"Ye Qiu, you are finally here, come, sit down"

At this time, Edward still doesn't look like a big boss.

Seeing Ye Qiu approaching, he immediately invited him to sit in front of his office.

Then began to bring up the tea that had been prepared earlier.

"Ye Qiu, we have talked about the treatment on the phone before, are you satisfied?" Edward said cautiously, afraid that Ye Qiu would not be satisfied with any aspect.

"Well, it's all okay, but it's just about the training match. You know, now our training match is basically played every day. In this case, I have less personal time.

Before Ye Qiu finished speaking, Edward said directly:

"I'm the master, after your training match, it's up to you, and the playing situation is also up to you. As long as you don't want to play the game, you don't have to play it at all.

Hearing this condition, even Ye Qiu was stunned, he never thought about such an excessive condition.

Good guy, as a professional player, you can play the game if you want, and you don’t have to play the game if you don’t want to, that’s okay.

But since it was Edward who said it, fixation was guaranteed.

Seeing Ye Qiu's pensive look, Edward directly enlarged his move.

"How about this, in addition to the annual salary of 200 million agreed before, I will give you 15% of the shares of the EDG team. What do you think? In this case, you will be a shareholder of EDG. Naturally, there is no need to say more about your status. Even I can't command you."

What is this, this is a right, Edward directly gave shares, this is something Ye Qiu did not expect, the previous club has never seen such a condition.

"That is to say, as long as you sign the contract, you are also one of the owners of the EDG club!"

To be honest, Ye Qiu's heart was moved, and it could be seen that Edward showed enough sincerity.

If he has any other demands now, it can only be said that he is too inhuman.

"Okay, since the big boss thinks highly of me, I'll sign for one year." Ye Qiu readily agreed.

After hearing Ye Qiu's affirmative answer, Edward was visibly relieved, and the smile on his face could no longer be concealed.

He knew how much Ye Qiu's agreement to renew his contract would affect the EDG club.

"Okay, okay, then I'll ask Abu to prepare the contract right away, you go to work first" He said without standing up and shaking hands with Ye Qiu.

Edward didn't regard Ye Qiu as his subordinate or employee, but as a partner.

Players of this level are hard to come by, and Edward is very happy to have him stay.

Then Ye Qiu walked out of the office, and Edward called Abu directly, told Abu all the conditions just now, and asked Abu to draw up the contract as soon as possible.

When Abramovich heard the conditions that Edward told him, he was obviously also very surprised. He has been the team manager and head coach for so many years, and he has never seen any player who can receive such treatment.

This is simply against the sky, the clauses in the contract, if you take out any item, you can sign top players, and there is this last item, directly giving shares, which he never expected.

Of course, since the big boss has said so, he naturally has no objection. In his opinion, nothing makes him happier than signing Ye Qiu.

In his opinion, as long as there is Ye Qiu in this team, then this EDG team is invincible. Although many teams this year have officially announced that they have formed a galaxy battleship, but in Abramovich's view, a team without Ye Qiu is invincible anyway. It cannot be called a galaxy battleship.

As long as he has Ye Qiu in his hand, it is enough. As for the other powerful Han Yuan and the strongest domestic ADC, let other clubs grab it, and it is best to grab it.

Ye Qiu will come to the training room now, because it is still on vacation, there is only one sister control in the training room.

At this time, the sister-in-law had already started his game, and Ye Qiu had just turned on the computer when Abu arrived.

He didn't want to delay even a minute now, he had to 997 get Ye Qiu to sign the contract as soon as possible before he could feel at ease.

"Wow, Abu, isn't your speed too fast?" Ye Qiu was very surprised, it only took a few minutes, and he just spent two minutes masturbating in the lobby, and Abu finished the contract.

At this time, Abu said with a smile on his face: "Haha, isn't that something that values ​​you? Come on, sign your name." After speaking, he handed over the pen and paper, and then watched Ye Qiu sign.

Abu was relieved until Ye Qiu signed his name on the contract.

"Okay, then you guys are busy, there are still a few days left in the holiday, have fun." After saying that, Abu hopped away.

Seeing Abu's expression, the sister-in-law was stunned. He and Abu had known each other for a long time, but he had never seen Abu so happy.

At the moment, he also stood up and walked to Ye Qiu's side.

"Brother Qiuzi, did you renew the contract?" the sister-in-law asked tentatively.

"Do you want me to renew or not?"

Ye Qiu looked at the younger sister with a smile on his face and said. .

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