Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 116: Comprehensive advantages, double dragons go to sea (1/5 for subscription!)

in the game.

After Bai Qiu made a breakthrough from the top lane, the rest of IG's teammates played really well.

Because the blind man had been on the road a few times, and he didn't catch anyone, he was robbed at the start of the red, so the jungler was slightly suppressed by King Ning.

Qian this hero is to fight the invasion, once the online teammates have the advantage, it will be too comfortable.

As for the middle lane, Rookie and Bilson are also fighting with gods. The two sides seem to be inseparable temporarily. However, because of Ning Wang's advantage, he grabbed a few waves of the middle lane. By the ten minutes of the game time, Bilsen has also been suppressed. Some.

To say that TSM is the only dominant player now, it is only the bot lane.

This year's TSM's bot lane is the big brother. Although the big brother is a bit more talkative and people are too optimistic, it is undeniable that his strength is indeed the top in the world, and he is now the No. 1 ADC in North America, and he continues to dominate. North America for N years.

Compared with TSM, IG's bot lane duo is much weaker. Not only were they overwhelmed in the early stage, but even in the early ten minutes, the senior brother found a wave of spirituality and successfully single-killed Xiaoxi.

It was at this time that IG hit the road again with good news!

"IGCheirsh destroyed a tower!

On the road 26, the prince who had suppressed Shen for ten minutes, finally, with the cooperation of King Ning, directly leveled the opponent's top tower in ten minutes.

Also the first tower of the game!

"One tower fell, and the prince ate alone," Miller looked at the situation: "Then this wave is acceptable.

"Cherish, IG has an advantage in the top lane in this game. As soon as Xiaoxi was single-killed, Cherish immediately responded!"

"Come on, come and go, the early rhythm of this game has always been tight."

"In that case, if the top lane is pushed, IG can change lanes and relieve the pressure on the bottom lane."

in the game.

TSM was pushed on the road, which had a great impact on their rhythm.

The prince on the road was clearly ahead of Shen. Although he only had a head on his body, his experience and economy were indeed solid.

Under the strong top lane, it happened to be ten minutes. Bai Qiu and Ning Wang came directly to the pioneer of the canyon. Bilson was pressed by Rookie and could not be supported. TSM Ueno was also at a disadvantage. After more than ten seconds, the canyon Pioneer was successfully taken down!

At this point, IG took advantage of the strength of Ueno, and the snowball began to roll gradually.

The Canyon Pioneer was placed in the first tower in the middle. In front of Bilson, the three people from the upper and middle fields of IG gathered and began to demolish.

In this regard, TSM can do nothing, and after a few seconds, the tower is dropped.

After that, Bai Qiu went home and switched to the bottom lane with the inferior bot duo. The operating rhythm was perfect, and TSM's economic disadvantage further expanded.

When the time came to 15 minutes, the TSM economy was already behind IG3500. The economy was poor, and in this game with few people, it was already very scary.

"IG, now the rhythm is steady and steady, TSM is very uncomfortable." Outside the field, as IG took the lead step by step, the audience and the commentators were gradually excited.

Miller stared at the big screen: "Now IG just needs to continue to maintain this rhythm, and when the big dragon refreshes, we are not afraid of TSM!"

However, "TSM's double-C is developing very well in this game. Now IG's lead is mainly on the prince, and Cherish has produced pure output equipment. This team battle is actually a bit difficult to fight." Shen Chao can see at a glance. The flaws of the IG lineup.

At present, apart from the prince, there is only one thousand that can make up for output. As for Xia in the bottom lane and Galio in Rookie, one has not developed, and the other is a purely functional hero.

On the other hand, TSM, under the disadvantage of Ueno, has not fallen behind in the development of double C, and even has a slight lead in the bottom lane.

After the team battle, it is difficult to determine who has the advantage.

"It's a pity, if IG chooses a lineup similar to TSM's in this game, and now the economy is leading, we can all congratulate 1G in advance." It's a pity for the baby.

"Can't say that, if IG chose the same lineup as TSM, would they still have so many advantages in the early stage?


Several people were talking, and suddenly a battle broke out in the wild area near F6 in the middle of the canyon.

The reason was that Bilson was hiding in the grass with a wave of shady man operations. Together with the blind man, the two directly stuck Ning Wang who was passing by, pulled the clockwork, and instantly knocked it out for a thousand seconds.

"TSMBjergsen killed IGNing!!

"Ning was stunned! Wow, Bilson, the clockwork and the blind man's cooperation." The doll couldn't help but said: "Bilson is standing up?"

"But this wave is just a kill, the middle tower has been dropped, the line of troops is in the front, TSM can't get more things." Shen Chao finished, and added: "But IG. have to be careful, our lineup , Although you are ahead a lot now, you may be beaten back in a wave of team battles!"

"Hey, why do I feel that if _IG doesn't cooperate well in teamfights, it may not be able to beat TSM?" Doll couldn't help but said at this time.

The other two were silent.

"You have to stabilize the rhythm, this kind of thing can't be rushed." After a long time, Miller took a deep breath. The more the game reached the final stage, the more prone to changes. TSM is not a weak team, the opponent's double C is the world's top The star player, must not be careless.

In the game, Qian Mai's death made IG more vigilant. There were no big mistakes in the next time.

However, in such a stable environment, the development of TSM double C has also been guaranteed, and everything has been questioned.

time flies.

When the time came to about eighteen minutes, both sides began to set up their vision in the Dalongkeng, calming the situation for a long time, and friction began to arise.

In the last wave of confrontation, many IGs who were still in the lead took the top points and successfully arranged their vision.

Both of TSM's outer towers have fallen, especially the middle tower. The middle tower is too important for Dalong's vision. Not only that, but under the pressure of wave after wave of troops, TSM is also incapable of doing anything.

After Xiaopao communicated with his teammates alone, he was short of money to make up the last equipment, and immediately retreated back to the second tower, ready to take away this wave of troops.

On the other hand, the rest of TSM continued to wander in the upper half of the jungle, preparing for the big dragon team fight later.

"TSM's rhythm is very stable now, Xiaopao went back to clear the line, they are ready to fight the big dragon group."

"I feel that the development of the small artillery is a bit too good. If this wave of equipment is formed by the senior brother, our team battle will be really difficult to fight. Miller frowned.

At this moment, the IG side, which has been calm all the time, also moved.

I saw that when Xiaopao just returned to the second tower in the middle road, Bai Qiu's prince and jungler Qian, got into the lower half jungle area from the middle route, and then groped all the way, directly stuck in the field of vision, and successfully came to the field of vision on the side of the second tower. shadow.

this location,

"Hey," Doll looked at IG Ueno's trend, and was stunned for a moment: "IG. What does this wave mean?"

"This position, small cannon! I want to squat on this small cannon!" Miller glanced at the position where the two of IG were deliberately stuck, and instantly shuddered and stared: "IG wants to move this small cannon before the big dragon refreshes! "

"Small Cannon is the fattest point of TSM, as long as he dies, TSM will fight with us whether it is a big dragon or a team fight, this wave of big dragons - we have it!!

"Wow, the other two are excited too, because of this wave, TSM has no vision, they don't know where the two of IG are now!

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