Lucian was like being stabbed in the major artery by a W of Cassadine!

In an instant, Lucian's HP was dead.

You must know that Lucian still has nearly half of his HP just now, is one of Cassadine's W skills really so powerful?


Cassadine is on the line with Lucian in the early stage, and he will definitely not have the main Q skill, and the E skill is limited, so naturally he will not be the main E skill, and he will definitely choose the main W leisurely!

Although Cassadine doesn't have too high a mana strength now, the basic attribute points of the W skill are added more, and the damage is naturally high.

Lucian plays physical output, Cassadine's Q skill will add a magic shield while dealing damage, which is equivalent to the Q skill of Lucian, and half of Cassadine's Q skill will be directly abolished.

Lucian here saw that Cassadine's W skill was so fierce, he tried to calm himself down, and then an E skill pulled away, and then clicked!

Dead blood anti-show Cassadine!

You alright!

After Lucian distanced himself from the melee hero Cassadine with an E skill, he began to use flat A to move and constantly harass Cassadine.

Huni was a little smug.

He felt that at this moment, his role in Lucian really came into play.

"This Lucian is so sassy! Is it bullying Cassadine's short hand?"

"I get annoyed when I look at this kind of dead blood ADC that likes to show! Su Chen should be in a hurry!"

"Indeed, after all, no matter how strong Su Chen is, he is also a mortal, he can't be crazy by Lucian all the time, so he can only flash!"

"Cassadine should regret it, because this flash will only be handed over to Lucian, and it will not be used at all at other times, and it will not kill Lucian at all!"

After all, Cassadine's flash is still very important, and at critical moments, Cassadine's R flash can indeed play a role in turning the tide.

Lu Xian also felt that Su Chen's side was a little angry.

After all, the flash that Su Cen handed over just now is the best proof of this!

But, the next second!

Cassadine's operation stunned everyone.

Including schadenfreude huni!

At this moment, Huni has not realized the seriousness of the matter, and he is still chasing Cassadine all the time!

Suddenly Cassadine has an R ultimate!

Completely crushed Lucian's dream!

Lucian is down!

How can it be!

This was Huni's first reaction!

His blue amount is simply not possible.

"This wave of Su Chen is really wonderful!"

The doll boasted.

If Su Chen knew that the doll was boasting about himself like this, then Su Chen would be about to die of embarrassment, because he didn't know what it meant to calculate the amount of blue.

Cassadine still has more than 700 HP just now, and there is less than a hundred blue amount to use the ultimate, and Cassadine's W skill is doubled when attacking heroes!

And this is a Cassadine of the main W, W skills are all stacked, and after the W skill points are full, the amount of blue recovered will increase proportionally!

Cassadine instantly recovered to more than eight hundred blue amounts!

Now the effect of Cassadine is completely out!

Cassadine's big move is directly attached to Lucian's face!

Lucian fell low.

Many of the audience members gave a standing ovation!

"Relieve your anger! I've been looking at Lucian for a long time!"

"It's cool! it's really this kind of dead blood ADC jumping around in front of tanks and mages, so it should be slapped and rectified!"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Many viewers said that they had been collapsed by this type of top-list ADC, and now Cassadine is doing it for the sky, and after everyone saw it, they all said that they saw their own shadow in Cassadine, and the effect of killing made the audience look very cool!

Cassadine completes the double kill!

At this moment, Cassadine broke Karma's ultimate shield, and then cut off the back row, as a tank to resist most of the output, and then cut off the back row, completing the double kill, which is already the limit.

A true master is one who never looks back after completing a task.

Cassadine is also left.

Now that Cassadine is not blue at all, if he continues to fight, there is no point in adding any output to his teammates except for giving away Cassadine's big head.

Although Su Chen's Cassadine had already pulled out the damage, EDG still lost this wave of team battles in the face of SKT, a mid-stage strong and fat-growing Karma.

Galio and Ice can't handle this Karma at all.

They all fell under the torture of Karma.

After all, after Kamal's CD is up, he uses QW skills to stick to people, and he basically can't run away.

And the output of the cold ice is not high at all now, and he can't get rid of Karma in seconds, Karma gives himself another shield, and then another W, W has a high blood recovery effect, the shield plus W returns blood, and the dead blood of Karma is instantly like having a second life, and the cold ice has a little headache.

In this case, the ice can only retreat, but instead it is stuck by Karma.

Of course, Lulu wanted to keep the ice, but Zach had already set his sights on the ice, an E came out to hit Lulu, and then a Q pulled Lulu, and then leveled A creeps, Lulu collided with the creeps and caused vertigo, and then Lulu was lifted up by Zack's ultimate, and Zack's ultimate, which controlled Lulu to death!

Lulu didn't have a chance to resist at all.

After Lulu falls, the ice has become Karma's dish.

Galio didn't have an output, and after the control skill was released, he wanted to help Kalmar jam Karma's vision, but not only did he not succeed, but after Karma killed Ice, he caught up with Galio to complete a wave of double kills.

Qianjue was burned to death by the ignition of the bull's head.

Wolf's bull head is also quite spiritual, and after he knew that Ming Kai's jungler was Qianjue, he silently replaced his weakness with ignition.

Indeed, the ignition is very restrained Qianjue.

Ming Kai's Qianjue almost escaped, he had already escaped his ultimate, but in the end he was burned to death by ignition.

EDG was wiped out except Cassadine.

EDG's internal voice was a little silent at the moment.

In the end, it was Ming Kai who was the first to speak.

Ming Kai's eyes kept staring at the computer screen, and when he saw SKT pushing the tower in the middle, he was a little heartbroken, and said: "We are optimistic, although we lost this wave, but our adult head Cassadine is not dead, as long as we don't mess up Cassadine's rhythm, this game is fully chance to play." "

Ming Kai was also not rough, except for this, he could not find any other reason to comfort the members.

As a veteran of the league, he knows what it is like to fight from an advantage to a disadvantage, it must be unbalanced, Ming Kai wants to enlighten everyone, and said: "Don't be discouraged, we still have a chance!"

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