Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 140: With a loud bang in the sky, Gao Fushuai makes his debut (5/5 for subscription!)

"Welcome back, here is the scene on the second day of the second round of the 2017 global finals group stage, China G Wuhan!"

Everyone "Hello, I'm the commentator of this game!"

"I'm Miller!"

Everyone "Hi, I'm Rita!"

Commentary seat.

The three LPL commentators appeared in formal attire, and everyone had an irresistible smile on their faces at the moment.

Finally, "It's time for this game." The doll felt the overwhelming cheers from off the field and took a deep breath: "IG, against MSF!"

"Yes, it's finally here." Miller nodded and said, "These two teams are the dark horse teams this year!"

"That's right, but when it comes to dark horses, MSF still needs to be a little darker." The doll said very differently: "Have you heard of this team before, brother?"

"No, Miller and Rita shook their heads.

"To "023", this is a team we have never heard of before." Baby said: "But on the stage of this year's S competition, MSF. has fully blossomed itself!"

"We won all four games, tied with IG for the first place in the group, and double-killed TSM and FW. Really, it was unexpected.

"Let's be upset. The two No. 1 seed teams in Group D have been eliminated this year, which is the largest upset group that has appeared so far." Miller finished, and added: "Of course, the No. 3 seed in our division, IG, it's not bad either!"

When IG was mentioned, the audience cheered uncontrollably.

Today's IG really ignited the tens of thousands of viewers at the Wuhan Sports Center.

It has won all four games and has already advanced to the quarter-finals in advance. This is undoubtedly great news for all LPL viewers.

"Yes! IG, it has now been confirmed that they will advance to the quarter-finals of the 2017 global finals!" The baby's tone was high: "Similarly, IG is also the first team in the LPL division this year to advance, which is really great!"

"It's amazing." Miller said: "However, the first place in the group, the score between IG and MSF is now the same, the two teams, who can qualify first in the group, and the degree of importance, I believe we don't need to say more.

"To put it bluntly, the group is the first to qualify. If nothing else, the quarter-finals will at least be very good, and even play well. IG has a chance to break through the quarter-finals and advance to this year's semifinals!"



"IG! IG!

"Little IG rushing duck!!"

Hearing the sound, the frenzied shouts of the audience off the field instantly rose, penetrating everyone's eardrums.

The attention of the game all day today is really too high.

Because in the special match of Group D, there is LPL's home team IG, and because IG has now determined to advance to the quarterfinals!

The raucous scene quickly became crazy.

Because all 1G staff have already stepped onto the stage and started to debug the equipment.

After a while, the director notified that the three LPL commentators all rallied.

"Then, the players in the front are ready, let's enter the fifth round of today's B01, which is also the most crucial one!"

When the words fall, the director switches to the BP interface directly.

For this match, IG blue side, MSF red side.

As the opponents who fought for the first time in the group stage, although the two teams have not yet met, they have studied everything about each other in private.

Ban people also seems to be very targeted.

As soon as the MSF came up, they directly dropped Jian Ji, Yasuo, and the Spear of Vengeance.

Of the three banned players, two were Bai Qiu's heroes who played very well in the first round of the group stage, and one was a skateboard shoe that must be banned.

There is no problem with this ban person, but seeing Yasuo appearing in the ban position, the global audience could not restrain a burst of noise.

"Yasuo MSF is aimed at death, even Yasuo is banned?" The doll was also a little dumbfounded.

Yasuo's ban is one of them, and more is MSF's attitude towards Cheirsh.

Targeted, too obvious.

"Chieris, the performance has been online these days, MSF should be more afraid of the point of hitting the road." Miller said: "But you are such a ban method, IG has to choose people, and the strong heroes in other positions have been released. !"

BP interface.

Compared with MSF, IGban people are more exposed to rain and dew.

After banning a few MSF hot heroes, one shot directly got the answer of the version---Auxiliary Wind Girl.

Seeing this, MSF was not surprised, and directly locked the jungler prince and the mid laner Syndra.

Both are very strong meta and very aggressive heroes in the early stage.

After reaching 1G, discuss it for a while, and then help Rookie get Galio and the blind jungler...

In the last round of the first round, MSF chose the ADC small gun.

The first round of candidates are all over, and the lineups on both sides have their own merits, which are generally acceptable.

"But IG didn't choose the order, will MSF continue to target?" Seeing this, Miller looked at the big screen.

Looking at the strength of MSF against Bai Qiu before, it is really possible to continue to ban.

But Miller's worries are superfluous.

When it came to the second round, MSF did not take care of the top order anymore, but aimed at other positions that IG had not yet chosen.

After the completion of the target, MSF took the lead to get the assistant Luo.

It was IG's turn to make the final choice. After hesitating for a long time, he decided on the hero used by Xiaoxi--

ADC Policewoman!

"Policewoman", this hand choice is somewhat unexpected.

Because of the current position in the S game, the number of female police officers actually appeared is relatively small, and under normal circumstances, Xia and Xiaopao are in charge.

But in the case of Xia and Xiaopao missing, or being banned, this move is also a good choice.

"It's acceptable, but if you choose a female police officer, IG's early bot lane policewoman + Fengnv, mid laner Galio, are you going to play this game with the bot lane as the core?" Miller was a little uneasy.

The bot lane of the S71G

I know everything.

Such an important game, IG will play like this?

"Also the top laner didn't choose Brother A, let's see what hero Cher5.0ish wants to get. 1G should get a carry-type hero for the top lane.

Doll reminded: "IG chose a carry point. If Rookie is sure that it is Galio, just relying on a policewoman will not be able to bring the rhythm in the early stage. Xiaoxi needs time to develop, and now IG. lacks a core in the early stage."

"As for the core of the early stage, Olaf is not suitable. What hero is better to stay outside?" Miller helped IG think of it.

But the next moment, I saw that IG had already identified a hero, a hero that everyone suddenly realized--

"Fight for a better tomorrow!

The bastard Terminator, oh no, is the guardian of the future - Jess!

A hero who specializes in killing bastards, Bai Qiu took out the hero in the S competition for the first time, and it is also his favorite hero.

none of them!

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