The scorpion is right under Qian Jue’s nose, but this is also relative, and Qian Jue himself can’t come at this time.

The next pure two-on-two, Gorilla was directly killed!

Smile and explain: “Line kill!” This wave of Jinx and the female gun are very detailed! ”

Sika explained: “Jinx flew directly! ”

Smile: “You don’t think you can crush Brother Luo!” Come straight up and give you a punch! Unexpectedly, Lao Tzu is not bragging, he can really beat you! ”

Jinx: “I did it unexpectedly!” ”

Jinx was passively triggered, the wind was blowing under his feet, and the fish bones were bombarded hot.

Jinx in the state of “guilty pleasure”, the movement speed and attack speed are double-increased.

pray didn’t move fast enough to pull anymore, and realized that A was no more than Jinx.

The policewoman fled back to the tower under the shelling.

Pray struggled to catch his breath, underestimating EDG’s way down.

Just a flaw in Jela’s front pressure was directly swept up for a second.

But this wave is still good after all, EDG has all four summoner skills on the road, leaving Peanut with a lot of room to play.

High emotional intelligence: There is a lot of room for playing wilderness.

Low EQ: What about playing wild? Come quickly, save it!


Luo Xuyan: “Come to the wild area.” ”

Director: “Can kill can kill.” ”

There is an advantage online, and it is comfortable to play in the field, and it is the same for both sides.

The reason why this wave of ROX has to be pressed is actually to cover Peanut’s anti-field operation, so that EDG cannot pass.

And the death of Jiela in the lower road is equivalent to saying that Luo Xuyan also freed his hand!

Halfway through the anti-blue counter, Peanu immediately faced the clip of the Jinx women’s gun.

ROX, which is generally considered to have a greater chance of winning, was beaten a little chaotically by EDG at first.


Peanut’s expression was calm, but he couldn’t retreat this wave, and he didn’t choose to retreat, otherwise his early rhythm would collapse in this game.

Qian Jue directly continued to oppose the blue and fight with the director of the factory to punish!

The damage gap between the previous level punishments is only 20 points, and the main thing is to fight reaction and luck.

Peanut quickly and violently finished the punishment, and the dance of arrows jumped behind the blue buff pit, while the punishment snatched the blue buff.

Scout Ritz greets him, Peanut opens the W Wolf Spirit Mania field in seconds, and shrinks the Q skill CD.

scout is still a second-level only EQ, which was moved to the wall by Peanut with another Q.

Qian Jue flashed over the wall and walked towards the grass on the right side of the middle road, barely escaping.

Luo Xuyan stared at Peanut’s figure and disappeared into the fog of war.

[This year’s little peanut is very strong, hard fight to punish and then hard withdraw, as long as one of the two actions fails, the wild area will explode, he is very confident…].


In the official live broadcast room of the S game LPL, everyone was shocked by the momentum of the first game of EDG:

“It’s too decisive to fight down the road!”

“Give me Brother Luo to get the first drop of blood money, the big one is coming!”

“I feel like Meiko can keep up a little and play much better than in the group stage.”

“It’s a pity! This wave of seconds small peanuts, scorpions easily brushed to six no problem. ”

“scout Level 2 W really killed! Gan! Stop thinking about your overload! ”


After a wave of dreamy beginnings in the early stage, the ensuing action of the factory director to invade the blue zone was strongly countered.

Even more serious than that, the river crab on the road has encountered many obstacles.


Qian Jue’s passive “Seal of Qian Jue”, the effect is that it will brush the mark on some wild monsters in the early stage, and Qian Jue can increase the number of passive layers when it is controlled.

The first seal of Qianjue must be brushed on the river crab, and this game is brushed on the river crab on the road.

On the road, SMEB Kenan easily suppressed Koro1 Bobby, and the director Scorpion had just begun to move the river crab, and a MISS signal came on the road.

The factory director frowned, and under the foot of the scorpion, the transparent aura of the seal of Qianjue suddenly condensed.

Wolf Ling Qianjue: “Run!” If you can do it! ”


Qian Jue passive can also actively mark the opponent’s hero, kill the marked hero after the marking, or participate in the kill, which can increase the passive layer.

Qian Jue marked the scorpion!

The director felt wrong and immediately retreated.

At this time, Peanut had just started his own blue buff.

Kuro, who remained in view of the grass on the left side of the middle road, noticed the scorpion retreating into the red zone.

Grandma Peanut’s eyes narrowed under her gray bangs, her nose snorted, and she chuckled disdainfully.

There is also punishment for this wave of clearlove, and if he rushes up against the blue desperately, Peanut is afraid.

And this retreat is equivalent to being Qian Jue completed the perfect start of the three-buff.


The intensity of the field collision in this game is not a concept at all with the EDG quarterfinals and group stage.

Other times, it doesn’t matter if the director takes a step back.

But many strong opponents, as long as you are forced to give in one step, he has the means to make you take three steps back.

If you want to fight them, you often can’t take a step back!

Peanut controls the blue buff and the river crab on the road, and the view of the river on the road is also occupied by Qian Jue.

What followed was a wave of SMEB and Peanut’s linkage.

Kennan playing Bobby on the road is too good to play, and Koro1 can basically only eat the line pushed over.

As a result, SMEB caught off guard by a wave of raids in the middle five minutes later.

The Dragon King’s star core expanded first, scout went to the left, and a cloud of electric rats flew out from the grass on the left side of the middle road, directly E flashed close to Ruiz.

scout played an EWQ combo, but was still stunned by Kennan’s QW backhand stacking three layers of lightning marks.

Sika’s brows suddenly locked:

“Dead, dead… Alas, it’s so annoying to give this smeb such a catch, originally just a thousand jue, Ruiz is not afraid of them at all! ”

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