Moba: Let You Make Up The Numbers And Lead The Team To Win The Championship

Chapter 52: Assemble, We Have A Wave In The Middle!

It's time to steal wild monsters again!

The player who played f6 before had only Spider next to him.

Now there are three people directly.

Spider plus rng's bot lane duo.

The atmosphere is very awkward!

Could it be that he wanted to kill Lan again under the gaze of others?

Forget it anyway.

This needs some face.

When doing this, at least turn off the lights!

There were three big light bulbs around, and there was no way to turn off the lights, so Ye Qiu had no choice but to smash these few light bulbs to pieces.


There is nothing to be ashamed of when you do it!


"The male knife over the wall appeared in the siege of the three who went to rng."

"What is he going to do next?"

"Are you giving up this red buff?"

The doll's voice sounded very excited.

"I don't think the three of rng surrounded player Ye Qiu, but player Ye Qiu surrounded the three of them!"

Miller makes an entirely different point of view than dolls.

As soon as he finished speaking, the situation on the court had already changed.

Ye Qiu's flash has turned for the better.

He has no idea of ​​saving skills at all.

Facing Uzi's Verus.

Direct w flash rqa.

This combo was almost instantaneous.

Everyone only saw a flash of golden light, followed by blades all over the sky!

Uzi, who was almost full of blood, emptied his blood bar at this moment.



Everything happened so fast that there was no time for people to react.

Lulu is not far from Verus.

His w and e skills are still there, but Verus is dead.

turned into a corpse.

Ye Qiu's male sword appeared at the position where uzi was just now, and he had already reached level eight.

The body of Verus was under his feet.

Xiao Ming hurriedly controlled himself and handed the w transformed sheep to Ye Qiu.

The spider in Mala Xiangguo hastily handed over his e-skill in human form.

This time it was finally the male knife that bound Ye Qiu.

It also turned into a spider form by a strange coincidence and bit it.


Ye Qiu was not panicked at all.

The spider was only at level four, and he didn't have any equipment. After this set of fights, he lost a little blood.

The time to become a sheep is over.

Ye Qiu kicked the spider with his backhand, and when he flattened the spider, the spider would lose a lot of blood.

Lulu on the side hurriedly gave her e-skill shield to the spider in the spicy pot.


This shield is only a bit of a top.

Immediately disappeared under the attack of the male knife.

Ye Qiu's q skill is already a third-level q, and the cd is significantly shorter than that of the first level.

Just as he was chasing spider a, his q skill had turned for the better.

When wrqa Verus flashed just now, the ultimate move scratched all three of rng.

The ultimate move has two stages, so both Spider and Lulu have two passive layers.


Ye Qiu once again used the trick of the male knife sticking to the face q skill.

The face-to-face q skill is really too fast.

It's not like the long-distance q has a flying animation effect, which can make people react.

When Mala Xiangguo reacted and handed over his flying spider form.

The three layers of passive on the body have been triggered.

The spider has already flown into the sky, but its body is still bleeding crazily.

This is another characteristic of the male sword's passive.

Because it is a continuous damage, skills such as the spider's e flying and the little murloc's e are not immune to this damage.

The spider in Mala Xiangguo died in the sky and turned into a dead spider.

Lulu, controlled by Xiao Ming, sees that the spider in Mala Xiangguo is dead, and hurriedly flashes to the side, away from Ye Qiu's male knife.

Soon he returned to the tower of the second tower of his home.

Rivers and lakes rules.

Dodge do not kill.

Seeing Xiao Ming, Lulu has already handed over her flash.

Even if you continue to chase, it will be difficult to kill.

Why not hit Hong who is right next to you?

kill someone.

Isn't he good at playing wild monsters?

After ravaging the red buff, Ye Qiu also got the red buff.

all of these.

The eye positions left here by rng can see clearly.


Uzi, Mala Xiangguo and the others could only watch all this with their grayed out screens.

"This man is truly terrifying."

"Who can withstand the harm of the male knife!"

