Moba: Let You Make Up The Numbers And Lead The Team To Win The Championship

Chapter 67: Complete The Task, Has This Happened Before?

Question marks over everyone's heads!

What's happening here?

Just now, there was only a trace of blood left by the pig girl, and she was still level five.

This suddenly added a mouthful of blood, rose to level six, and directly threw out his own big move.

Is the canyon haunted?

Miller was the quickest.

"I see!"

"Just now player Ye Qiu killed that little soldier, and because of that little experience, Zhu Mei directly upgraded to level six."

"That's why everyone saw that sister Zhu suddenly added a mouthful of blood, and she has already thrown out her big move!"

This explanation is undoubtedly the most consistent with the correct answer,

There are indications that this may indeed be the case!


If so.

Then Ye Qiu is really too strong.

In such a tense time, he could still think of killing the little soldiers, and use the experience of the death of the little soldiers to upgrade the pig girl.

This is more than fine!

It's just the details!


They didn't see it very clearly just now, so they can't really be sure that's the case. They still need to wait until the end of this wave to watch the replay.

Replays certainly don't lie.

After watching the replay, you can know what happened to this wave.

Ye Qiu's q skill is greedy for small soldiers, throwing it away casually, or going deep into the details, just to upgrade the factory manager's pig girl.

Save the factory manager's life!

When you watch the replay later, you will know it clearly.

The factory manager's pig girl suddenly upgraded to increase blood, and then opened up, which made the people in ng immediately stunned.

It was obviously a trace of blood, as long as he hit him again, his head could be sent to King Huai.


But such an accident happened.

Isn't this the cooked duck flying!


When the three of them saw the mouse and the factory manager, they were all smiles and happy.


When Ye Qiu's Morgana appeared, there was a hint of panic in their smiles.

If you want to break the boat, you will fight directly in this wave.


The pig sister of the factory manager suddenly upgraded and drove them directly into the abyss.

04 The three of them were dumbfounded.

It was no longer a smile mixed with a trace of panic, but a Sima face with a trace of despair in it.

The world is changing so fast.

They can't grasp it.

The factory manager Zhumei's big move froze the prince, and then used the wine barrel and curry seat.

Of course mouse will not let go of this opportunity.

The big move he had held for so long, he poured it down on the three of rng directly.

And the prince was frozen by Zhumei's ult, so he couldn't turn off his ult.

Several people are still crowded among the stone walls.

As soon as Rambo's big move came down, he led the master of ng firmly.

It's a real catch in a urn.

The three of rng were suffering and couldn't tell, and they had nowhere to run.

Without displacement skills and flash, they can only stay here obediently.

There is no other way.


The only thing to do is fight back.

Running is definitely not going to run, I can only hope that I can kill the pig girl before I die.

after all.

Although the pig girl returned a mouthful of blood, but the amount of blood is not a lot.

Mala Xiangguo's Wine Barrel and Xiaohu's Galio, despite the slowdown and damage of their skills, continued to enter A Factory Manager's Pig Girl.

At this moment.

Ye Qiu had already walked in front of several people.

He immediately gave his e-skills to the factory manager.

Xiaohu's Galio was already passive, but when he got to the factory manager, he hit Morgana's black shield all at once.

The extra damage is not hit at all.

This is passive for nothing.

Although Morgana's black shield is not like the white shield, which can resist any kind of damage, it can resist magic damage.

Galio's passive happens to be extra magic damage, which is directly overpowered.

Ye Qiu released his w skill in the prince's ultimate move, and then activated his own ultimate move, linking all three rng people.


For the prince's big move, the space inside is very small, gathering several people together.

W Shadow of Torment also burns all three of rng's people, plus the damage of Rambo's big move, the effect is amazing.

The rng three just want to say that they are too sour now.

Letme's prince was hit with a lot of blood because he was seducing at first.

This was hit by Zhumei's big move again, Rambo's big move was hot, and Morgana's W skill was hot, but it fell quickly.

