Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 150: sjokz likes it, the top orders in the S competition are very strong, it is impossible t

The real protagonist!

IG has finally proved its strength at this moment through the victory of one game after another.

On the stage, the cheers from all directions continued, and the five IG people seemed to be the center of the world at this moment.

Everyone was extremely excited.

In the cheers of thousands of people, everyone shook hands with MSF and returned to the backstage.

Along the way, where everyone in IG passed, countless audience members stood up excitedly, and even the staff, referees, directors, hosts, and commentators all changed their gazes towards IG.

This made everyone on IG, who had been left out in the cold, feel proud.

After all, no one dislikes the attention, especially the adoration of countless people, which makes these teenagers, who are only eighteen years old on average, throb from the depths of their souls.

In love with this feeling.

"All wins!!"


"I Ditian, brothers, killing crazy!" Zero Two Three

"Take off, take off, my little IG actually won the qualifying!

With this sense of accomplishment, as soon as I returned to the backstage, all the management and coaching staff of IG swarmed up and surrounded the five people who started IG with all the stars and the moon.

Su Xiaoluo's face was flushed with excitement, his lips were trembling, and he kept saying: "You are good, you are all good.."

The others were similar, even Principal Wang called and personally encouraged everyone on IG for their performance today, saying that after returning today, they will have a celebration banquet and a big meal together.

Each person will add 99999 super red envelopes!

Fame and fortune, good luck.

After a long time of excitement, the lounge finally returned to normal, and everyone gradually accepted their "terrible" record of victory.

At this time, the MVP of the game was also given, and it was the Rookie of the core Carry of the game.

Not long after that, the post-match interview invitation also came.

Bai Qiu was invited to the European interview booth this time.

This is also the first time I have been interviewed in the European competition. The team translator should be more proficient in Korean, and he has to follow Ning to the interview booth at the Korean GLCK.

For a while, Bai Qiu went with him without an interpreter.

"I was negligent and went back to find an English translator." Su Xiaoluo said, "There are always people on the official side, talk to them."

It is also the advantage of local warfare to seek the official in all uncertainties.

After a while, the official sent an English translator.

As soon as we met, Bai Qiu couldn't help laughing.

This translator is none other than Miss Xiran, who I met several times before.

Xi Ran interviewed Bai Qiu during the play-in period. It was not the first time for the two of them to meet, but now that she entered the IG lounge, Miss Xi Ran was still very cautious and excited.

"Hello, see you again.

Oops, "You guys played really well." Miss Xi Ran took a peek at Bai Qiu and added in a low voice, "Especially you!"


Disregarding the malicious eyes of his teammates, the director in front urged Bai Qiu and Xi Ran to come to the European interview booth together.

The host of the European division has always been held by the internationally renowned beauty host Sjokz. You may not be familiar with ID, but she also has a nickname, Ocean Horse.

All the way to the European interview booth, Sjokz waited there with a smile on his face.


As soon as they met, Sjokz interjected with both hands, with a look of admiration and admiration. People living in the East may find it exaggerated, but this is a common way of expressing appreciation and liking in Europe and the United States.

"Hi, hello." Bai Qiu greeted politely, with some level of English.

"You're really strong, and I like you so much." Sjokz didn't look at all, smiling and beckoning Xiran to translate his words.

After listening, Bai Qiu quickly thanked him.

I didn't have time to make a lot of chatter, and the director gave it.

Sjokz picked up the microphone and looked at the camera with a smile: "Welcome to the post-match interview session, today we are inviting a heavyweight player that everyone has long expected--Cherish~!!



"Cherish!Cool!Cool!Cool~(Cool Cool)!"

Audiences in the European Division are different from other divisions. The way these audiences express their emotions and likes is more direct and enthusiastic.

Bai Qiu may not have such a high popularity in the LPL local competition area, because the LPL competition area depends on many factors such as performance, honor, and even seniority.

If you have fans, you will be popular if you have traffic.

The European side is different. They only worship the strong. As long as you play well, they will go crazy for you, scream and applaud for you.

This is the situation at the moment, the neat shouts of CherishID off the court is the first time Bai Qiu has experienced.

"Wow, the popularity is really high. Cherish, you may not know, we privately count the players that the audience wants to see, and your vote is among the best." Sjokz smiled and held a sentence..

Bai Qiu smiled and said nothing.

There is one thing to say, they defeated the second seed in the European competition area, and the audience in the competition area still gives face like this, and they are really open-minded and happy.

"So, let's ask the first question first." Sjokz laughed: "IG has won the game now, so this year's IG's performance is beyond the imagination of the global audience. During the group stage, you were in a fierce state. The Tigers, 6/0, won all six games, and qualified first in the group. How are you feeling now?

Miss Xiran's English is first-rate, and she gave Bai Qiu a very accurate translation.

Hearing the sound, Bai Qiu picked up the microphone and said, "I am very happy and excited to be able to win the tournament. I would like to thank my teammates and everyone for their support.

"Then as far as I know, this should be the best S game since the IG team was established. This year, it is playing at your country's home court. Is this a home buff bonus?"

Bai Qiu said decisively: "Yes, it is precisely because of the enthusiasm of our home audience that our team is very motivated when playing games. Thank you to the audience in Wuhan and to all the fans of LPL!


As soon as these words came out, LPL fans in other areas suddenly cheered wildly.

Although this is the European interview booth, under the home court, there are Chinese G people everywhere!

Bai Qiu's remarks, if nothing else, are too inspiring.

"Wow." Sjokz didn't expect Bai Qiu to be so straightforward, he blinked and nodded in agreement: "Yes, all of us have seen that the audience in Wuhan, the audience in LPL, is indeed the best 5.0 audience.

"So, what do you think of your own strength? Many fans in Europe are now saying that you are the strongest top laner in the LPL this year, and even the top laner in the S tournament this year, even though IG is only a No. 3 Seed, but your personal strength is unquestionable. Do you agree with your own opinion?"

Upon hearing this, Miss Xi Ran's heart beat faster and she translated it to Bai Qiu.

After listening to Bai Qiu, he didn't know how to answer.

After a while, he said blankly: "Well, I shouldn't be the strongest. I still need to keep working hard."

"Then can you rate which top laner is the strongest? Or the top three?"

Bai Qiu said: "The top laners in the S competition are all very strong. It's hard to say who is stronger."


Sjokz and Miss Xi Ran next to them both widened their eyes and looked confused.

Brother, do you know what you are talking about?

This is the beginning?

Get angry?.

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