Moba: Let You Make Up The Numbers And Lead The Team To Win The Championship

Chapter 76: Hang Up, Fly To The Blood Spring's Ultimate Move!

There was already a magic cut on his body.


Ye Qiu bought another Goddess Tears without any hesitation.

Then continue on down the road.

The situation here is not good at all.

Only his ez still has a big advantage.

As for the other roads, the situation is very bad.

That's right.

In the very beginning, Ye Qiu really let the trolls waste time in the bottom lane.

Male Gun also seized the opportunity, reversed the blue buff, and killed the troll once.


The middle snake woman on uzi's side is playing the Dragon Ball mid laner bdd.

The mid laner strength of the two sides is a bit too different.

Especially later the troll also helped the snake girl catch Ryze.

This is what makes BDD's Snake Girl have a great advantage in the middle lane,

Ryze immediately lost his line rights.

In this way.

The male gun is very uncomfortable in the wild.

Before his equipment was formed, he really couldn't beat the trolls in the wild.

The troll relied on its great advantage in the middle lane, and beat all the disadvantages back.

And there is a counterpoint advantage.

Under the radiation of the middle field advantage, the captain on the road also has an advantage.

That is to say, uzi in the bottom lane is at a disadvantage.

The head ratio of the two sides has also undergone a huge change.

uzi blue side: Ye Qiu red side 12:7!

If it weren't for Ye Qiu's ult to grab a small dragon, the speed of the opponent's gathering of five dragons would be delayed.

It's another big move to grab the blue, delaying the development of the bdd snake girl.

I'm afraid that the towers on his way down are already about to be demolished by the opposite side.

Faker's bull head went to support the middle.

Now there is only "770" Ye Qiu left in the bottom lane.

The sound of the Snake and the Girl killing each other again came from the middle.


Faker wants to command and catch a wave of BDD Snake Girls, otherwise, Snake Girls will continue to develop, so I don't know how to fight!


This wave of gank was completely countered by the opponent.

Except that the male gun ran faster, he also left a picture of his life.

Both Bull Head and Ryze were accepted by Snake Girl.

Just after Ryze was killed in battle.

Ye Qiu found that there was a vote for surrender at the bottom right of the screen.

The chat box is also a message just sent by Ruiz.

"Order it!"

"If you can't play, if you can't beat the opponent, it's a waste of time to continue playing.

"Next time!"

Ye Qiu frowned.

The requirement of the mission is to win the game with the bull head of the faker. If you click Surrender, then the mission will fail directly.

During the interval between replenishing troops, Ye Qiu typed in the chat box.

"You can win, wait for me to c!"

As soon as he finished typing, Ryze frantically clicked his Goddess Tears a few times.

"Rely on two goddess tears to come to me?"

Ye Qiu knew that Ryze didn't want to play anymore.


No matter what it is in his eyes, it can be used as a blame.

In this case.

There is no point in continuing to persuade him.

"If you don't want to play, you can hang up in Xuequan."

"If you still don't understand why there are two goddess tears, then you can just watch in Eryuan."

Since you don't want to play, you can just hang up.

Ruiz is also very obedient. After being resurrected, he just stayed in the blood spring and didn't move.

He wanted to see how Ye Qiu won this match with an ez.

Especially when the opponent has two professional players.

Although faker can't read Chinese, he can also understand the surrender option, and Ryze is still in the spring.

Does this mean it's already hung up?

"Assi, we have an advantage in the bottom lane, but our teammates don't play anymore!"

"Actually, I think we can win this game."

His face was full of regret.

"ez's equipment is very good, we can actually play a team in the mid-term......

"What the hell is this? Did you buy the wrong equipment?"

Clicking on Ye Qiu's equipment bar, Faker, who was explaining to the audience, said in surprise.


The audience in the live broadcast room also noticed the outfit of ez.

"woc has a magic cut and bought another Goddess Tears."

