Moba: Let You Make Up The Numbers And Lead The Team To Win The Championship

Chapter 85: The Expedition Ceremony, Are You A Genius Ad!

"do you know?"

Abu's voice was a little excited.

I don't know what happened, but suddenly a person on the Internet became popular.

It was an ez player who led faker's bull head to win uzi.

And still in the case of 4 on 5.

This has aroused great concern from everyone.

Abu happened to brush it while surfing the Internet.

He also saw some clips about this ez.

With his keen sense of smell, he immediately confirmed one thing.

That is, the strength of this ez is very strong.

If it can be drawn to play professionally, then if you can't leave, you will be the next u-zi!


It is possible to be able to surpass uzi.

If a second-tier team gets such a player to join, then it can directly reach the first-tier level.

And if a first-class team gets such players to join, if the team already has players of this level.

Under the strong alliance.

It may be to bring the team to a super-class level.

In this case.

It can be said that half of the world championship trophy has been held.


edg was originally a player with such strength, namely Ye Qiu.

Under the combination of the two.

The height that edg can reach is really unimaginable.

Abu was very excited and chatted for a long time.

Finally, on the phone, he said:

"Did you hear what I said clearly?"

"We need to find this player immediately, and pull him into our EDG first..."

"The boss already knew about this matter, and he was very supportive."

"Now, let's see if we can find this ez player at the highest!"

Then, the phone fell into a dead silence.

Nofe held the phone in his hand and turned to look at Ye Qiu's position.

His mouth was slightly opened, and his expression was very strange.

Waited a little while. Then he opened his mouth and said:

"I don't think there is any need to look for this person."

"I already know who he is!"

Abu was very excited on the other end of the phone.

"who is he?"

"How did you know?"

"I'll go find this contestant myself!"

Nofe sighed.

"Why do I know, that's because I'm in the training room."

"And the player who controls ez is really Ye Qiu."

"He just won uzi with faker, 4v5.

"And when I was in the lane, I just exploded uzi..."

The phone fell into dead silence again.

This world is really amazing.

The genius ad he thought he had discovered turned out to be his own mid laner.

Riding a donkey looking for a donkey.

"If that's the case, I have to inform the boss as soon as possible, and tell him that the genius ad who is popular on the Internet is Ye Qiu!"

"Otherwise, he thought he needed another talented player to join EDG!"

Abu hung up the phone hastily.

Then he called his boss Ed Zhu.

Ed Zhu received a call from Abu just now, saying that he has discovered a talented player and strongly recommends that he be recruited into EDG.

He immediately agreed.

If it is really a genius ad that can explode uzi, then it must be pulled into edg.

After hanging up the phone.

He kept walking up and down on the ground.

I can't calm down a bit.

He didn't know if Abu was able to find this ez player in the end and pull him into EDG.

If it is really possible to do it, then it is really God Blessing EDG.

Time to get IpI's first world title.

He didn't wait for his dream to last for a while.

His cell phone rang again.

Edzhu immediately picked up the phone and saw that it was Abu's call.

Press the on key.

"Did you find him so quickly?"

"The work efficiency is good!"

"How should I put it, whether he is willing to come to our edg is not too much of a condition, here is the boxing all can agree!"

Abu was a little embarrassed, smiled, and then said in the phone:

"Boss, it can be said that the person has been found, and he is very willing to come to our edg!"

Ed Zhu was overjoyed.

"How to say, how old is this person, whether he can play professionally at his age, and what kind of requirements does he have?"

"Boss, you also know this person, he is our mid laner Ye Qiu!"

"The ez player who broke uzi is Ye Qiu!"

Abu didn't dare to keep it any longer, and just shook out the answer.


It completely surprised Edzhu.

"You mean the talented player you're looking for is someone from our team?"


He laughed out loud.

"Sure enough, a person with strength can shine no matter where he is."

"I valued Ye Qiu before, and it seems to be completely correct."

"This year, maybe he can really lead EDG to win the World Championship!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

After a few laughs, Ed Zhu just hung up the phone.

Although it was said that there was an oolong, it made people toss a bit.


He is not only angry, but also quite happy.

The stronger Ye Qiu is, the happier he will be as the boss.

After all, the meat rotted in the pot.


He can have a good night's sleep.

If you can't find this genius AD today, as the boss, he might not be able to sleep well!

Edg's boss, Ed Zhu, can sleep well.


There are many people who have no way to get a good night's sleep.

They frantically searched for clues about this genius ad.

Especially in those teams where the ad strength is not very strong, it is even more urgent.

I want to draw people into my team and improve my strength.

You must know that this is a genius ad who has blown up uzi, as long as he cultivates it a little bit, he will definitely show his powerful strength.


No matter how hard they searched, they still haven't found any news about ez.

magic capital.

In a university dormitory.

Tang Dong also saw the video on the Internet for the first time.

His keen sense of smell immediately felt that this genius ad seemed to be somewhat familiar.

