Moba: Let You Make Up The Numbers And Lead The Team To Win The Championship

Chapter Thirteen: Great Magic Resistance, Five Bottles Of Red, You Chose The Wrong Hero! (Third Chan

After Miller's reminder, everyone noticed.

In normal times, everyone would have noticed the hero's summoner skills.

It's just that in this game, I just entered, and I haven't had time to pay attention to the summoner skills brought by the heroes.

It was Ye Qiu's Xerath who grabbed the red and attracted attention.

Later, the wine barrel was caught, and the prince's second class caught these.

Everyone's attention is all on this.

He didn't even notice that Ye Qiu's Xerath was carrying Ignite.

"Usually we see players who play the hero Xerath with skills like Healing Barrier, or Teleportation."

"It's the first time I've seen this band light up." Wawa also said doubtfully.

"That means that player Ye Qiu wants to use the hero Xerath to kill in lane!" Miller explained.

Canyon Middle Road.

A prompt appeared before Ye Qiu's eyes again.

[The opponent will move to the upper right! 】

[The opponent will move to the upper right! 】

[The opponent will move to the upper right! 】


[The opponent enters the killing line! 】

[The opponent enters the killing line! 】

[The opponent enters the killing line! 】

"Huh!" Ye Qiu exhaled softly.

Now that the opportunity has come, there is still no wordless book on him.

After killing Xiaohu's Lucian, there will be 4 floors.

Xiaohu was already scared of being consumed by Ye Qiu.

In the current position, Ye Qiu's e skill has insufficient distance, and only his q skill can reach him.

Xerath's e skill can be used in conjunction with the implementation, the speed is fast, and the opponent cannot respond.

You can also extend the distance of the e skill.

And now he is going to use e flash to stun Lucian.

[The opponent will move to the upper right! 】

A golden light flashed.

Lucian was immediately fixed in place.

Ye Qiu directly connected to the w and q skills, and then a again.

The little tiger had already been beaten a little dizzy, and this time he was immediately shocked.


His hero Lucian has been stunned, even if he wants to flash, he can't flash.

I can only watch helplessly as my blood volume drops.

The only thing he can do is frantically press Blink.

It can make him flash away from Xerath immediately after the stun ends.

Coupled with his e skills, there is hope that he can survive.

[The dizziness is about to end, the opponent is about to use flash! 】

[The dizziness is about to end, the opponent is about to use flash! 】

[The dizziness is about to end, the opponent is about to use flash! 】

Ye Qiu was still holding the ignition in his hand, waiting for this moment.

The moment the dizziness ended, he directly ignited Lucian's body.

Lucian flashed a golden light, and with a sliding step, he was already far away from Ye Qiu's Xerath.

At this time, if you want a, you can't even get a.

What's more, Ye Qiu didn't flash anymore.

The two can be said to be carried out simultaneously.

Xiaohu flashed and ran away, before he was happy, he found the ignition on his body.

Burning his little blood.

He can't do anything now, and he has already lost a blood bottle.


Before he went home to buy equipment, he chose four bottles of red instead of two bottles of red plus a real eye. Will it change?


It's too late to regret.

After the emotion of regret, there is more anger.

Why would a Xerath ignite?


Ignite Burns Lucian to death before the time expires.

Xiaohu could only stare blankly at the grayed-out screen, and then ordered five bottles of red by accident.

Mala Xiangguo originally wanted to help Xiaohu after finishing the game.

Xiaohu is dead, and he can't come. Ye Qiu's Xerath is basically full of health.

"I've said it all, stay safe online, wait for me, how can I help you now that you're dead?"

The barrel changed its original plan to go to the middle lane.

Uzi, who was in the bottom lane, also said: "Isn't Xerath's hero skill dodging casually, how can he be solo killed?"

"Pay attention to your position online."

Xiaohu just wants to press the head of his teammates to try in the middle.


It's easy to say, come and have a try.

You'll know when you're in a group.

Of course he didn't dare to say it directly, who let him be killed alone.

No matter what you say, your teammates won't believe it.

In the commentary seat.

"My God, Xerath flashed, a set of skills disabled Lucian, and then waited until the little tiger flashed before igniting it."

"In this way, Xiaohu handed in a flash of death."

"Xeras made a lot of money, and Lucian lost a lot of money."

"Before today's game, if someone told me that the hero Xerath can kill professional players solo, I wouldn't believe it."

"Contestant Ye Qiu taught me a lesson today," Waowa said.

Miller: "Have you noticed another thing, that is, Xerath's murder book has reached the fourth floor, it is not a wordless book."

"I think we should apologize to player Ye Qiu, before we thought this build was a bit..."

"The result came prepared."

Baby: "Indeed, all those who questioned us before should apologize."

It was originally a live broadcast room full of various bullet screens, but now it is surprisingly unified.

They are all bullet screens.





Wawa: "Let's take a look at what the two players in the middle lane are doing when they go home."

The camera is shown on Xiaohu's Lucian.

"Great magic resistance?"

"Five bottles of red?"

"Choose the wrong hero."

"Brother, are you Lucian?!"

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