Moba: Let You Make Up The Numbers And Lead The Team To Win The Championship

Chapter 95: Unexpected Position Of Factory Manager, The First One!

The little murloc that Ximen Ye said was already half-blooded.

In order to verify that this is a bug, half blood was lost.

And he walked to the side of Xiaobing again.

After the game pause ended, he had no choice but to use the e skill to distance himself from Ye Qiu's Verus.

Get out of the flat a range of Verus.


Although he did distance himself.

Ye Qiu had no intention of letting him go just like that.

Beating the dog in the water is the best choice now.

A hint appeared in front of his eyes.


【The opponent is about to move down!】


Ximen Ye said that he also saw Verus charging his q-skill.

Without the e skill, he could only choose to swing left and right, hoping to avoid the arrow.

"Verus is charging Q!"

"The murloc only has half of its blood left now. If it uses this q skill, it will probably only have one-third of its blood left!"

"At that time, the murlocs will completely lose their lane right."

Seeing that Ye Qiu's middle lane is now the advantage, Wawa shouted excitedly.

Miller also sounded excited.

"If this q skill hits, the little murloc only has two choices next.

"The first one is to go home directly, fill up the blood volume, and then go online."

"The second option is to call the jungler to help."

"Otherwise, I will be overwhelmed from the beginning to the end, and I guess I won't even be able to gain experience!"

The q skill of Verus has been charged, and the skill distance has reached the maximum.

Ye Qiu loosened his fingers and released his skills.

A huge arrow flew towards the little murloc, piercing it through.

With a swipe, the blood volume of the murloc dropped wildly.

There was only less than one-third of the blood left.

Before Ye Qiu released q, he had already ensured that there were no small soldiers blocking him in front of him.

The q skill damage that Ximen Ye said the little murloc suffered was real.

Not nerfed damage by minions.

The scene of the stadium burst into bursts of cheers.

That's home field advantage!

"This q skill really hit, the blood volume of the murloc is already extremely unhealthy."

"Let's see what Ximen Ye said to choose next."

The doll said loudly.

The accuracy of Ye Qiu's skills has not let him down.

"Brother Qiu, this skill is equipped with radar, it's so accurate!"

"Without the e skill, the murloc is a living target!"

"Did Ximenye say you're not going home yet?"

The barrage in the live broadcast room is densely packed.

Ximen Ye said that now he feels extremely regretful.

If at first he saw that Ye Qiu's Verus was not attacked by minions, it was not a bug but a detail.

He definitely wouldn't lose so much blood.

How to play now!

He gritted his teeth, "Can you come to the mountain once?"

"I won't be able to play in the middle!"

He didn't want to go home. Once he returned home, if the pawn line was controlled by Ye Qiu again, then he would really be at a loss.

Mountain heard Simon calling him, thought for a while, and then said: "Then you wait for me, keep your blood volume, don't drop any more."

"I remember the time when the opposite side inserted the eye, and when the false eye disappeared, I went directly.

"And you are optimistic, if Verus has been warding during this period, remember to tell me!"

Simon nodded, "Understood!"

He chose not to go home, and waited until his own jungler came to catch him!

"Ximen Ye said he didn't go home, he still chose to stay in the middle."

"Mountain is coming to grab the mid lane?!"

When Doll and Miller were explaining.

Ye Qiu was still controlling Verus, frantically suppressing the little murloc.


【The opponent is about to use the e skill!】


This time, he didn't deliberately step out of the pawn line to ensure that there were no small soldiers in front.

Instead, directly charge the q skill, which can not only target the hero, but also have the advantage to hit the minions, which can clear the line.

In order to maintain blood volume, Ximen Ye said that he did not fight to escape, but chose to use the e skill to evade.

Verus's q skill was dodged by the little murloc's e skill.


Ye Qiu was not unhappy at all.

The little murloc without the e skill is not even qualified to see the pawn line.

Press forward again.

The little murloc Ximen Ye mentioned had no choice but to retreat again.

Verus, who was looking at Ye Qiu helplessly, was relying on replenishment for money and experience.

Verus's q skill is much faster than the little murloc's e skill cd.

This is not.

The q skill cd has improved, but the little murloc's e skill has not improved yet.


【The opponent is about to move to the upper left!】


Charge the q skill and release it.


Ximen Ye said that he was controlling the little murloc, and turned left and right as hard as he could, but he still couldn't dodge it.


The little murloc originally had one-third of his health, but now it's not even a quarter.

Therefore, Ximen can only continue to win.

Without any choice.

He had no choice but to drink his last bottle of blood medicine.

Green lights appeared on the little murloc's body, and blood began to regenerate.

"Player Ye Qiu's q skill hit again!"

"The hit rate of this skill is really exaggerated!"

"Ximen Ye said that the last blood bottle that was treasured was also shot out."

"This kind of consumption, who can bear it!"

The doll yelled loudly.

"That's right."

"Currently in the middle lane, player Ye Qiu has an overall advantage, and he can cross the pawn line to overwhelm people!"

"To tell you the truth, a master murloc like Ximen Yeshuo should have been a wretch in the early stage.

"Unfortunately, I didn't keep my blood volume."

"It's the first time I've met in the World Championship, and I beat the opponent's mid laner so badly at the beginning!"

A little more time passed.

Ximen Ye said that he used the e skill converted from cd to avoid Ye Qiu's another q skill.


After hiding, he didn't know what to do next.

He was a little overwhelmed.

Verus's next Q skill, what should he do?

Is it by walking to hide?

Still stay far away, wait until the e skill is ready, come back, and then get hit with the e skill, continue to hide far away!

And so on indefinitely.

