Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 160: In the position of the top single, I am sure to win everyone (Happy New Year 5/5!)


Guangzhou Gymnasium.

As the classic and iconic fist logo fell, on the 365 big screen without dead ends in the center of the venue, cracks such as spider webs appeared and shattered.


The audience just cheered, and the lights of the venue just turned on dimmed again.

A bright light also lit up on the large screen in the center.

A goosebumpy BGM prelude sounded--

2017 Global Finals Theme Song--Legends Never Extinct!

On the bank of the big river, on the sea stone of Takamatsu, a delicate and beautiful mid-summoner trophy stands quietly.

On the lonely coast, there are waves passing by, and the Summoner's trophy is like an eternal existence, standing still, looking cold and noble.

This is one of the craziest and most desired things for all professional players, audiences, and even officials in the world!

"I don't think people will remember you because you reached the quarterfinals."

The voiceover of the mid laner BBD of the "040" LZ team came, the screen switched, and came to the exquisite and classical pavilion, BDD walked out, looked up at the sky, and his tone was full of firmness:

"In order to be remembered, you have to consistently perform well on a higher stage.

"BDD!! He's unstoppable, this rock sparrow, unstoppable, LZ-Drummer won the game, 6/0! They became the first team to win the group stage in 2017 The qualifying team, OMG. The big boss is going to enter the quarterfinals!"

In the voice-over, there is the voice of the North American commentary roaring wildly.

On the side of the river, a beautiful and beautiful white tower stands in the distance, and the sky is dazzling blue, just like Samsung's dazzling performance in previous S competitions.

The head of Ambrose turned his back to the camera and looked at the sea with no end in sight.

"Being in the quarter-finals is a feat in itself, but we made it to the finals last year, so we have to be in the finals this time too!"

He raised his head to the side, his eyes were in a trance, and his expression was determined.

"Congratulations to C9! They got the victory, the score is 3/3, and no surprise, they will advance to the quarterfinals of this year, C9, always the light of North America!!

The passionate voice of the North American commentator sounded.

In the dim aisle, C9 Zhong Jianhuang leaned against the wall and looked directly at the camera: "Our opponent is LZ. Although no one is optimistic about us, just imagine, if we defeat LZ, it will be a What a sensation?"

"We may have to prove that North America is the strongest region!"

BGM gradually came to a climax.

"The global finals is the best place to prove the players' own strength." The light and feasting, the Guangzhou Road at night, the beauty is enchanting.

The top laner of the IG team, Cherish, looked into the distance, as if telling his understanding of the S game and announcing his ambitions to the world.

"I just want people to see that I can compete with the best players in the world, and let everyone see how I play, and in the top lane, I'm sure I can beat everyone!"

On the steps below the huge palace, the FNC team placed the order, the sister-in-law of a famous international friend, with his back to the camera, climbed up step by step, just like his attitude towards his career.

"People have polarized opinions about me. Even though I've been at Worlds many times, I have to prove myself over and over again each time!"

Look up, the camera changes.

The crowd is surging, and the night scene accelerates.

The support eldest brother of the MSF Rabbit team looked up at the neon-lit high-rise buildings with a view they could not reach: "Getting to the quarterfinals is a success for us, but I don't want to stop there. If we beat SKT, We can--be famous all over the world!!"

In the white corridor, SKT top laner Huni walked on it alone, turned his back to the camera, and said aloud:

The name SKT itself is equivalent to a laurel crown.

The BGM gradually subsided and the climax ended.

In the dark, RNG's mid laner Xiaohu wore a black hoodie and said as he walked up, "I think it's just a process from the group stage to the quarter-finals and the quarter-finals. No matter what sports, everyone Remember always the champion!"


After the words fell, the BGM disappeared completely, the picture went dark, the silver Panlong logo of the 2017 global finals appeared, and the BGM living alone in S7 also resounded throughout the venue.




"LPL rushing duck!! IG wins for you!!

"Qiu Daddy, I love you!! Handsome, Handsome!!

The noisy scene, along with the end of the promotional video for the opening ceremony of the 2017 Global Finals quarter-finals, also erupted in shocking cheers.

I have to say that all the series of promotional videos this year are full of feelings, especially the BGM, which really makes people feel numb when they hear it,

It was at this time that a baritone voice that all LPL audiences were familiar with sounded:

"This is the quarter-final of the 2017 Global Finals. I am the host Ren Dong. Welcome to China G-Guangzhou!"


When the words fell, the scene instantly went crazy.

Ren Dong in a brown-red suit also walked onto the stage excitedly, feeling the enthusiasm of the 30,000 to 40,000 people who came from all over the Guangzhou Gymnasium.

Even him, there is no such explosion as the host, with so many people at the scene!

With this thought in mind, Ren Dong raised his hands:

"Summoners at the scene, how are you?!"


The response from the field exploded.

"Guangzhou's audience, like Wuhan, is also very enthusiastic." Ren Dong suppressed his excitement and went straight to the theme: "Then, the two teams for today's battle are ready, let us first invite, the first team to play today.

"The third seed of the LCK, the runner-up team in last year's global finals, has the living fossil jungler Ambition in the LCK region--SSG!"

After the words fell, Samsung's starters and substitutes, as well as the coach, stepped onto the stage one after another, waving to the stage with a smile on their faces.

But they haven't waited for the audience's response, and a terrifying sound that is enough to make the scene explode instantly swept the audience!



"IG!! Must win!"

IG, here we go!

IG-Everyone walked to the 5.0 stage in high spirits.

At this moment, the whole world is not optimistic about IG, everyone defaults to IG being eliminated, and the game has already lost 1G before it starts..

All these were left behind.

Now, IG is the only protagonist in the field!

This is home field advantage. No matter where they go, even if their own strength is not optimistic, they will crush all opponents in terms of off-field popularity and support!

"Okay, welcome to both teams again...

Here, Ren Dong was also shocked by the terrifying sound at the scene. After coming back to his senses, after introducing the two teams that were fighting today, he paused for a while, and finally lifted his maximum lung capacity--

"So, hero, chasing a legend, here I announce the quarterfinals of the 2017 World Championships"


PS: Happy New Year!! o(n_n)O~

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