Moba: Let You Make Up The Numbers And Lead The Team To Win The Championship

Chapter 42: Terrible Damage, Everyone Is Stunned! (26)

In the commentary seat.

Wawa: "What kind of gameplay is this? The male sword can actually knock out f6 without any damage, and directly upgrade to the second level."

"When I got online, I didn't lose experience yet!"

Miller: "It should have been Lucian's long hand over his short hand in the early stage."

"However, the first-level Lucian doesn't dare to point the second-level male sword at all."

"I was also forced to be pushed out of the experience zone."

The two commented on the alignment in the middle.

"Hey, just now, Xiaohu was scratched by both ends of the male knife in order to eat a pawn."

"This Lucian can only be wretched for a while, and wait for the second level..."


Doll and Miller suddenly exclaimed.



Two flashes appeared in the middle, and the time between them was very short. Immediately afterwards, everyone saw Xiaohu's Lucian, with only a trace of blood left, rushing towards his tower!

The desire to survive is very strong.

Unfortunately to no avail.

Although there is still a trace of blood, he is still losing blood crazily, even though no one is hitting him now.

first blood!

Xiaohu's Lucian still died in the tower, and Ye Qiu got 400 gold coins directly.

Everyone looked at this scene in a daze.

Ye Qiu, on the other hand, took his time to replenish the remaining minions in the middle.

What the hell is going on here? With just that swish, Xiaohu's Lucian was killed.

Xiaohu himself looked at the grayed out screen and couldn't believe it.

Now, he didn't even realize what was going on.

Why did people disappear all at once?

Even if he reacted later and handed over his flash, he still directly lost his life.

The spider is beating three wolves.

Mala Xiangguo moved his camera to the middle, "What's going on?"

Uzi, who was in the bottom lane, was replenishing soldiers. After hearing Yi Xue's voice, he also shook his hand, and missed the soldiers that could have been replenished.

Cut the camera to see that under the tower is the body of the little tiger Lucian.

"Dead at the first level?"

Before the game, I planned well and played more steadily.

At the beginning of the game, give the assassin male knife a head, how can this be played!

Xiaohu remained silent, not knowing how to refute.

It means that I don't know much about male knives, so I was killed.

Or that he was slow to react and was killed.

The question is who can think of it.

Full blood, just hit a w, suddenly the person is gone!

Right now, my mind is still buzzing.

"What the hell is going on here?"

"Why did the male knife kill Lucian in the blink of an eye!" the baby said excitedly.

Although he is a little confused now, this is exactly what he wants to see.

As soon as Ye Qiu's male knife came on stage, it brought everyone a surprise.

And it gave Xiaohu a fright!

Miller: "The director should replay it soon, and we can clearly see what is going on!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room.

"Replay quickly, replay quickly!"

"I didn't even see clearly just now!"

"Is this the assassin? I love it."

"Rng's biggest mistake is to use AD to fight male swords, your little crispy..."

The camera of the live broadcast turned around.

The long-awaited began to come out, and the replay finally came.

The screen is fixed in the middle.

The first shot was deliberately placed on the soldier next to Lucian.

There was only a trace of blood left on the little soldier, and Lucian raised his hand to make up the little soldier.

Ye Qiu's male sword took advantage of this time to release the w skill directly, scratching all the second stages.

When the camera zooms in, the two layers of passivity on Lucian's body are more obvious.

The male knife made up for a small soldier beside him and was directly promoted to the third level.

And Lucian is still at the first level because of the lack of experience.

The moment Ye Qiu's male sword reached level three, it flashed directly to Lucian's side.

All I saw was that Lucian instantly turned into residual blood.

Xiaohu was stunned for a short moment at the very beginning, but he immediately reacted and dodged directly towards his own tower.


It's too late.

He had already lost his blood, and the continuous damage he suffered directly killed him.

This playback is at normal speed.

When everyone saw it for the second time, they still felt very incredible.

The director played back again, this time in slow motion.

When the male knife flashed to Lucian's side, it directly aqa triggered the thunder.

At this moment, Lucian instantly turned into blood.

Lucian already had two passive layers of w on his body, now with the passive of the q skill, three layers are enough.

Passive is also a trigger, and the damage will take away Lucian, who is flashing with residual blood.

Playback ends.

Everyone was stunned.

This damage is too outrageous!

Listening to the voice in her earphones, the baby said, "The hero Nan Dao has just been revised, and there may be many people who don't know his skills."

"Men Dao's horror now is that his passive damage is particularly high, but it's not easy to trigger."

"The damage is much higher than the ignition."

"Just now player Ye Qiu's male sword has reached level three, which is level three passive damage."

Miller answered from the side: "Just now when player Ye Qiu was at level three, he should have learned q at level two."

"The q skill of the male knife, when you are close, it will not move to the opponent's body, but it will do critical damage, which means the damage is higher."

"There is also a little trick, that is, the male sword can use the Q at close range to cancel the backswing of the flat A."

"Player Ye Qiu just played aqa, which directly exploded huge damage in an instant, and it was difficult for the opponent to react."

This is a real single kill!

Still at the beginning of the game.

Generally, people who are not familiar with the newly revised male sword do not know the damage of the male sword at all.

Usually the second-level male sword belt is ignited, even if the opponent is full of health, as long as he can play passive, he can kill the opponent.

Although Ye Qiu's male sword has not been ignited now, he has reached the third level, that is, the third level is passive, the second level is the face q, and the opponent is still the first level hero attribute.

That is certain death, without the slightest suspense.

The barrage in the live broadcast room.

"Is it so thin? I'll play with the male knife later."

"I think taking punishment is the most important thing. If you go online, you can go directly to level two. Who dares to touch you on the other side? Wait until the level is poor, and you can flash kill directly with W!"

"Woc, I got it, I'll open a disciplinary knife for fun."

magic capital.

In a university dormitory.

Tang Dong is working overtime to make the video.

He must be ahead of others and send out the video of punishing the male knife.


[Still worried that the assassin won't play? Then bring punishment! 】


After Ye Qiu cleared all the minions on the line and added the experience of killing the little tiger Lucian, he directly reached the fourth level.

He learned the e skill, then stepped back and pretended to go back to the city, when he left rng's field of vision.

Go directly over the wall and head towards RNG's blue zone.

How could it be possible to go home now.

The male knife doesn't have Tiamat's money on him, so why go home!

A hint appeared in front of his eyes.

[The opponent's jungler is at the blue buff! 】

[The opponent's jungler is at the blue buff! 】

[The opponent's jungler is at the blue buff! 】

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