"This game is 20, and the only one with an advantage, ez, doesn't want to play anymore!"

"Sure enough, no one can win Guapi's bull head!"

Uzi also noticed the equipment on Ye Qiu.

Another Goddess Tears?

Is this disrespectful?

That's right.

You do have an advantage online.


You can't pretend that you don't treat the other person as a person!


The ad on the opposite side is still his uzi, the world's number one ad!

Is it tolerable or unbearable!


No matter what you say, you have to fight a wave.

I don't believe it.

The big mouth couldn't beat the ez that made two goddesses cry.

Ye Qiu, on the other hand, had no intention of continuing to line up with uzi at all.


Ryze has already hung up.

The others are still disadvantaged.

If I continue to stay in the bottom lane, it is very likely that I did not lose the laning, but the game was lost.

at this time.

A hint appeared in front of his eyes.


【Go to the middle road to develop!】


Ye Qiu gave the male gun a signal to come down.

Then he backed up, waited until he disappeared from the opposite view, and rushed directly towards the middle road.

The male gun was already heading down the road.


Seeing Ye Qiu's ez rushing towards the middle, he stopped.

I don't know what happened.

As long as ez has an advantage, it is not in the bottom lane yet.

Then what's the use of him going down the road, and what's the point.

The pause of the male gun was also noticed by Ye Qiu.

He had no choice but to type in the chat box to explain while he was on his way.

"You eat the wild monsters in the bot lane and still have the bot lane."

"I'll go to the mid-lane solo line to develop."

After explaining, Ye Qiu didn't care about the male gun, and continued to rush towards the middle.

Faker's live broadcast room.

"ez dropped melon rind, hahaha."

"I don't want to go down the road with Guapi!"

"Why don't Guapi go to the middle lane, anyway, this one is 20!"

After uzi's Big Mouth came online, he was really motivated to seize the opportunity of the two goddesses of ez to cry.


What he didn't expect was that after ez disappeared from sight, the one who appeared in the bottom lane was actually a jungler.

The male gun also has no intention of fighting at all. Under the protection of the faker bull head, the principle is to clear the soldiers.

Without the slightest murderous intention.

Uzi is like punching cotton, not to mention how uncomfortable it is!

Now he is not much different from an angry ram.

The barrage in the live broadcast room.

"Hahaha, ez won't line up with him anymore!"

"Wanting revenge can't be realized!"

"Where's Ruiz on the opposite side? Really hung up!"

"Where did ez go, full blood is not in the bot lane, has the world hung up?"

The bdd in the middle lane controls the snake girl and wants to a few more a's in the middle lane tower.


The blood volume of the middle road tower has dropped by about one-third.

If you consume a few more rounds of the tower's HP, you can take down the first tower in the middle.

Ye Qiu, who was about to reach the middle lane, saw a reminder in front of him.


【The opponent is about to move down!】


He directly released his big move.

A precise barrage flew towards Snake Girl.

BDD, who was dismantling the tower, saw the sudden big move.

He moved subconsciously, about to dodge ez's big move.


The edge was still wiped by the big move, and a section of blood was lost.

The little soldiers of my own family around me were also accepted by this big move.

There are no minions under the tower.

bdd hurriedly walked towards the outside of the tower,

Even if you go fast enough.

Still got hit by the tower.

In this way.

The blood volume dropped again.

bdd saw a yellow-haired hero stepping out from the shadows, it was Ye Qiu's ez.

This is how the same thing?

Why did the ad in the bottom lane come to the middle lane?

Has Ryze completely hung up?

at this time.

There are no minions on both sides of the middle lane.

BDD controls the snake girl to twist left and right.

A prompt appeared in front of Ye Qiu's eyes.

【The opponent is about to move to the bottom right!】


He directly pressed his q skill, and a wave of light flew out.

Hit the snake woman of bdd.

It knocked out some blood volume again.

Bdd was a little unbelieving, and still twisted left and right.

I want to avoid Ye Qiu's skills by walking.