This is very strange.

It was the first time he saw a video about this ez, but he had such a feeling.

have to say.

It is indeed very strange.

He carefully searched for the source of this familiarity.

Suddenly a flash of inspiration came.

He knew why he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

As Ye Qiu's number one fan.


Many videos about Ye Qiu were edited and released by him.


After the IPL Summer Finals are over.

Video of Ye Qiu playing.

He also watched it many times.

That's right.

That is, this ez is very similar to his favorite player Ye Qiu.

Tang Dong made a bold analysis and carefully verified it.

Finally, I wrote an article and published it on the Internet.

[Genius ad? or Genius mid laner?]

【His real identity is...】

He already had a lot of fans following him.

After posting this article, especially about Ye Qiu.

It was widely disseminated immediately.

Just started.

When everyone saw the title, they were still a little confused, not knowing what it meant.

After reading it carefully, I realized that this is an analysis and speculation article.

nothing else.

It is to connect Ye Qiu, the genius ad player who just appeared.

And make a bold guess, there is no genius ad.

There is only one genius mid laner, or a genius pick.

The genius ad is the genius mid laner, also known as Ye Qiu.

This is also such a strong player who suddenly appeared in the canyon, and no one knew about it.

It has not been found before.

People who read this article, after careful consideration, feel that this matter is really possible.

Many people left messages under the collars of edg and Ye Qiu.

Want to know the truth, but no one to answer them.

After Ye Qiu completed the task of leading faker to win the game, a reminder sounded in his mind.

Exactly what he deserves!

[The system prompts that it has been completed!]

0…ask for flowers……………


[Reaction speed increased by 12%!]

[Hand speed increased by 12%!]

[The prompt range is expanded by 12% (for example, when the opponent is in the grass next to the middle road, the prompt will be given, and when the opponent is in the triangle grass, it will be prompted.)]

[rmb five million yuan!]

【Charm increased by 12%!】

[Beauty value increased by 12%]

【The task reward bonus has been calculated!】

Ye Qiu is very satisfied.

Just winning a rank is to get so many rewards.

Although it cannot be compared with the rewards for playing games, it is quite good.

Especially since he also signed a contract with Ed Zhu, the boss of EDG.

The RMB rewarded is also the capital to win EDG in the future.

The iboy who was still standing behind Ye Qiu suddenly had an illusion that Ye Qiu seemed to have become more handsome.

And when looking at Ye Qiu, I feel more cordial.

Involuntarily will be his friend.

Ye Qiu took a deep breath.

That being the case, then continue the game to get more rewards.

Immediately, Ye Qiu threw himself into the next game.

Although it may not be able to trigger the reminder task, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat.

He still doesn't know, just because of his ez, how many people can't even sleep well.

A few days passed.

edg has never responded to the message on Weibo.

Is Ye Qiu the genius ad?

And those who haven't seen the analysis article are still frantically looking for where this genius ad is.

It's just that I can't find it anywhere.

Quite a few team managers and coaches had dark circles under their eyes because of this.

Staying up all night is really a bit unbearable.

They also saw the article analyzing Ye Qiu as a genius ad.

But most people just sneered.

This thing is impossible.

Ordinary players may think it is reasonable, but those of them who deal with professional players clearly know that this is impossible.

They have seen so many professional players, each of them can be said to be a genius compared to ordinary players.

However, it is not easy for professional players to play their positions well.

Not to mention that it is also so powerful in other positions.

It is better than faker if he does not play his own middle lane, but chooses to play other lanes.

It is very likely that it is also a scam!

They admitted that Ye Qiu's mid laner is indeed very strong, leading edg to make two chases and three win the lpl championship.

If it is said that the AD position is also so strong, they will not believe it!



September 4th.

Ipl expedition ceremony.


The expedition ceremonies for all divisions except IPL are over.


It's just that the Ipl competition area is poor, so apart from people from the Ipl competition area, people from other few areas also set their sights on Ip.

Looking forward to the departure ceremony of Ipl.


The Ipl expedition ceremony officially began.

Host Ren Dong's business resounded throughout the stadium.

"Let us bless the three teams that are about to participate, and wish them a successful start!"

"I hope that we, rng, and edg will get higher honors in the World Championship."

"Let's welcome our time to go!"

The voice fell.

In the stadium, there was an overwhelming cheer from the fans.


"Ye Qiu!"




The sound of cheering came and went, and it was endless.

Just before the battle song was about to sound [the host Ren Dong walked to Ye Qiu's side.

"Before the formal start of the expedition ceremony, we have a question to ask player Ye Qiu."

"And I'm sure there are a lot of fans and viewers who want to know the answer to that question."

"That's the genius ad that appeared on the Internet before, and it's rumored that it's Ye Qiu player you."

Ren Dong handed the microphone in his hand to Ye Qiu's mouth.


All eyes on the audience!

Waiting for Ye Qiu's answer.

Ye Qiu: "... mouth".

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