreJJ who has the heaviest hand, and the auxiliary Jela directly hit two and is quite violent.

Basically, ANX doesn’t have to fight when it hits, but it can also hit a lot of kills.

After this reading, when I returned to the hotel, the dinner meal had already passed, causing EDG to order takeaway.

In the evening, I played three training matches with Snake, and the director of the factory was still customizing practice brushing the field after the training match.

It is not very convenient to turn on customization, but the training mode will wait until S7.

Grasshoppers are actually very skillful, veterans have no injuries, and novice wild monsters can’t beat them.

That’s right, Luo Xuyan stole a hand of grasshopper wilderness for the factory director, which was used by snake wilderness sofm during this year’s bubble race.

The director tried anyway after hesitation.


koro1: “Give.” ”

Luo Xuyan raised his hand and caught the orange thrown by Koro1.

Luo Xuyan: “Thank you.” ”

Mao Kai behind everyone exhaled, closed the book marked with the EDG team, and said: “Hard work, everyone rest early, tomorrow will be the game.” ”

scout: “Tomorrow? ”

Meiko looked at the lower right corner of the computer: “It’s past twelve.” ”

Scout also glanced at the time: “So fast.” ”


When I woke up, it was a high-profile game.

by LPL number two seed RNG, against LCK top seed ROX;

This game is remembered, Su Xiaoyan and the specially invited white crescent moon piece of commentary.

In the venue, the RNG and ROX matches soon began.

In the first and second games, ROX won first, and then the official also released a pre-match recorded interview.

In front of the camera, Smeb said with a cold look that he will dominate all of this year’s S6’s upper orders, and he will do just that, and looper is no exception.

In comparison, this year’s loopers appear to be less aggressive, just laughing in response to the RNG is in good shape right now, as long as they play their own rhythm, any opponent has a chance to beat.


In the third game, Olaf of MLXG made a perfect start, very thoughtful, and the first level rushed to catch Pray and Gorella, who wanted to play an ambush in advance.

MLXG has a lot of room to play in this version, and Olaf blind monk leopard girl he is good at.

It’s just that his style of play is a high-risk and high-yield type.

In S6, there was no field experience compensation online, mlxg frequently launched gank, once against a strong enemy who can stabilize the position, then it is difficult to make up for his early lagging experience.

MLXG is a bit biased in the other direction of the scale, preferring to do things online rather than brushing wild.

Choose a prince level two to catch the road and catch the road, choose an Olaf level to start grasping.

This is evident in the S6, but there are also many mistakes because of this, such as mlxg, which has been looking at the line when playing blue buff, and missed a small mistake that caused the key gank it caught to not upgrade.

By the way, S6 has two small bodyguards in the red and blue buffs, and the two small ones provide a high level of experience.

The version that belongs to mlxg is still in next year’s S7, when the wild experience compensation mechanism was really played by him.


In the third game, RNG had a huge advantage in the early stage, and Rolling Balls finally won a game.

But by the fourth game, SMEB Jianji led the way to the single, reaching level sixteen in only twenty-one minutes.

RNG all lines are forced to defend, little peanut Peanut squatted on the road for a wave of success, and the sky fat leopard girl all the way to an 8-1-2 record.

Twenty-four minutes later, mlxg’s blind monk does the big dragon to go to the field of vision, and is controlled by Gorilla Jela from the blind vision E skill.

Kuro Rez decisively connected Q to flash EWQ, and Peanut killed the blind monk.

ROX starts the dragon, smeb is demolishing the heights, and the RNG can only return to the city to defend.

The big dragon fell, Peanut ambushed the bid in the high ground, and the second standard repelled the xiaohu tsar, and the RNG was broken in two ways.

MLXG’s last roundhouse kick kicks back to the leopard girl, but Kenji continues to single belt has already pierced the RNG all the way.

Unable to return to the sky, when he shattered the base crystal, SMEB’s Sword Ji was already level eighteen.

The final score was 3-1;

The game is over….

I remember my throat was dry: “It’s a wave, I’m very reluctant to say this, but… ROX beat RNG three to one. ”

Su Xiaoyan shook her head: “If the fourth game can get a good wandering hero for Xiaohu, maybe… Alas. ”

Bsyy also frowned: “SMEB’s competitive state is too good, very confident, too difficult to handle, and MLXG’s playing style is too double-edged, catch that wave and don’t play, the whole game is gone.” ”

Remember: “I think this competition really reflects the intensity of the LCK team now, and their number one seed is really a very scary and scary opponent.” ”

The three of them nodded each, and the narration table was silent for a while.

Remember to break the silence: “There is only one EDG left in the LPL team, it’s up to them now…”

Bsyy: “This version of our LPL performance is not very good, EDG should also be especially careful about the impact of C9, otherwise it may not be able to play.” ”

Bsyy is not a professional commentator after all, this year he brought OMG as a coach, which belongs to the ability to keep the class….

But instead, he will be more direct.

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