EDG vs. ROX-Tigers, third inning.

The BP direction of this game started quite normally.

ROX took the initiative to choose the red side, three bans Jinx, Verus, and policewomen.

EDG is also still the quality triple ban of the Olaf blind monk leopard woman;

EDG grabbed Sindra, ROX locked Jeskarma;

EDG then locks Kenan Scorpion, ROX locks Prince Grasshopper;

EDG locks the Cold Ice Bloon combination.

At this moment, the red square ROX has the last choice on the fifth floor.

“Come on! Blowing it up! ”

As Giggs, wearing black goggles, appeared on the fifth floor of ROL, the audience was in an uproar.

The laughing commentary opened his mouth in surprise:

“Blasting? Locked! ”

The SSG had previously locked Marzaha, and this hand was clearly the Bomberman on the road.

S6 is not a new thing to go down the road, last year S5 had a T0 true god-level iron man on the road, and this year Sindra Victor also appeared occasionally on the road.

By next 17 years, the French nuclear road has even become the mainstream of the arena for a while.


Clearlove’s eyebrows trembled: “Bomberman go down? ”

Luo Xuyan: “The legal core is here.” ”

Meiko: “Shhh Something without the soul of AD! ”

Standing behind his teammates’ seats, Coach Maokai’s brows twisted together.

The other side is obviously aware of the problem of not being able to get the right of route.

In order to compete for the right to the line, this time the opposite side directly chose the mage to go down!


Gorilla, who helped Pray select Giggs, leaned back, and Pray himself pulled on the ROX jersey, and there was an advertisement for a certain tooth live on the black jacket.

Peanut is doing finger dancing to relax his joints, Kuro is breathing deeply, and Smeb is expressionless.


The lineup of the two sides is confirmed:

Blue square EDG on Kennan, Wild Scorpion, Middle Single Sindra, Lower Road Cold Ice Bronn;

Red Square ROX on Shan Jayce, Taiye Prince, Middle Single Marzaha, Lower Road Bomberman Gakarma;

Mao Kai shook hands with Nofe and left.

The Summoner Canyon lit up, and the heroes of both sides rushed out of their respective pools of blood.


The two sides play a wild mirror image to start.

The director started with the help of koro1, and Peanut was also patting the toad with the help of the lower road.

The prince is also unpopular in S6, and his status is similar to that of a heavily cut barrel.

Qingye’s efficiency is too low, it’s good to catch people in the early stage, and if you can’t catch people, it’s easy for the prince himself to collapse.

Peanut didn’t seem in a hurry, pulling in the direction of the blue buff while the toad was played.

After the prince took the position, he raised his hand and put away the toad that almost began to bleed, and the spear woke up the blue buff at the same time, and continued to brush the blue seamlessly.


On the road, SMEB has the advantage of going online early.

Playing experience at the beginning, SMEB pulls EDG on the first wave of troop lines, allowing three melee soldiers and three ranged soldiers to change from vertical to horizontal columns.

In this way, when the line of troops engages, the first melee soldier on the ROX side will be fired, and the line will be pushed towards the ROX side.


Koro1 Kennan goes online, and Smeb crouches into the grass on the left side of the upper road near the EDG side.

Jace opened the game with a card position to consume Kennan.

SMEB used the grass under his feet to pull the minions to hatred, and earned a lot of Koro1 HP.

Koro1 Kennan raised his hand to return fire, and also threw a shuriken shot with his backhand.


The director of the factory looked at the various military lines while brushing the field, and the SMEB on the road was so pressed, the prince should not have caught it early.

The director of the factory predicted the prince’s actions and looked at the intersection of the enemy’s red zone into the river.

Coupled with Scout’s own eye position, there are eye positions on the left and right of the middle road to prevent the prince from attacking the second level.

The director of the plant developed at full strength, ready to brush all six wild monsters from top to bottom.


On the way, it is not so much that the Bomberman is on the line with the Ice Bloon, but that the Bomberman is on the line with the soldiers.

No matter which version of Bomberman is in, the clear line is a must, plus it is still a rune version, Bomberman can stack the method with all his strength.

Purple fixation method strong essence;

Red fixed law strong imprint;

Yellow fixed strong charm seal;

Strong engraving pattern of blue fixing method;

pray a Q, the long-range soldiers are almost out of blood, the same as against the sky, plus gorilla Kalmar, who can help clear the line, the second elder of Xuanlu is immersed in pushing the line.

Smile also encountered this kind of routine in the ranking, and on the commentary table, his expression was a little depressed:

“It’s very annoying to encounter this kind of bomberman on the road, he will push the line with you to consume the health of the defense tower, and the previous version also added a passive to the bomberman W that can blast the defense tower, which is even worse.”

Sika’s voice was already a little trilled: “Yes… But what I’m worried about is not that there will be a problem on the road, I am more worried that the director of the factory does not have the support of Luo Ge on the road, and this wild area is very dangerous! ”

Smiled and nodded repeatedly: “I understand what you mean.” ”

Smile: “This little peanut chose a prince, and he exploded if he couldn’t catch anyone in the early stage, but he couldn’t catch all three ways, and I feel that he may just want to come to the wild area of the factory director!” ”


Luo Xuyan’s source plan is cold: “Where the frost reaches, there are our eyes and ears!” ”

Luo Xuyan used the E skill, the eagle hit the sky, and an arrow illuminated the lower river channel, skimming over Prince Peanut.

Peanut brushed a little injured, and the third-level prince controlled the river crab to return to its state.

Capturing the movement of the other party’s fight, the director of the factory relaxed slightly.

Peanut’s eyes reflected the silver arrows and he grinded his teeth: “Rainstorm…”

Peanut was a little surprised that he would be discovered in advance by Eich’s E-skills, but he was flexible and calculated.

Cold Ice E’s vision can only remain for five seconds, Peanut pretends to rush to the middle road, and immediately changes his route after the vision disappears, and directly EQ passes through the Xiaolong Pit to reverse the red.

The director of the plant was actually not fooled, the grass on the right side of the middle road has eyes, and Peanu grabbed the head?

But it was still inevitable that in front of the EDG red buff pit, the director and the little peanut encountered again.


Mr. Ming, all encounters in this world are reunions after a long absence.

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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