No, no, these days, there are really people who play the league and don't want to take heads?

Su Chen was the first to raise his hand!

"I was going to put a big move and get an assist, but I didn't expect to steal three heads. "

Su Chen in the voice of the EDG team said helplessly.

"You don't count it as a robbery, we originally lost this wave of the group, and the captain's big move just received the bloody centaur and Wayne follow the girl, which can be regarded as a great achievement. Ming Kai said.

Su Chen was concentrating on the cultivation of replenishing troops on the road, and did not deliberately pay attention to the details of the team battle, after listening to Ming Kai's analysis, Su Chen felt a little better.

"I'll just drink the soup with a big move, and leave the heads to you, this wave is my luck, I received three dead blood heads, and I don't lose anything. "

The members of EDG really admired Su Chen.

Not only does the game play well, but he also always thinks about making heads for his teammates.

Such a good e-sports teammate is rare in a century!

Unconsciously, Su Chen's words, deeds and abilities are also silently influencing every member of EDG, and gradually began to establish Su Chen's status as the eldest brother...

Ahem, ahem...

It's the big brother who takes the lead, not the big brother who leads the investment.

RNG internal.

After Wayne, Wind Maiden and Centaur were killed by the captain's big move...

UZI: "Wow! I'm really speechless! I was supposed to win this wave of the next road, what is this captain doing? Why is the ultimate damage so high?"

Ming said rationally: "Is it that the captain has upgraded his ultimate? It stands to reason that it is impossible, it is only about ten minutes into the game now, and it is impossible for the captain to play so many silver snake coins." "

letme: "This EDG is a new single-list, and the hero damage per play is much higher than we expected. "

The incense pot, which has always been temperamental, remained silent this time.

He didn't say "I say."

There was no mention of "whose family", let alone greetings.

Xiangguo stared at the black and white TV in front of him tightly, and slowly spit out a few words, "Brothers, I have a bad premonition..."

UZI: When did the ????, pot start to be deep?

Ming: Xiangguo, are you cultivating immortals?


A dragon groan came from the system.

The enemy has grabbed the dragon!



"I knew it was going to be like this!"

After all, the temper of the incense pot still did not jump over the fate of the ceiling...

Fack may be late, but he will never be absent.

No wonder the incense pot is deep, it turns out that there is a hard dish in the back.

UZI: "Why was the dragon robbed?

"When I died, the captain's big move was not over, and the little dragon had a trace of blood left..."

Xiaohu: "It's over, we blew it up." "


Not only the regiment lost.

The dragon was also robbed.

Letme said, "It's a chicken!"


When the doll saw this scene, she also felt that something was wrong, "If there is no captain move, the RNG group will definitely end up with zero for three, and it can also take away the little dragon, but the result is reversed, the captain has gained three kills, not to mention, and grabbed the little dragon, I think RNG should not be able to accept this result, and the mentality has collapsed." "

Maitreya nodded in agreement, "This situation has happened, what RNG has to do now is to quickly adjust its state and not make such mistakes in the next resource competition, and EDG's side should also try to maintain its team advantage." "

The auditorium was full of question mark faces.

The kind-hearted director team also wrote a lot of question mark faces.

"3,000 games old Planck said that the sixth-level captain's ultimate is not so high at all. "

"I feel like the captain's ultimate move is like lighting a heavy artillery, and the damage is outrageous!"

"The captain has an AP bonus, and I've seen a captain with a pure AP stream before, and the ultimate can be a second person. "

A spectator got the truth.

At first glance, this viewer is an unfathomable player who has been mixed in bronze and silver all year round.

The captain does have AP play in the low-end rounds.

Although Su Chen's captain's own mana strong rune and Dolan's precept imposition only add up to about fifty, don't forget, this is just the beginning!

How many levels is a hero for ten minutes?

All are extra crispy.

According to this explanation, the captain's fifty points of spell strength are enough to make everyone in RNG feel terrifying.

This wave of captains got three kills and went home.

Ten minutes straight three.

This time, Su Chen, who has a unique understanding of the version, did not choose to rush online, but was entangled in the spring water, what happened after the three?

Su Chen has never played the captain, and he is not very proficient in the operation of the captain's core skill, the whole family bucket, he is afraid that the whole family bucket will not be able to hit people, and if he completes the three things and becomes a Luden, he will strengthen the AP damage of the captain's move, and release the ultimate to increase the damage income for the team 100%...

Su Chen is really a trickster!

But don't forget!

It's a professional game!

Then again, being Luden's captain, even Su Chen himself felt stupid...


At this moment, the battle on the lower road is on the verge of breaking out.

After UZI's Ezreal is killed by the captain, he is so angry that he can only kill Wayne of iboy to vent his anger.

Although Ming plays the wind girl soft auxiliary, he is a batch of aggressive ones!

The Wind Girl is ready to find a chance to flash out and start a group.


EZ roared all his life, charged up and pulled out the ultimate, and at the same time hit Wayne and the girl, while the ultimate, the big move scraped the minions and instantly filled EZ's five-layer passive!

"Ming and UZI's cooperation is quite tacit!

The doll is ready for the next passionate commentary...

Suddenly, Ezreal and Ming retreated.

"What's the situation? Wind Girl retreated after flashing R? I can't understand the operation of RNG. "

The doll is confused.

At this moment, the RNG voice internal letme shouted: "Don't drive down the road, the captain has missed and has not been online, the captain must have gone down the road!"

It was because of letme's words that UZI and Ming were forced to retreat, and the two of them knew very well that they couldn't continue to gamble, in case this wave of group was caught by the captain who was on the way, this game would definitely be lost!

At the same time, the captain who finally decided to dream about it also slowly returned to the line...

The moment UZI saw the captain show his head, he even had the heart to die, "Yan Junze, can you stop doing some false information? Ming and I have become frightened birds." "

"I had all the best intentions! I didn't mean to! I can't fathom this captain..."

Yan Junze is dumb and eats coptis, and he can't say what he suffers.

The doll exclaimed again: "I just wondered why this captain didn't soak in the hot springs in the spring, and he also bought a burst scepter very naughtily, it turned out that the captain was playing a stream of consciousness game! He already knew that letme would hit the miss signal! The captain deliberately did not appear on the line, and transmitted the wrong information to letme, and letme transmitted the wrong information to UZI on the lower road! It can be called an epic classic stream of consciousness teaching!"

PS:Some friends may have found that this chapter doesn't match the previous chapter.,The previous chapter was missing because of my personal mistake in uploading the chapter.,Now it's been revised.,If you're interested, you can turn it back and take a look.。 I'm really sorry, I'll pay strict attention to the next upload.

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