I see.

Bloody ice flashed to the front right.

And Morgana also released her q skill.

As soon as the flash of ice landed, a mass of black energy followed from behind.

Swallow it directly without giving it a chance.

Only one body remained on the ground.

The scene looked very miserable.

Frost's head is in hand.


Ye Qiu's score has reached 3:0:0.

The score between edg and rng also came to 3:0.

In other words, all three heads were taken by Ye Qiu.

"It's a death flash!"

"As soon as I landed, I didn't even have a chance to move, so I was directly q'd to death by Morgana!"

The doll seemed to have seen something incredible.

The visual effect is really too shocking!

Morgana's Q skill and Ice's flash position are consistent, and both sides arrive almost at the same time.

Miller also couldn't believe what he saw.

"This skill is really accurate!"

"Uzi's flash position is predicted to death!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room.

"woc, this wave of skills is really cool!"

"Uzi is too good, he never handed in flash, and finally turned in a death flash, which directly hit his q skill!"

"Everyone is flashing, why is it different!"

"People's flashes are used to kill people, but someone's flashes are used to kill people!"

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help laughing, ahahaha!!!"

The atmosphere of the scene and the live broadcast suddenly became active.

This wave of operations by Ye Qiu feels like he is top 1 in the arena again.

magic capital.

In a university dormitory.

Tang Dong started working overtime again to edit the video.

He just posted the video of Ye Qiu squatting at the first level not long ago.


Ye Qiu provided him with material again.

As Ye Qiu's No. 1 fan, how could this kind of thing allow others to take the lead.


【Everyone is flashing the same, so why use it differently!】

The editing is Ye Qiu flashing up to keep people and uzi flashing Q to death at the end.

Even at the end, he made a compilation of this and the previous video.

After the video was released, he watched with satisfaction the rapidly increasing playback volume.

There is also a message on the bottom of the bib.

At this moment.

The sound of the end of the game sounded in the dormitory.

I saw a big victory icon on another computer.

This is exactly the game where the diamond-strength person in the dormitory met Faker.

Used Ye Qiu's routine of punishing male swords.

The faker was directly stunned.

Come up to the second level, relying on the level leader and the faker's carelessness, copying Ye Qiu's technique,

Fortunately, I unlocked the achievement of killing faker solo.


He adopted a strategy of not laning against faker.

I can't beat you in lane.

Then after I clear the line, I will go to your jungler and your teammates!

In the end, with an impressive record, he won the final victory.

In the dormitory, several people looked at each other.

"Brother Qiu,"

skt base.

Faker looked at the failure icon in the center of his computer screen.

He was very dissatisfied with the loss.

Obviously, the details of the male sword on the opposite side are not well done, and the strength should not be too fishy.

It happened to rely on this routine to defeat him.

Ye Qiu!

It's Ye Qiu again!

The faker opened a certain website.

He wants to see what other tricks Ye Qiu has come up with, so as to prevent them in advance.

"Oh, Morgana?"

"This ice..."

"Death flash."


Inside the edg lounge.

Coach nofe and Abramovich clapped their hands together.

They really didn't believe the wrong person.

Morgana in Ye Qiu's hand is full of rhythm.

The hope of winning this game is great!

on the contrary.

In rng's lounge.

The atmosphere is not so good.

Coach Firefox was originally sitting on the sofa, but now he stood up and walked around non-stop.

While walking, he kept pulling his hair.

I really come here for whatever I am afraid of.

I'm afraid that uzi's mentality will be affected and unstable.

I didn't expect it to be like this, this wave is obviously anxious.

Otherwise, two heads would not be sent directly.

Uzi's computer screen has turned gray.


He still pressed the mouse involuntarily, thinking that he was still moving.

"It shouldn't be!"

"How could I get Q when I flashed?"

His mouth muttered, repeating these two sentences over and over again.

The rest of rng were silent.

They are unwilling to touch uzi's bad luck.

at last.

Mala Xiangguo said in a low voice: "This wave shouldn't be done, I just wanted to go home..."

No one took his word for it.

It all happened.

What's the use of saying this at this time.

There was silence in the earphone channel for more than ten seconds.

Xiaohu controlled Galio, played the q skill, and cleared the line of troops.

"Morgana has not flashed anymore, I feel like I can catch a wave!"

"This time I was not solo killed, and my development is okay."

~Wait, I will dodge w directly, even if he has e skill, he still can’t respond!"

Letme, who has been silent all this time, also said: "I have tp, I will also come to this wave!"

"If you can't catch Morgana, if you let his killing books keep stacking up, let him keep acting as the rhythm engine of EDG, then we will be finished!"

This is very true.

Letme's attitude is also very firm.

Originally, after listening to the Mala Xiangguo, which I wanted to use for a while, I changed my mind.

Xiaohu can't beat Ye Qiu alone.

Two people may not be caught together.

All three come.

Then you are not dead yet!

This is if not dead.

Then this is already a gap in strength!

After the spicy hot pot was revived, it had already come out of the blood spring at home.

This turned back and bought a real eye.


This also caught the attention of the explainer.

"The spicy hot pot returned and bought another real eye. Could it be that you want to do something again?"

The doll is a little puzzled.

Now the rng (Nuo Zhao Hao) people are so poor that they bought a real eye on purpose.

Miller: "It's worth the money, maybe it's because I'm afraid of being caught by player Ye Qiu, and I want to do more vision!"

After the wine barrel of Mala Xiangguo went out this time, he walked directly towards the middle road.

All the wild monsters in the wild area were waiting for his favor, but he didn't even glance at them.

Letme, who was on the road, just pushed out the pawn line, and then went home directly.

Xiangguo came to the middle road and inserted his real eyes into the grass, making sure that he had no vision.

Another eye was inserted in the back.

As soon as the eye was wiped off, a bright light appeared.

Letme's prince tp eye position directly from home.


Rng, who was supposed to die down, showed his fangs again to Ye Qiu.

After Ye Qiu returned to the middle lane, he just put a W on the minion lane.

A prompt appeared directly in front of his eyes.

[There are people in the grass on the right!]

[There are people in the grass on the right!]

[There are people in the grass on the right!].

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