Moba: Let You Make Up The Numbers And Lead The Team To Win The Championship

Chapter Thirty-Five: Trembling Uzi, The Sudden Big Move!

This is different from what the doll expected before.

After taking the middle road tower, rng and the others had no choice but to go home.

It is a good opportunity to go to Dalong with a good vision.

But a few people in edg didn't mean that at all.

Instead, keep pushing.

Miller said in a deep voice: "It seems that edg really wants to go straight. Do they think it's a waste of time to fight the dragon?"

The pawn line on rng's side came out from the highland tower at home, and confronted edg's pawn line.

However, several people from edg did not go to clear the line, but waited for the next wave of troops from their own family to arrive.

I want to collect a larger wave of troops.

Of course, several people from rng also saw it. After going home for a wave of supplies, they ran out of the blood spring.

None of the five had the ability to push the line, and they could only watch edg's next wave of troops arrive, forming a large wave of troops.

Seeing that the line of soldiers is almost the same, and it also contains artillery vehicles, edg and the others directly cleared out the remaining soldiers of rng.

In this way, edg's line of soldiers directly entered the tower.

Uzi has learned to be smart this time, and knows how to keep a distance from Ye Qiu's Xerath to ensure that he will not be q'd.

You can ensure that you have a relatively healthy blood volume.

He is an adc who can stand back, but not everyone can stand back.

If everyone stays behind, then just give up the tower directly, so that edg can click the tower without any worries.

It's the same as the case of the first tower in the middle.

It can only be that Xiao Ming's Bron bites the bullet and stands at the forefront.

The others stood a little behind him.

After the line of soldiers entered the tower, iboy's small cannon directly hung the e skill on the tower.

Then start pointing the tower.

In desperation, Bron had no choice but to activate his e skill immediately to block the small cannon's general attack.

The effect is quite remarkable, the primary e skill of the small cannon did not cause much damage to the tower.

In the commentary seat.

Baby: "Rng relied on Braum to resolve the first wave of Xiaopao's skills, and it can be regarded as defending."

"However, there are really too many soldiers in the tower now, rng must find a way to clear them out quickly, otherwise it is only a matter of time before they are ordered out."

Miller: "You can't blame rng either. They don't have any soldier clearing skills. It will be difficult to clear this wave of lines."

"If Wine Barrel and Kenan used their ults to clear the troops, then they completely lost their chance to start a team."

"It can only be passively beaten."

The barrage in the live broadcast room.

"No, is this really a direct wave?"

"It seems that rng didn't clear the line, it's too difficult."

"Except for Braum, they are all so far away from the tower. Naturally, they can't clear the line. The deterrence given by Xerath is too great."

Braum's e skill was about to end, and Ye Qiu pressed his q skill.

[The other party didn't move! 】

[The other party didn't move! 】

[The other party didn't move! 】

When the e skill just ended, he directly used the q skill.

Xiao Ming, who was full of blood, lost almost half of his blood.

This is still the result of his magic resistance, which can be regarded as a meat.

Xiao Ming was naturally frightened by this blow, so he had no choice but to back away.

Can't stand it, can't stand it!

Bron retreated, also giving way to the entire Highland Tower, and there was no defense.

Now, Xiaopao can directly click the tower with peace of mind.

The blood volume of the tower is dropping at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xiaohu finally couldn't bear it any longer. If it went on like this, the tower would be dropped soon.

As long as the pawn line can be cleared, then you can hold on a little longer.

He directly opened his big move.

"Holy gun baptism!"

The bullets crazily fired at EDG's soldiers, and each shot could knock out half of the soldiers' health.

The situation has changed a little bit.

The baby shouted excitedly again: "Xiaohu's Lucian directly activated his ultimate move, trying to clear all the soldiers under the tower."

"This is also the most suitable choice for rng now, because Lucian's ultimate move is not very important for team fighting."

"This can buy rng a little more time."

Miller: "That's right, can rng seize this opportunity and launch a wave directly to resolve this wave of crisis..."

Before he could finish speaking, he saw Mouse's big worm step forward, blocking all of Lucian's big moves.

More than half of the remaining soldiers under the tower are still safe and sound.

"This EDG completely dispelled Xiaohu's big move, this highland tower can no longer be defended."

The soldiers under the tower couldn't be cleared, and the five rng people could only watch helplessly as iboy's small cannon knocked down the tower.

The Highland Tower was shattered, and the five of EDG went straight forward, preparing to knock out the crystal as well.

In the rng team.

uzi: "Let's let go of the crystal too, I can't beat it now."

Xiao Ming: "We will guard the front teeth directly, and the crystal is given to them."

Letme: "Okay, then I will intimidate them from the flanks, with the barrel and Bron in front."

No one blocked it, so it was easy for edg and others to click off the crystal.

RNG's next wave of soldiers has come out of the crystal base, blocking EDG's small soldiers outside the front tooth tower.

In the commentary seat.

Wawa: "Let's go this time. I'll take it when I see it. Without the big dragon buff, the front tooth tower is still too difficult to push."

"The rng people can go back to the Blood Spring for supplies at any time, and it's safer to go to Dalong."

"What do you think, Miller?"

Miller: "I can no longer guess EDG's thoughts. It is indeed right to go now, but in my opinion, EDG has no idea of ​​leaving at all."

I saw that edg had no intention of leaving at all, but continued to move forward, even wanting to return the front tooth tower.

The audience at the stadium immediately cheered.

This is so exciting.

Every time I thought that edg was going to leave for Dalong, I realized that I didn't mean it at all.

Instead, keep pushing the tower.

Now rng only has the front teeth left.

This clearly meant that he wanted to make a direct move.

The barrage in the live broadcast room.

"Woc, isn't it, this is going to be a direct wave, I like it."

"Before I thought it would take a long time to fight, and I would have to fight the big dragon and fight a few more team battles."

"I didn't expect edg to be so sloppy."

"If this is dismantled in one wave, it will be wonderful. I have never seen it before."

"There is no big dragon, and it is necessary to directly dismantle from the first tower in the middle to the front tooth tower."

The commentary and the things that the audience can understand, the rng players naturally understand.

This is obviously trying to direct a wave of them, which is too contemptuous of people.

Kenan still has the barrels standing backwards, as long as a few people from edg dare to come up, they will fight back directly.

Uzi's ez is also constantly adjusting his position, ensuring that he can output if he fights later.

However, something that surprised them happened, edg did not continue to push forward and let the prince and the big bug start a group, but stopped at the same place.

What happened next made Uzi tremble involuntarily.

Under the protection of his teammates, Ye Qiu's Xerath directly activated his ultimate move.

And the target seems to be him!

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