【The opponent is about to move forward to the left!】


Ye Qiu pressed his q skill again.

BDD's snake girl lost some HP again.

The overall blood volume is only a little more than half.

The two moves did not escape Ye Qiu's q skill....

bdd got a little angry.

One cannot always be beaten, one must also attack.

He pressed his q skill against Ye Qiu's ez.

A hint appeared in front of Ye Qiu's eyes.


【Move forward to the left, and put skills forward to the right!】


With a small move, he twisted Snake Girl's q skill.

This is not over yet, at the same time, he pressed his q skill and hit the snake girl again.

bdd is startled and angry now.

Things happen again and again, not again and again.

Now ez has used the q skill three times in total, but he hits all of them.

How can this not make people angry.

Moreover, his q skill was actually dodged.

How can this not be surprising.

bdd decided to try again.

While moving, he released his q skill.


【Walk backwards, put skills forward to the left!】

Snake Girl's q was dodged again, and she also hit Ye Qiu's q skill again.


bdd is a bit honest.

I dare not continue to try again.

His blood volume is now less than half, which is already a dangerous blood volume.


Now the male gun is on the bottom road and will not come to catch him.


He really had to choose to go back to the city.

Behind bdd are also standing a few of his teammates.

"This ez is a bit powerful!"

"How did your q skill

None escaped!"

bdd didn't speak.

He manipulated the snake girl and stepped back, waiting for the soldiers to arrive.

As long as you hide behind the pawn line, then ez's q skill is basically impossible to hit people!

After the distance was widened, Ye Qiu had no way to continue to consume the snake girl.

It can only wait for the arrival of the soldiers.

For a while, the canyon was a little calm.

At this moment in the upper and lower lanes, they are all farming and developing, and there is no fighting.

The only variable is that there are only trolls.

Bdd didn't wait long, the line of troops had already arrived.

He was very obedient this time, just hiding behind the soldiers.

Anyway, it will never send troops to the line. If you have the ability, you can let ez's q skill pass through the minions.

bdd controls his position where Ye Qiua can't reach him.

at the same time.

He released his q skill towards Ye Qiu again.

He didn't believe it, and he couldn't hit it even once!


【Walk forward, put skills straight ahead!】


Snake Girl's q was dodged again.

Something even more terrifying happened.

Bdd found that his snake girl lost another part of her blood.


If Ye Qiu stood in front of him now, he would definitely rush to 1.3.

Will you play ez!

Aren't they all from main q and vice e?

Why does your W skill hurt so much!

That's right.

ez's q skill cannot pass through minions, and will be blocked by minions.

But his W skill is not. ,

Only damages heroes.

Just now.

Ye Qiu controls ez to release not the q skill but the W skill.

It's not just the level 1 W skill.

He is the master q and vice-w, and the e skill is still at the first level.

Because he has a prompt system, the bot lane is also an advantage.

It is not very necessary to have high-level e skills.

Bdd found that ez's w damage was also so high, so he had no choice but to continue to retreat.

Keep enough distance from Ye Qiu's ez.


If he wants to take pawns, he will inevitably get close to Ye Qiu's ez sometimes.

Snake Girl's blood volume is reduced again.

In desperation, bdd had no choice but to call the jungle troll.

A little more time passed.

Ye Qiu directly used the e skill to get close to the bdd snake girl, and another W skill, which lowered the snake girl's blood volume again.

bdd hastily released his ultimate move, but Ye Qiu had already been prompted.

Turning his head to avoid the big move, it only has a deceleration effect and no dizziness.

And the troll also appeared in the middle at this time.

Ye Qiu had no choice but to watch the snake girl leave.

The troll saw that the snake girl had successfully run away, so he gave up and continued to gank.

Faker saw this scene in the middle lane.

"It's a pity!"

Suddenly, he saw Ye Qiu's ez hiding in the grass, releasing a precise barrage towards the opponent's blood spring. .

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