Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 154: The top eight are finalized, each with joys and sorrows (4/5 for subscription!)

Double kill Samsung!

This is the first time in the 6-year history of the establishment of the LPL division, except for the short-lived OMG in S4, the first time to perform such an uplifting feat in the S game!

One clean sheet, two double kills!

The moment RNG won SSG, their failure today was forgotten. The feat of double-killing the LCK team in the S game is enough to make all LPL, and even the global audience go crazy!

At this moment, the prestige of all five RNG starting members reached their peak, and they instantly dominated the hot search list with seven or eight hot search words.

Even the popularity of IG's promotion has long been suppressed, and everyone in RNG has become the only protagonist in the LPL division.

The commentary doll even choked with excitement on the spot: "RNG! They have done what no one else has done! RNG bulls!"

"They will advance to the quarter-finals of this year's S competition as the first in Group C!"


Countless people in the audience cheered wildly, and the old fans who had experienced the dark years of LPL even felt like weeping.


Everyone on IG knows that RNG is going to explode without looking at it.

If they were a blast yesterday, then the RNG that double-killed Samsung today is a huge explosion, and it exploded to the limit!

"Wow, my God, double kill Samsung, RNG is going to fly!"

In the watching room of the hotel, King Ning lay on his back on a chair. After seeing RNG's victory, he jumped up in excitement.

"It's too strong, this, Samsung, last year's runner-up in the S competition, double kill this?" Ah Shui was also stunned.

"Come on, little Uzi, you can do it next year too." Baolan teased.

Oh, "Are you complimenting me?" Ah Shui was in a complicated mood. He felt that little Uzi was complimenting others, but he felt a little unwilling.

Am I really worse than Uzi?

It is not known, anyway, he has never even played a game, but he is already an LPL card.

Got "Well, I have to ask RNG to invite me to dinner later, tortoise, double kill three stars, this name is in history." Rookie shook his head with a smile.

His words were meant to be sarcastic, but also envious.

It's an exaggeration to be famous in history, but don't you see that OMG has been blowing from S4 to the present after defeating the Korean G team in the S game.

Whenever someone mentions the LPL foreign war, OMG is always the white moonlight for everyone.

Isn't this what is famous in history?

Really "it's amazing." Bai Qiu nodded.

The victory of RNG gave an unprecedented boost to the LPL division.

Including yesterday's IG, in this year's LPL division, under the home game, two representative teams have advanced to the quarterfinals.

And they're the first of the group!

For a time, the outside world sang and danced happily, and the audience, commentators, and even the officials were completely caught up in the carnival.

Of course, in this carnival, everyone has not forgotten that the most important team in the LPL division this year--

No. 1 seed EDG!

At present, EDG has a record of 0/3, and one foot has already stepped out of the stage of the S competition.

However, as long as there is a chance, no one wants to give up, and no one wants to see that kind of situation.

After all, EDG is deeply rooted. Since the rise of S4, S5 has reached the top of MSI, and in S7, this Magic God team is almost the representative of the LPL division in the international competition!

If such a card team is really eliminated in the top sixteen this year, it will really be a heartbreaker.

If you don't want to be eliminated, you can only exert one thousand percent of your strength.

The result will be known soon.

Day two of RNG's win.


The last day of the group stage of the 2017 World Championship.

This day is the special session of Group A, which is the group where EDG is located.

In fact, there are a lot of unspoken rules. For example, according to the normal process, the second round of the group stage starts with Group A, and the four groups ABCD play special games every day in turn.

Group A was on the first day, and Group D was on the last day.

However, EDG's record was too poor. After the first round of the group stage, the players had huge problems in terms of mentality and state, and even broke down and cried several times.

No way, the official can only forcibly adjust the schedule and arrange Group A to the last day.

This is also one of the great advantages of playing at home, so it is not bad for the other teams in Group A. One day later for the game, one more day of training time.

However, it can be seen from this point that even LPL officials have high hopes for EDG, and they have done their best.

In this way, EDG started today's battle of life and death with everyone's expectations.

For 0/3 of them, today is indeed a battle of life and death. As long as they lose a game, they will be eliminated on the spot and commit suicide on the spot. It is no exaggeration.

What's more, EDG relied on these few days to finally adjust back to the state and exert their strength.

…………For flowers……0

In the first game, EDG played against AHQ, which was directly crushed and won in the early stage.

In the second game, EDG played against C9, a small universe that broke out in desperation, all members exploded, and then won another victory.

At this point, EDG's record has reached 2/3, depending on the situation, as long as we win one more game, there is a chance to play extra matches to advance!

When the third and fourth games ended and C9 and AHQ lost to SKT, the scene went crazy.

Because of these two teams, AHQ has been determined to be eliminated, and C9's record is 3/3!

As long as EDG wins the final match against SKT today, there will be a chance to play extra matches and join forces with RNG and IG in Guangzhou!

Complete the theoretical qualifying, the Jedi comeback!


Even EDG himself hugged each other excitedly backstage, and countless audiences wept with joy.

But is SKT that good?

Since the existence of this team, it seems to be the master and nemesis of the LPL, especially SKT. The team name alone seems to make people desperate.

When EDG played against SKT, they took a huge lead in the early stage, ruined the situation in the mid-term, and were accurately overturned in the later stage.

The dream is broken!

All EDG members collapsed on the spot, 7 couldn't hide their tears, and the scene of Wuhan Sports Center fell into a dead silence.

Lost, from 0/3 to 2/3, the last step, just the last step, EDG still failed to complete the redemption.

In 2017, the No. 1 seed in the LPL division was eliminated in the round of 16.

Missed the chance to join forces with RNGIG, let alone the next grand stage.

This year's S7 has nothing to do with them.

For a time, tens of thousands of spectators at the Wuhan Sports Center broke the defense collectively.

The commentator Guan Zeyuan burst into tears on the spot, and said sadly: "EDG. The pit dug for himself in the early stage is too big, 0/3 start, hell mode, it's really too difficult."

"The reason why the theoretical qualifying is called the theoretical qualifying is because, this is a miracle, 99% of people can't do it!"

That is the moment.

The group stage is officially over, and the final qualifying places for Group A are: SKT, C9!

Advance to the quarter-finals, filling the vacancy of the last two seats.

So far, the top eight seats in the 2017 global finals have all been confirmed, and in a few days, the most classic and fierce top eight matchup of the annual S competition will begin! And,

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