What he thought when he thought about banpick "He just wanted to laugh.

When he saw Ye Qiu choose Verus, he actually thought it was safe.

What a wrong idea.

It's just that he thought it was too good at the time.

Of course, the murlocs in the first few levels are not Verus' opponents, so they can only be wretched.

But after the level is up, you can drive w and then go up with q, and level a with a meal.

If you have a chance, use the e skill to output.

If there is no chance.

Just when the opponent wants to fight back, use the e skill to avoid the skill and stay away directly.

After the skill cools down, do this a few more times.

There is no way to fight the other side.

Crispy skin like Verus.

After level 6, as long as you get hit by his big move, you will die.

There is no use for flashing.

At first I thought it was too good.


Let alone the sixth grade.

Even at the third level, Ximen doesn't know when he will get it.

Experience is worthless!

Ye Qiu's Verus played really hard.

Simon felt that he could not hold on any longer.

"Mountain, if you don't come again, I'm really going to die!"

"Okay, the vision in the middle lane is about to disappear, I'll come right away!"

Mountain's wine barrel, parked with a big belly, walked towards the middle road.

"Verus didn't intervene again, did he?"

"No, he has been suppressing me all the time, and he didn't go both ways!"

Seeing that the jungler was coming, Ximen quickly replied.

mountain has not reached the middle road yet.

Ye Qiu's q skill is dead and good.

【The opponent is about to move to the upper left!】


Ximen Ye said that extreme joy begets sorrow, e skill is not good yet, and it is not out of Verus' q skill range.

Was shot again.

The bottle of blood medicine he drank just now was for nothing.

The little murloc's e skill is finally ready.

And the mountain also came to the grass in the river.

"Don't go on it yet, I'll seduce him first, wait until he has recharged his Q skill, then you go on it!"

Ximen Ye said to the mountain.

"Understood, I'm afraid that sister pig is here!"

0…ask for flowers……

Verus will definitely consume himself by crossing the line of soldiers, and when he is charging, he will not focus on other places.

In this way, the success rate of gank is higher.

When the wine barrel just reached the grass, a reminder appeared in front of Ye Qiu's eyes.


【The wild wine barrel is in the grass on the right!】



After suppressing Ximen Ye said so much, the opponent's jungler still couldn't sit still.

Are you going to catch yourself?


[Have a chance to double kill!



[Wine Barrel hasn't made up his mind yet, it's best to expose Pig Girl's position to him!

【So that he can make up his mind!】


"The barrel should be in my mid lane now!"

The factory manager was clearing the field at this time, and when he heard what Ye Qiu said, he was about to rush to the middle road.

"Factory Manager, you don't need to come, the little murloc is already drained of blood, so it's useless."

"It's too late for you to come to the middle lane now, why don't you clean up the wild area of ​​the wine barrel."

"Since he chose to come to the middle lane, he must be prepared for this."

Ye Qiu said in the earphone.

The factory manager asked a little worried.

Invading the wild area may be spotted by the opposite side. "

"You are alone in the middle, you will be fine!"

"Don't worry, it's okay!"

Ye Qiu replied confidently.

Only then did the factory manager feel relieved, and after clearing his group of wild monsters, he went directly to the wild area of ​​the wine barrel.

In the commentary seat.

"Ximen Ye said that he really called the jungler Mountain."

"They want to do something to Ye Qiu's Verus!"

The doll yelled loudly.

"The wine barrel is in the grass next to it. Player Ye Qiu doesn't seem to realize it. He didn't pay attention to the side when positioning!"

Miller's expression at this time will also be a little dignified.

"I just saw that the factory manager made a move to go to the middle.

"It was canceled for some reason."

"Oh, hit

After finishing this group of wild monsters, why did the factory manager go straight to the wild area of ​​the wine barrel!"

"It seems that the factory manager really doesn't plan to go to the middle school?"


Miller seemed to see something out of the ordinary.

"The factory manager invaded the wild area and was spotted by the vision!"

"The wine barrel doesn't need to worry at all, I'm afraid it's on the right track!"


[Pig girl has been exposed, the other party is ready to attack! 】


Looking at the prompt in front of him, a smile appeared on the corner of Ye Qiu's mouth.

bring it on!

Two heads are waving to him!

The hand of the factory manager's pig girl invading the wild area was seen by ahq's vision.

After seeing the mountain, he was overjoyed immediately.

Although, he was already in the grass in the river.


He still hadn't made up his mind.

There are rules in the jungle.

That is to help the good and not to help the bad.

When the rest of the jungle ganks, it's better to help the good lane, not the bad lane.

If you go to the disadvantaged lane, once the jungler on the opposite side is squatting back.

Then he himself was brought down.

Originally, it just collapsed online.

This time with the jungle collapse.

The little murloc that Ximen Ye mentioned was a disadvantage in online.


The mountain should not be in the middle.


Ximen Ye said that he had asked for support several times, and that if he didn't come to the middle lane, he would never be able to play again.

Then the jungler will collapse directly, and the wild area will not be able to play.

When the opponent invaded, my family lost ten mid laners.

This wave of gank is also a helpless move.

What mountain is worried about is that the factory director's pig girl is squatting back.

As long as the factory manager's pig girl is likely to be there, he will cancel this wave of gank.

If you continue on, it will collapse immediately.

Choose to retreat.

That is, there is still a chance.

"Pig girl is not in the middle, I have seduced Verus!"

"You are ready!"

The murloc put himself within the range of Ye Qiu Verus's q skill again.

And Ye Qiu also charged up his q skill again.

A hint appeared in front of his eyes.


【The murloc will use the e skill!】

[Aim at the bushes and choose to flash backwards with Q!]


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