Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 128: The Picturesque Bai Qiu Qiu, the Lightning Wolf Who Was Cut in Love (3/5 for subscripti


Hearing the sound, everyone was stunned.

on the field.

The bizarre scene of Yasuo taking blood alone caused the whole scene to boil.

However, after getting the first blood, Yasuo himself was already in the crowd of FW's four people, and was chased by four people.

This scene was supposed to be fatal.

But the rest of the IG is nearby!

"Are you here? You can fight back! This wave can be counterattacked!"

"Kill kill kill!!

"You can fight! You can fight! Qinggangying is dead!"

Everyone on IG shouted that after Qinggangying died, the person who left IG just now has returned.

Once this wave of Qinggang Ying died, there were only four FW left.

In the case of a first-level regiment, there is one less person, and the skills are still used. Tell me, how to fight?

"Don't run!" Miller looked at the situation on the field, and his tone suddenly rose: "Everyone in IG is back! We can fight this wave! FW has one less person, and the skills are all on CD, this wave of FW- -Boiled!!"

"Go! Yasuo goes first!"


on the field.

Seeing that his teammates were almost there, Yasuo, who had been retreating all the time, immediately turned his head, and 010 faced Luo, who was the only one who didn't arrive before, and E went over.


The next moment, Yasuo did not retreat but advanced, and took the initiative to return to the crowd of four FW!

Raise your hand to the wine barrel and take a knife!

"Kill him! Seconds him!" FW is now a little bit up, seeing Yasuo dare to come back, and immediately set fire to Yasuo together.

In just a few seconds, Yasuo went from full to half blood.

But at this time. 1G others have also joined the battle group!

This can't be helped, IG is too close after all.

Previously, FW had already handed over most of his skills in order to kill Yasuo, and now Qinggangying is dead again.

In this case, as explained in the explanation, there is no way to fight!

It was originally a strong FW in the first-level group, but now it can't beat IG!

Baolan smashed three people with one Q skill, and Luo, who was the first to focus fire by IG, quickly dropped to a half-blooded state.

In desperation, Luo could only flash under his teeth.


Luo flashes away.

This flash was an initiative to announce the defeat of this first-level regiment.

There are only three people left in the frontal battlefield of FW. Facing the wolf-like IG five tiger generals, there is no desire to fight.

One by one, they turned around and ran wildly.

The Syndra and the wine barrel behind are fine. Depending on the distance and location, they should be able to get into their wild area and escape successfully.

But the rest of the small cannons were autistic, this time his position was too high, and after the five IG people flashed the barrels, the targets were all aimed at him.

"Sun!" Seeing that he was about to die, Xiaopao could only flash for his life.


Another flash!

"It flashed! The small cannon also flashed! This wave of FW has been defeated!"

"Two flashes! Oh~! IG, we won this round!!" The doll gasped, "Can you continue to chase?! Can you chase it?!"

On the field, after the small cannons flashed, the four FWs had completely distanced themselves from IG. In this position, looking at FW's bloodline, flashing in the past could not kill them.

More importantly, now that the army line is about to come up, time is running out, and the IG people did not continue to pursue.

I can't catch up." In that case, it's a pity. Seeing this, Miller has already begun to pretend.

However, before he could finish speaking, he saw Yasuo who was walking freely in the crowd just now. He was already out in a few steps, and an E skill stuck to the last wine barrel.

Yasuo's E mark has been refreshed!



Stunned, Yasuo A continued to slide forward after the opponent slashed.

The seamless connection was once again displayed smoothly in front of a global audience.

Of the four people alive in FW, everyone was E-played again. When Yasuo was finally on Xiaobao, the other teammates of IG also approached again.

All the FW (cgfa) members who could no longer control their emotions could only forcibly suppress their anger, grit their teeth and continue to step back - admit their anger!

Yasuo returned to his teammates smoothly, and showed the LPL's red team logo to the four FWs who fled in embarrassment!


There was an instant uproar in the audience.

"Yasuo is still showing! I have to show it again!"

"Bright mark!! Ming tell you, I can't kill you, I can come and go like myself!"

The commentators in all competition areas around the world erupted in amazement. In the LPL commentary booth, Doll Miller and several others also reacted.

"Seamless with E!! Seamless with E again!! Cherish, so beautiful!!"

The doll took a breath and said loudly: "We won this wave! IG, we won!!"




"Why is this Yasuo able to single-handedly kill Blue Steel Shadow in front of four people?"

"Show me stupid, is this Feng Nan?"

"Wind man? Show man!

"Xiao Ma, Cherish, this is the real dad!"

"This is all right?? Wanwan's mentality exploded!"

At the scene, with the end of this extremely strange "first-level group", the audience at the Wuhan Sports Center also burst into shocking cheers.

So showy, so outrageous.

The audience can't understand too many details, but this Bo Yasuo is challenging everyone's vision all the way!

Under the seamless connection of E, like a wind traveler, he shuttled through the five people in FW without any obstacles, and finally made a single kill!

He is only a first-level! Only a first-level!


On the commentary table, several explanations also glanced at each other, and their emotions had completely risen.

"Can this all be solo kills?! I've been commenting for so many years, and it's the first time I've seen a first-level regiment play like this!

Miss Rita smacked her tongue: "It's too exaggerated, this skill, Cherish has spent a lot of money..

"FW's mentality has exploded. Not only did they kill people in this wave, but they also handed over the three flashes!" Miller said, "Oh, it's so uncomfortable!"

Cherish said, aren't you going to fight? I'll fight with you, why are you running now?"

in the game.

As soon as this wave ends, FW steals chickens without losing money. This wave of team battles not only killed people, but also handed over three flashes.

It can be called a blood loss, and the state of the players is not right for a while.

"It's outrageous, I really want to kill Yasuo's ancestor!" MMD gritted his teeth, his nose crooked with anger.

"The opposite is really too showy." Kasa couldn't help but said: "Come on steadily, Yasuo starts with a blood, and goes to the lane. It's not easy to fight."

"It doesn't matter, let him bleed, I'll be fine! MMD has closed his heart a bit, but his mouth is still hard.

If you don't lose the battle, you can't kill me with one blood, right?

With this kind of thinking, as soon as it went online, MMD was miserable.

Because he suddenly found out.

one blood.

Can really blow him up

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