When Ye Qiu activated his ultimate move, he was directly killed by the first damage of the ultimate move.

Prince letme, pawn!

Ye Qiu made the money alone.

Three hundred gold coins in hand.

The number of layers of the murder book also quietly increased by 4 layers, from the 13th floor to the 17th floor.

Morgana's ability power has increased by a bit.

at the same time.

The impact is that the damage of Ye Qiu's w skill and the second stage of the next r skill are higher.

The death of Prince Letme also brought about another result, that is, the remaining blood of Zhumei and Rambo recovered a little blood.

This is where talent brings results.

When killing the opponent or getting an assist, a certain percentage of the lost HP will be restored.

That is, the lower the blood volume, the more replies will be made.

It can be said that almost everyone has this talent.

Seeing the pig girl who regained blood again.

Mala Xiangguo and Xiaohu are completely desperate.

This has returned blood twice, how can I kill it!

The time for the prince's big move finally came, and he disappeared immediately.

Several people finally don't have to squeeze into that small space.

The two of rng controlled their heroes to walk down their towers and wanted to leave the range of skills.


The deceleration effect is too much, and two people can't walk.

In the end, Xiaohu walked out of the range of Shadow of Torment and Rambo's ultimate move, but the wine barrel of Mala Xiangguo did not.

The damage of Ye Qiu's second big move was triggered again.

The wine barrel of Mala Xiangguo is only level 5, it is too brittle, lost too much blood, and was directly killed by the second damage of this big move.

The barrel seat of the spicy pot!

Ye Qiu got another head start.

Three hundred gold coins in hand.

The number of floors of the murder book has quietly increased by 4 floors, from the 17th floor to the 21st floor.

From the 25th floor to the full floor, there are only 4 floors left, which is one head.

Xiaohu's Galio has a certain magic resistance because of the mercury shoes.

In addition, he is relatively fleshy, so he became the last one alive,


Although he was not killed by the second damage of Ye Qiu Morgana's ultimate move, he was still imprisoned.

And that is left with traces of blood.

The pig girl of the factory manager and Rambo of Mouse all came up and surrounded Galio of Xiaohu.


They did not output.

Instead, he looked at Ye Qiu's output Galio with a flat a.

Xiaohu just wanted to say one thing now.

Can you give me a little bit of fun!

Three people go up together, okay!

Let people return to the blood fountain as soon as possible.

Running and not being allowed to run, just like this, he was hurt by Morgana's flat a.

It's just a slow knife cutting flesh, torturing people!


Three people surround one person.

One person works, two people watch.


so disgusting!

Anyway, you turn off the lights too!

Ye Qiu hit another flat a, Galio fell to the ground with only a trace of blood.

turned into a corpse.

Ye Qiu got another head start.

Three hundred gold coins in hand.

The record came to 8:0:1!

The murder book on his body quietly increased by 4 floors again, from the 21st floor to the 25th floor.

Full layer murder book!

The hidden reminder task given by the system is to reach the full floor of the murder book within five minutes.


Ye Qiu never took five minutes.

At best, it looks like 2 or 3 minutes.

It's simply overfulfilling the task, okay?

"Brother Qiu, cowhide!"

"Sure enough, I have meat to eat with Brother Qiu!"

"The other side is probably dumbfounded!"

Edg's voice was already in chaos.


A loud voice sounded in the canyon.

At this moment,

Everyone just found out.

Ye Qiu's Morgana is already a super god. From the perspective of 8 heads, and she didn't die once, isn't she a super god!

How long has the game started.

Just completed the super god achievement directly.

This is really about to become a god in the canyon!

In the commentary seat.

"This wave of RNG trio's attack on the top lane was a complete failure."

"edg also achieved the achievement of 0 for 3."

"This wave of rng is a big defeat!"

Wa Wa made a summary of the small team battles that took place just now.

Miller: "I think RNG was a little too anxious, thinking it was three against two, but it turned out to be a trap set by EDG.

"I lost my wife and lost my army."