"I died before I had time to react!"

Uzi finally couldn't control himself, and shouted in the earphones.

"I can't eat it even when I get off the route, so what's the point?"

Neither Mala Xiangguo nor Xiaohu spoke.

Ye Qiu's male sword is so good.

It seems to be related to both of them.

So the two of them are not worthy to speak.

The bot lane of this wave of edg is really cool.

They don't need their support, they push towers and eat pawn lines in the bottom lane, they are simply happy.

"Brother Qiu, Niu Pi, almost killed him three times."

"Brother Qiu will come more often in the future, and Xia Lu will always welcome you!"

iboy and meiko spoke in the earphones.

"Fuck you." Ye Qiu cursed with a smile.

Before he knew it, he had really integrated into the EDG team.

After playing the red Ye Qiu, he returned to the middle route.

When he was red on the road, the factory manager took the canyon pioneer with mouse's prince.

Ye Qiu directly sent a signal in the middle to ask for support.

"Director, come!"

"Put it directly!"

After hearing Ye Qiu's words, the factory manager rushed to the middle lane directly and released the Canyon Herald he just got.

Xiaohu was the first to die and the first to be resurrected.

As soon as he got to the tower, he saw the factory manager come to the middle to release the vanguard.


There are no teammates around him, and he can only watch Ye Qiu and the factory manager lead the canyon vanguard to demolish the tower.

The first tower in the middle road fell quickly.

The little tiger retreated to the second tower of his house.

Canyon Herald still has a little blood left.

"EDG directly summoned the vanguard and demolished the first tower in the middle of RNG."

"Pioneer isn't dead yet, can you hit him again!"

The doll's voice was already roaring!

Under the protection of Ye Qiu and the factory manager, Pioneer crashed a second time before dying.

The second tower in the middle road also lost most of its HP by this blow.

Ye Qiu returned home in front of the little tiger Lucian.

Miller: "This is Ye Qiu's second homecoming. I don't know what equipment he can make this time!"


All attention.

The director's camera focused on the male knife's equipment bar again.

Originally, there was only a grid with a sawtooth dagger, but the light flashed!

Upgrade directly to become a curtain blade!

In contrast, Xiaohu's Lucian's equipment is much more chilling.

Development knife, plus an 875.

It is as shabby as it needs to be.

Now that the first tower is gone, they can only retreat to the second tower to replenish troops.

If the pawn line is pushed out a little, he dare not eat it!

The current situation is extremely uncomfortable for Xiaohu.


Ye Qiu's male sword is much happier.

The tower in the middle has already fallen.

He really can go wherever he wants to go!

The factory manager's f6.


The buff of your own home.


As for the spicy pot, it is even worse.

To know.

The premise of Ye Qiu brushing his own wild area every time.

That is, there is nothing in rng's wild area.

They have already been scoured by him.

Mala Xiangguo seems to have been running around in the wild all the time.


There are no wild monsters in the wild, so he is wasting his time.

Every time I rushed over, I either saw an empty wild area.

That is, Ye Qiu's male sword was striking, and he walked away after finishing the strike.

Wave your sleeves.

Not a mob left behind!

The spider in Mala Xiangguo has been around for so long.

Zero development!

That is to go online to get some experience, and to eat a time subsistence allowance.


Ye Qiu didn't just go against the wild either.

As long as he sees an opportunity online, he will immediately make a move.

Letme's big tree on the road was caught and killed twice by him.

Uzi in the bottom lane was caught and killed twice more.

Xiao Ming was arrested and killed again.

The outer towers on the upper and lower roads were also all destroyed.

edg's economy is far ahead of rng.


Ye Qiu's economy is far ahead of everyone else.

He had saved a lot of money, and when he got home, he took out the Blade of Night and added a small armor piercer.

The factory manager's prince had also killed the second canyon pioneer.

Canyon time has come to 16:16!

There are still four minutes until Ye Qiu's hint task.

Ye Qiu reached out to support the earphones.


"We have a wave in the middle!"

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