Moba: Let You Make Up The Numbers And Lead The Team To Win The Championship

Chapter 50: The Faker Who Was Pushed Out Of The Experience Zone, Who Invented This Routine?

The two stared at each other.

The atmosphere was very awkward.

It's like you go to someone's house to do bad things, but the owner of the house sees it and catches you.

The two sides came face to face directly.

As embarrassing as it could be.

Originally, Mala Xiangguo wanted to go out and snatch the wild monsters.


Ye Qiu suddenly inserted an eye into the grass so that both sides could see each other.

There is a huge level difference between the level 4 spider and the level 6 male sword.

Then there is only one choice now.

That's slipping away!

The courage that had just surged out of Mala Xiangguo disappeared immediately.

After Ye Qiu experienced the initial embarrassment, he also relieved his inner burden, and directly took away the remaining big birds with a q.

Then he jumped over the wall and disappeared from the sight of Mala Xiangguo.

Only the incense pot was left alone to look at the empty f6 pit.

It also makes people's hearts empty.

"No, this is really too much."

"Swiping his jungler in front of the jungler is more uncomfortable than killing him directly."

The baby felt a little pitiful looking at this scene.

At the beginning, the first mana was robbed, and he was killed by Ye Qiu again when he went to gank.


After finally resurrecting, I want to be a good citizen for a while and brush the wild, but I just watched Ye Qiu wipe out f6 in the grass.


It's really miserable!

The worst person in the game.

No doubt!

Wild monster f6 was stolen, but life had to go on.

The middle lane is a big disadvantage.

The upper and lower roads have just been revived online, and they have no chance.

I can't catch people, I can only continue to farm wild to maintain my life!

Red is still a little short of time, so he can only go to the blue zone to go wild first.

He left the grass and walked towards his three wolves.

First give the three wolves a flat a, and then Mala Xiangguo skillfully fought the wild monsters.

He vented his grievances on the wild monsters.

The blood volume of the three wolves is also decreasing crazily.

Xiaohu has come to the middle road and is mending the tower.

"Xiang Guo, Nan Dao hasn't returned to the middle lane yet, I don't know where he went."

"Be careful, he's looking for you again!"

He was hitting the incense pot of the wild monster, and hurriedly tried to pull the big wolf out.

At this time.

A figure came in from outside the wall, and it was a punishment for the big wolf, directly punishing him to death.

At this time, the male knife was originally only at level six, but now it has been upgraded to level seven.

The spider is still at the fourth level, and there is a full three-level difference between the two sides.


"This player Ye Qiu is really too much!"

"I just took f6 face to face, but now I'm going over the wall and using punishment to snatch the big wolf."

"Is it just like a bandit!"

Watching the scene where Ye Qiu snatched the field, Wawa shouted loudly.

This kind of scene has never been seen in the usual games.


It is of course very exciting to see someone doing this.

Miller: "It can't be helped, the male sword's equipment is really good, Tiamat clears the line in a second."

"It saves him from having to stay in the middle all the time."

"The high movement speed provided by the five-speed shoes, coupled with the special mechanism of the modified male knife e skill to climb over the wall."

"can only say……"

"Just this canyon, he can go wherever he wants!"

After a pause, Miller continued in a positive tone.

"This is the power of punishing male knives!"

"Player Ye Qiu, teach all players in the world how to play this game!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room was also boiling at this moment.

"The routine of punishing the male knife is too dirty."

"Nakano put on the pain mask straight away."

"No, I'll start the game right away, and I must play a round of punishing the male sword!"

"It is recommended to hang up the spicy pot directly so that you will suffer less crime!"

magic capital.

In a university dormitory.

Tang Dong is editing a video, the content is about punishing male knives.

[Are you still worried about how to face the king? 】

[Don't you know how to play the newly revised male knife? 】

[Then you can use the disciplinary male sword to play the game of kings! 】

【A different way of playing, a different experience...】

This video also began to spread a lot on the Internet, and the search volume on the scarf also increased sharply.

During this time period, players who play alliance games will find out.

Everyone is scrambling for a hero, and that is Punishment Male Dao.

It also often happens that someone retreats immediately if they can't grab the male knife.

for a while.

This hero has become very popular in the league.


"Look who I'm in line for!"

As soon as Tang Dong finished editing the video and released it, he heard the roommate next to him who had just entered the game shout.


When they were watching the game in their dormitory, they found it very interesting to see Ye Qiu choose to punish the male sword.

Then look at Ye Qiu's f6 at the beginning, and he directly reached level 2 online.

He directly stepped forward and overwhelmed Xiaohu, and later even single-handedly killed Xiaohu's Lucian.

Several people think this routine is very strong.

I thought about checking it out.

A person in the dormitory contributed his own Hanbok master number,

And another person with diamond strength performed the operation.

This is not.

After entering the game, I successfully selected the male sword.

When the game loading interface appeared, several people exclaimed when they saw the id of the opponent's mid laner.


This is exactly the number that faker has been playing on the Korean server!

"Brother Dong, this is putting me on the line as a faker!"

Tang Dong's face immediately showed joy.

This is heavenly material!

The diamond player punishes the male swordsman, and faces the faker's bewitching girl!

A strong showdown.

It is to test the feasibility of Ye Qiu's set of disciplinary men's knives!

skt base.

Faker also looked at his own game loading screen.

"Male knife?"


"This is a mistake!"

"This game is over, ah, another boring game."

Faker couldn't help but yawned at the camera.

It would be great if the World Championship could start earlier.

He just wants to meet Ye Qiu in the World Championship now, and playing rank can no longer excite him.

game in.

Faker is still skilled in the field position, and after the pawn line reaches the middle road, he also returns to the middle road.

The male sword has not yet appeared.

The three melee soldiers were all bloody, so he hit the little soldier.

At this moment.

The male knife came out from the gap on the f6 side.

Then press forward directly, don't let faker eat soldiers.

Facing the two-level male sword, faker had no choice but to retreat.

"Ah, why is he level two!"

The male sword is still dissatisfied with the status quo, does not pay for soldiers, only eats experience, but still presses forward, making faker not even eat experience.

In desperation, faker had no choice but to continue to retreat.

Usually, he doesn't let others gain experience.

Now it was his turn.

Others do not let him eat experience.

Faker couldn't bear it anymore, and stepped on the male knife's face with a w.


When he went back with w, the male knife directly used the q skill to follow, and then followed up with a w skill after leveling a.

He directly knocked out a lot of blood from the enchantress.

Faker had no choice but to run away. Now that he is level 1, he really can't fight back.

The male knife chooses to take drugs, but still does not let faker get experience.

Facing the line of soldiers, faker with a level of residual blood can only watch from a distance.


"Who researched this routine!"

"too disgusting!"

Someone directly brushed up the barrage in the live broadcast room.

"Ye Qiu!"

"Ye Qiu!"


The fourth game of the lpl summer finals.

Ye Qiu grabbed the wild monster, and then directly released the q skill on the spider in the spicy pot, and moved to him.

Mala Xiangguo had no choice but to use the flying sky in the form of a spider to avoid Ye Qiu's damage.

"The male knife is with me, Xiaohu come here!"

"You are such a crow mouth!"

Under the tower, Xiaohu had no choice but to give up the replenishment and hurried to support his family's jungler.

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