Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 170 : I want to point my finger at it and make a global sensation (5/5 for subscription!)

How much attention is there for the quarterfinals today?

As the first S competition held in China G in 7 years, it can be said that this year, the enthusiasm and emotions of LOL players have been pulled to a new height.

During the play-in period, S7 crushed previous competitions.

During the group stage, the attention was close to the previous quarterfinals.

And in the quarter-finals, it can even be compared with the previous semi-finals!

What's more, the team playing today is still the local representative team of IG, the LPL division.

This is fueling the fire, the fire is on fire!

Under such terrifying attention, the news that IG won will naturally trigger a series of reactions and sensations.

But to say the most sensational, in this game, the player who carried the audience naturally did his part.

It's really doing my part, the S7 is so popular, and the number of people watching the game is terrifying, far from being as simple as the "057" data on the table looks.

And this game's promise, the early stage hammer Cuvee's picture, directly hit the hearts of countless LPL fans!

How many years? How long?

Who was the last one who beat Han G on the order?

sorry, we do not have that!

Even the original OMG eldest brother didn't say that he would hit the LCK order completely!

Not to mention Cuvee, the top single super carry player who is well-known in the LPL division.

It can be said that just because of this, Bai Qiu has a reason to be popular.

Audiences, commentators, fans, and even officials in the LPL division. Everyone, waiting for this day, waiting for too long!

Even this is beyond winning or losing this game, it is only about the extravagant desires and hopes that everyone has in the depths of their hearts.

Now, seeing the pictures in the dream happen in real life, is there any reason not to be crazy?

Bai Qiu took advantage of this turmoil, like a fish leaping through the dragon gate, like a dragon flying for nine days, his own popularity at this moment directly surpassed the entire IG team!

The picture is so outrageous that people who saw it even thought that this was the wrong hot search on IG...

But when you go in and see, everyone doesn't think so.

Because, really tears.

"Crying!! Dad Qiu!! Dad forever!"

"Damn, I have entered the pit from S3, been a five-year LOL player, and watched countless S competitions. Every year, I see our top single in G go out and be beaten as a soldier by others. That feeling is really not something that someone who has never experienced can do it. felt.

"+1, only those who came from the dark ages know how happy Cherish is to win this game today!"

Beating "Cuvee! Cherish is permanently free from black, right?"

"??! It's over, this is only the first game of the quarter-finals, what if IG is eliminated today?"

"Then all the horses of IG should be gone."


"Cry, Daddy Qiu, Daddy Qiu, I beg you to continue hammering Cuvee, don't just do it once, let's dream for a while."

"This is too humble. Although I also think so...


Many comments, in less than five minutes, the number of comments on this Weibo exceeded 30,000, with 50,000 likes and 70,000 retweets!

The reply with the most likes in it also came to a terrible 40,000!

Looking at the message inside, it was really miserable.

Even people who haven't experienced the dark period of the LPL division, looking at these, can't help but enter.

It seems to have returned to that dark era, when all the LPL teams were pulling their arms, and the top single position was the pulling of the team, and it was home!

Only those who have experienced darkness will cherish the light even more.

After this game, Cheirsh has become a short-lived light for everyone!

It's short-lived because.

The game is not over yet, it's so loud now, but if IG loses later, it is estimated that the classic Sichuan opera will be staged.

"Anyway, I will always support Cherish!"

"Support my family Qiuqiu, Qiuqiu loves you!"

"Where did the title Qiuqiu come from? Listen, it's so cute~

"I heard it in the Tuan Tuan live broadcast room. It is said that Tuantuan and Qiu Daddy are very familiar!"

"Ah? It's not a rival in love, is it?"

"I don't know, but Father Qiu continues to kill him!!"

With Bai Qiu's extremely rare ranking on Weibo's hot search, his popularity has skyrocketed, and his number of fans has also skyrocketed.

From the initial hundreds of thousands of fans, five minutes later, it has directly broken through to 200,000, and this terrifying rally is still increasing!

Countless viewers who had not paid attention to Bai Qiu before, all of them noticed him out of curiosity this time, and some of them paid attention to him specially.

Amid the turmoil, Bai Qiu's popularity continued to increase, and the news of IG's victory was also spreading.

However, for this, the IG people who were at the scene did not know about it.

B05's break time is short.

After a brief discussion on how to play the second game, the director's notice was also given quickly.

The second game is about to begin!

"Come on, cheer for yourself.

Su Xiaoluo stood up and greeted everyone.

Everyone on IG stood up when they heard the sound, gathered together in a circle, and put their hands together.

Said: "The second game, we will win!!" Su Xiaoluo said: "I count 123..


"Go on IG!"

"Go on IG!"

Everyone on IG raised their hands high, and their momentum reached its peak.

"Go, we'll wait for the news of your triumph!" Su Xiaoluo looked at the crowd: "I don't need to say more about the importance of the second game, come on!

IG everyone nodded.

Everyone knows in their hearts that if there is still a lot of room for B05 to win or lose in the first game, it will not have a decisive impact on the result of winning or losing.

Then the second game of B05 is the moment of life and death.

For Samsung, once the second game also loses 5.0, it will be a direct 0/2 loss to 1G.

I will also get the match point directly by IG, and slap the door!

To this end, Samsung will definitely do everything, and there will be no more holding back and underestimation, and exert its strongest strength in history to prevent all this from happening!

And IG naturally wants to capture the lifeblood of Samsung.


That's Samsung!

Although no one mentioned it after winning, but if IG can 2/0 Samsung and still be in the quarterfinals, it will definitely be a global sensation!

"Take it down, there has never been a situation in the history of the S competition where two chases three, we can advance!

I don't know who said such a sentence, all IG members took a deep breath and set foot on the stage to shine!

2017 World Finals Quarterfinal B05 Game 2.

Officially begin!!

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