Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 142: Crazy pulling, I seem to be dying (2/5 for subscription!)

"Jace, walked over, this wave of Cherish didn't realize."

"I can't go over, MSF Ue Nakano has been waiting here for Jess, this wave of past blood may be gone!"

Commentary seat.

Seeing Jess approaching the triangular grass, there was already a commotion off the field.

In the grass, the three MSFs have moved forward in unison, and if Jace gets a little closer, it is estimated that he will make a move.


"Kill him!"

The next moment, the three MSFs on the field were looking at Jayce's position, and Shen's finger was already placed on the E skill.


A yellow eye lit up without warning and was directly inserted into the triangle grass.

The appearance of this yellow eye was so abrupt that the three of MSF Ue Nakano, who were just about to start, were stunned.

Not only them, but the entire audience and the commentators of the world's major competition areas also stayed.

This is Jace's eye position!!


"Discovered?! Cheirsh, this wave realized?!"


A European commentator exclaimed, but then wailed again: "But this wave is too late, this person who is close to Jace seeing MSF is useless!"


at the same time.

The three MSFs on the field were stunned for a moment, and then they reacted immediately, and Shen immediately used the E skill without hesitation.

Jace's current position, even if he discovers them, he is doomed!


Bai Qiu, who suddenly found the three big treasures, was really startled. The moment his yellow eyes were inserted, he uttered a foul language.

Then, without even looking at the movements of the three MSFs, almost conditioned reflexes, they made a sudden U-turn towards the side.

Take a position.


The next moment, the Shen E skill in the grass swiped directly, just passing Jace who was walking up!

Take a seat and hide!!


"Move! Cherish, Jace's move and twisted Shen's E!!"

"My God, what kind of reaction speed is this?!" Miller's eyes widened, and his originally frustrated face instantly flushed: "Can I go?! Only Shen has the ability to keep people in this wave of MSF three! Can Jess run? ?!

on the field.

Jace's reaction speed was god-level, saving Bai Qiu's life.

After twisting Shen's E skill, Bai Qiu moved closer to his defense tower without looking back.

Shen E failed, sticking to Jace and starting to level A against the opponent.

Jayce's state declined, and Bai Qiu immediately changed his form, relying on acceleration and MSF to get the three of them farther.

Prince Xingdra on the other side also came out, but both of them are only level 1 now, and there is no skill left behind by Jace.

In desperation, only the long-handed Syndra consumed Jaspin A who escaped.

After a few times of A, there was no substantial effect except to knock out a bloodline of Jace.

This wave, run away!

"Go, this Bogers can go!"

"MSF. Three people, first-level double team, extreme targeting, Cheirsh successfully escaped!!"


Outside, watching Jess who had completely escaped from birth, the countless spectators at the Wuhan Sports Center burst into frantic screams and applause.

So handsome!

"It's too thrilling, wow, this wave can actually go." Miller also let out a long breath, and couldn't help saying: "The reaction has done a good job! Jess, this wave of Cheirsh is purely a temporary reaction, and the position has been twisted. E, or you will surely die!"

"Yes, it should be a reaction. The yellow eyes inserted before should not have been realized, otherwise Jace would not have been so close. It seems that he is habitually looking away, but I didn't expect this position, help!" The doll shook her head and sighed.

Everyone was too nervous just now, and now it seems that Jess definitely didn't realize it before. This wave is completely relying on the yellow eyes to put down the moment when he saw the three MSFs, and Jess completed the Tianxiu by reacting.


"Amazing responsiveness!"

After Miller's vocal evaluation, he looked at the MSF Nakano who had run back to the online and jungle areas in a daze: "Then after this wave, the three MSF members didn't catch Jess to death, which affected morale a bit."

"It's not useless, isn't it, this wave of MSF forced Jess to consume most of his blood, it seems that they are really afraid of IG's top road... Huh?!"

Before the baby finished speaking, he was stunned when he saw the scene where the director suddenly switched back to the road.

"What do you mean, hit the road, how come Jess is back. Fighting?!"

in the game.

After MSF failed to arrest people, Nakano went back to their respective homes immediately.

After all, they have been delayed here for a long time, and now that the troops have come out, if it is later, it is not a big deal to catch the dead, but the loss of troops and experience is a big deal!

As soon as MSF Nakano left, Shanglu Shinya subconsciously took a shortcut from the river and wanted to return to the line.

Shen wasn't afraid of Jace coming over to fight him, because Jace had already consumed a lot of blood by them just now, and after being crouched by three people, he wouldn't come over even if he was alone!

However, he never imagined that this Jace on the other side seemed to be really not a human being!

I saw that when Shen was about to go online halfway from the river, Jace, who ran before, turned back without warning. After changing his cannon form, he hit Shen Dang with a flat A.

Then he received QA in seconds, and burst out in three hits, triggering Thunder.


The blood line of the Shenman state has dropped a little, and the outbreak of the first-level Jess is still very high.


"You still dare to come?"

Shen's face was full of question marks, and he reacted with anger and laughter.

Jess is only half-blooded now, and his teammates haven't gone far. He took the initiative to come over this wave, did he think he could kill him?

Thinking of this, Shen has taken the initiative to lean towards Jace, and at the same time greet his teammates: "Come on! Jace is here again!"


On the other side, taking advantage of the moment when Shen came over, Bai Qiu's Jace was in no hurry, and made two draws to AA out.

Only then did Shen approach him.

Seeing this, Bai Qiu turned around immediately, Shen thought he wanted to run and continued to pursue.

But it didn't take long for him to realize that something was wrong,

Because (it's good) Jace who turned back just ran for a while, and immediately turned back to level A.

Once is fine, twice or three times down,

The fool can see it too - this Jace is in the wind!!

Shen really wanted to go up and fight with Jace, but he found that Jace's walking distance was very well controlled. Shen, who was short-handed, couldn't touch him for a while, even for a while!

Jace's damage is still very high, and with the output of his A and Q skills, Shen's state has reached about two-fifths before he knows it.

This time Shen panicked: "Where are you people? Come on, wait for me across from Xiangfeng!"

"Fake, we were blocked by the opposite Nakano! IG has negotiated this wave, so run away!


Shen Wensheng was stunned for a moment, only to realize that the teammates who had just supported him had already met Nakano, who appeared out of nowhere at the river.

In no time at all,

"Xiba, I don't seem to be able to run.

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