Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 114: Walking on the tip of the knife, dancing in the blood flowers (4/5 for subscription!)

in the game.

Seeing the prince who suddenly returned with blood, tens of thousands of spectators at the Wuhan Sports Center, including Shen who was recruiting troops, were stunned.

After reacting, the doll said with a bewildered expression: "Cherish. What does this mean? Why did you come back?"

Prince, "In this state, if you get too careful, you will be gone!

"Is this supposed to be a lack of money? Is there a little money to buy equipment?" Miller was also confused.

But they were confused, and Shen's reaction on the field was quick.

The moment he saw the silk-blooded prince returning, and after being reminded by the blind man that Qian Jue was not on the road, Shen's killing intent could no longer be controlled.

This prince showed them several times in a few minutes, and no one could bear it.

What's more, TSM is still an internationally renowned giant team, and the team is full of top players in North America, but as for the top players, who doesn't have their own temper?

Seeing that the prince came over, he seemed to be filling up his troops as if he had nothing to do, and Shen had already leaned forward.

"Aren't you going yet? Prince, you really are short of money, but you can't be greedy for this wave, Cherish! It's impossible for Shen to watch a bloodless person." Seeing this scene, Miller's face turned green: "Qian Jue I met the blind man in the jungle just now, this Bo Shen knows that the IG jungler is not on the road-"

"It's over, I'm going to move... The doll looked at Shen's movements, it was so obvious that even they could see it.

"Death to the Lord!!

At the same time, Shen on the field didn't have the patience to spend it with the prince. He is actually very close to the prince now, and one should be able to mock him.

But for Bai Qiu's actions and reactions, Shen had a fresh memory of the fights several times.

And... his intentions are so obvious that even an idiot can see it, he doesn't believe that the prince will not be able to react to this wave!

So when Shen was in E, he had already adjusted the angle and direction, and the next moment, seconds flashed!


E flash!!

And the direction of E's flash is not the position of the prince at the moment, but his side and rear!

In this direction, as long as the prince reacts, whether it is flash or EQ, he will definitely be hit!

This is a wave of pre-judgment E flash!

Shen's E flash is too fast. In fact, any operation related to flash is very fast. Unless the player is aware of it in advance, it is difficult to avoid it.

With a click, the yellow light lit up, and Shen E flashed to the side and rear of the prince in an instant.

At the next moment, a prince arrived as expected, and the EQ accurately landed on Shen E's position!


Shen widened his eyes and shouted in surprise.

But in the next instant, the smile on Shen's face disappeared, turning into extreme disbelief and consternation.

On the field, at the moment when Shen E flashed, the prince did move.

It is also true that EQ has reached the position of Shen E's prediction.

But...the sequence and angle of the front and back are not right!

I saw that at the moment when Shen E flashed over, the prince seemed to be ready long ago, and Lightspeed EQ made a decisive move.

The direction and angle are the same place, but before the EQ, he was slightly skewed to the left.

In this way, when Prince EQ passed by and overlapped with Shen, the moment Shen's Shen landed, he was directly picked up in the air!

EQ. Interrupted Shen E's flash?!


How can it be?

How could the E flash be interrupted?!

The big brother of TSM's top order was suddenly dumbfounded. Looking at himself who was picked up, his brain appeared blank for a short time.

"Send!! Be careful!! My God!! Prince! What's the situation?!" On the other side, the competition areas around the world were also stunned. Miller opened his mouth and shouted with a ghostly face: "Be careful. Shin was actually interrupted?!"

"No! It's not an interruption, this wave of prince is a reverse prediction EQ, his EQ is later than Shen! This wave is deliberately seduce!!" Shen Chao is a tepid personality, at this moment, he is watching His voice raised eight decibels: "This wave of Shen was set on fire by the minions, HauntzerW should be a few seconds away, this wave of Shen is going to die?!"


On the field, the prince made a shocking reverse prediction of EQ, Shen predicted his position, and he also predicted Shen E's position!

An EQ passed, and the speed was so fast that Shengen didn't have time to react.

As soon as he fell to the ground, he was caught.

At the same time as the state was declining, because Shen was directly E flashing into the blue square pawn pile, just at this time, a wave of soldiers arrived, and there were two waves of soldiers, and they began to frantically focus fire on Shen.

And Shen used W before, a W in the early stage, a full 18 seconds of cooldown, and now there is still a few seconds of CD!

As soon as the short blow landed in a gap, Shen's state dropped rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In addition, the state that he was exchanged by the prince before was not very good, at this moment, he has actually reached one-fifth of the state!

...... ask for flowers

Seeing that he had suddenly become crippled, Shen Ye was instantly stunned, ignoring the horror in his heart, and fired towards Prince A almost on a conditional basis.

This wave of troops is too much, he may not want to, but he wants to change this prince!

Shen's Ping A called, and the prince's state had reached single digits.

It was at this time that Bai QiuA died next to the red Fang Long-range soldier who was specially attracted by him.


The soldier was killed, and the prince's body flashed white light--upgrade!

In an instant, the state of the prince's body rose, and at the same time he took off his W.


A white shield appears.

Shen's second flat A fell.

As a result, there is no result!


Seeing this, Hauntzer's entire scalp exploded, and it was not until this time that he realized that the person on the other side was definitely intentional, and deliberately came over to seduce him.

There are too many minions, and the level up is just too good.

But now I know it's too late, because since the establishment of the S game, it is not that no one has seduced the opponent with residual blood and succeeded, but it has never been so extreme and so confident!

Shen's third draw A has already landed, but a long line of small soldiers attacking in the air also landed on him at the same time.

ka ka ka


Shen's blood bar emptied instantly and fell to the ground.

The prince was beaten for the third time by A, and he still had the last bit of his state, and he was not killed in battle!

"IGCherisht? TSMHauntzer!


first drop of blood!!

"The prince has been upgraded! Dead!! Be careful!" Miller shouted in disbelief: "Prince, get the first drop of blood in this game!!"

"This wave of Cherish - actually killed it?!



"what happened?"

"Be careful??"

"How did you die?"

"My mother, what the hell? Shen Eshan was interrupted and killed by a soldier?"

"No, who can explain to me why Shen was killed?"

"Just f*ck outrageous!

Off the field, with the sound of the first blood, the entire Wuhan Sports Center was completely boiling! Fan,

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