"I have to say, edg has already figured out rng thoroughly."

"And I think player Ye Qiu is the biggest contributor to this wave!"

Miller was absolutely right.

If it wasn't for Ye Qiu who took the factory manager to go up, and successfully blocked the vision, there would be no such wave on the road.

The source of everything is Ye Qiu.

The baby suddenly came over, smiled and said to Xi:

"There is a detail just now, I don't know if you have noticed, that is, there is only one little bloody tiger left in the end, Galio..."

Miller: "Of course I noticed this. The factory manager and mouse didn't intend to take the head at all. They were determined to give the head to Ye Qiu."

Usually when we fight in groups, the factory director has the most heads in the end, and he is also the last person alive.


EDG will no longer have the saying that it will never be destroyed!


Even the director of the factory is the first to let others head.

It will inevitably make people feel very incredible.

Wawa concluded: "This is the advantage of being strong. Player Ye Qiu has brought too many changes to edg."

as they speak.

The big screen changed, and it was no longer the real-time picture of the game, but the image of the wave just now on the road.

It’s time for the replay link after the classic team battle.

The first wave of replays is Ye Yong's magical card vision.

Wawa: "Everyone is optimistic, the first foreshadowing of this wave of going on the road is here!"

Everyone didn't see it clearly the first time, but this time there was a replay, and everyone could see it clearly.

Every step is really at the limit.

As long as it deviates a little bit, it will be discovered by rng's vision.

if being

If found, there will be nothing to do next.

Then the factory manager entered the grass, ng supported, letme acted, and a team battle broke out on the road.

At this time.

Miller shouted excitedly: "The second foreshadowing is coming, everyone is optimistic, whether the q of player Ye Qiu is intentional 043, or unintentional!"

The factory manager's pig sister was bloody and was about to die. Ye Qiu didn't use her q skill to hit people, but threw it to the bloody soldiers.

The moment the little soldier died, the factory manager's pig sister instantly upgraded, recovering blood and magnifying her moves.

This happens almost simultaneously.

After slow-motion confirmation, everyone can be sure.

That is, the pig girl of the factory manager can be upgraded, because she thinks that she has eaten the experience of the bloody soldiers.

Case solved!

This time it was really solved!

Ye Qiu's q skill is aimed at the bloody soldiers, but for the factory manager's pig girl to be able to upgrade.

The doll was so excited that she was almost speechless.

"Once upon a time, we only saw someone at the extreme moment, killing bloody soldiers and leveling up."

"But... today we... saw that in this kind of extreme time, killing minions makes people upgrade."

"I can only say...….…"

"What kind of monster is this!"

Miller was also excited and continued what the baby said:

"That's right, it is precisely because of this operation that EDG has completed the feat of changing 0 to 3!"

When the two finished speaking, cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami sounded directly at the scene.

Such a player, such an operation deserves to be applauded.

The bullet screens in the live broadcast room are also densely packed.

"The replay really made me wet!"

"Is this really an operation that a human brain can come up with!"

"Brother Qiu is my first mid laner in IPL, I don't accept refutation!"



After the playback ends, the screen returns to the normal game screen.

Ye Qiu pressed the b button to go back to the city, and at the same time said: "We have to get it in the canyon, and then gather in the middle."




Several members of EDG replied directly, without any doubt about Ye Qiu's words.

now that.

Qiu brother waits to come to the middle road to gather, then gather.

A blue light flashed.

Morgana of Ye Qiu answered the blood spring of her own home.

Wawa just calmed down her excitement, "Let's see what equipment Ye Qiu comes home with this time!"


"The 25th Floor Murder Book!?"

The tone of the final voice was directly raised, as if it was frightened by something.

Miller also noticed it, and shouted in surprise:

"No way!"

"The first big item is the full-layer murder book!"

"This round won't end within 20 minutes again..."

At the same time, he turned his head to look at the doll, his tone full of doubts and disbelief.

"In this case, before..."

"Have it?"



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