Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 184: ig, we are waiting for you in Shanghai (4/5 for subscription!)

"Blue Steel Shadow!!"

Guangzhou Gymnasium scene.

When I saw the last hero revealed by IG, I was stunned for a second, and then there was a terrifying cheer!

Qinggangying, this hero may not be very clear from Cherish games recently, but Bai Qiu used it a few times during the group stage, and it played very well!

Confirm "Is it Qinggangying? If you choose this, IG will send AP damage to the lineup in this game, and lock it! Directly lock it! Confirmed!"

"It's the Blue Steel Shadow!"

On the BP interface, as soon as IG showed the blue steel shadow, it immediately locked it down.

It's confirmed, it's Qingsteel Shadow!

In an instant, the cheers were high off the court, and several LPL commentators also looked at each other in dismay.

In this way, "The IG lineup is completely a mid-term lineup!" The baby couldn't help but said: "Qinggang, "After the film selection, IG's AP damage is seriously lacking in this game."

"Although Galio is an AP hero, he is more meaty and functional, this lineup is a bit like a gambler!

Several people were talking, and SSG's last assistant, Tam, was also confirmed.

This time, the lineup for this game is completely settled.

Just on the surface, the lineup of IG and Samsung is very distinguishable.

As the commentary said, IG's lineup will be a strong lineup before the mid-term after Qinggangying is determined. EZ's outbreak period is when they are at their peak. No aftermath.

And this lineup is extremely dependent on Qinggangying, because in the entire team, except for EZ, only Qinggangying is an output hero in the early stage.

But Qinggangying is not considered a T1 top order in this version, and the early laning is not as strong as imagined.

IG chose Qinggangying in the tiebreaker, and their trust in Bai Qiu has been a little blind.

On the other hand, on Samsung's side, Shen, Takik, and Tam, all three are support heroes, plus the prince who is strong in the version and the signature mouse at the bottom of the box that AD is very good at in the LCK division.

This lineup is too comfortable to choose, and it is also the operational support system that Samsung is best at. Once they pass the mid-term, 1G will basically be unable to fight with them.

"This. IG's BP in this game feels a little ingenious." Miller's words were very euphemistic, and his brows were already wrinkled into a pimple.

"It's very dependent on Qinggangying." As a former professional player, Shen Chao couldn't help but said: "This is completely like a gamble. If Cherish can't get an advantage in the early stage and can't bring the rhythm, IG. will be very difficult to play. "

At this time, the game has started to load, and IG's crazy cheering sound also sounded off the field.

"Huh." The doll exhaled: "Anyway, since it's confirmed, I believe IG also has its own plans and reasons.

"The same sentence, the choice of the lineup is never the key to the victory or defeat. The most important thing is to look at the temporary performance and state of the ten players on the court.

The doll took a deep breath: "Then the game has already started, the third game of B05 in the quarter-finals, IG is only one step away from the ticket to Shanghai! Moreover, this is also the best time in the history of IG's team building. Whether the world championship results can continue to break through, and whether the LPL division can return to the semi-final stage after three years, depends on how IG plays in this game!"

"IG, we are waiting for you in Shanghai!"

"We are waiting for you in Shanghai!!"


As the voices of several commentators fell, the audience off the court went completely crazy.

The shouts of "IG, we are waiting for you in Shanghai" were also heard one after another, and even everyone on IG in the soundproof competition room could hear it clearly.

"Guys, see you in Shanghai!"

"Go to Shanghai, go to Shanghai!

"Rush rush!

They cheered each other up and the game officially started.

In this game, although the IG lineup is before the mid-term, the first level is obviously weaker than Samsung, so there is no idea of ​​hitting a group.

On the other hand, Samsung has reached a life-and-death situation. Under the desperate situation, it is natural to be stable and stable, and it also did not come to invade.

The two sides went online peacefully, and the long snake array lined up.

Originally, everyone thought that the start of the game would be dull.

But he didn't expect it. This kind of calm lasted for less than ten seconds, and the director's camera suddenly appeared in the middle.

Then everyone saw that IG's Nakano and SSG's Nakano met in the river wild area!

This wave of encounters was very accidental. The reason was that King Ning wanted to have a vision in the working river. He didn't expect that when he just passed by, he would be seen by the prince who wanted to start the upper half of the wild area.

And Rookie happened to be wandering here, and immediately came over when he saw it.

Brother Crown on the other side can't just sit back and watch.

So, a wave of accidental Nakano 2V2 began.

…for flowers…0

The combination of Blind Man + Galio vs. Prince + Taliyah.

Generally speaking, it is impossible to see the strength or weakness, and it is completely whoever operates better and who takes advantage.

Because the 1G side had seized the opportunity, King Ning's blind man was also decisive. After seeing Takik coming over, he didn't have Prince Q in his backhand, but hit Takik precisely, and then immediately followed with a second-stage Q.

Rookie also immediately went over to fight.

Brother Crown was inexplicably given a set by IG Nakano, and his state declined.

Fortunately, the prince came quickly, not only the prince, but also Shen, who was already here.

"Shen is here! Qing Gangying here, Qing Gangying also came over, that's not right, is this going to start a fight?"

The doll looked stunned: "This is too outrageous, no one on both sides will let anyone!"


in the game.

Shen came over, and Bai Qiu couldn't even watch it. In an instant, at the river channel in the upper half of the wild area, the six people from both sides were scuffled together.

The war started like this!

Everyone only has one level, and there is no way to play a trick show. After the skills are used up, they can only consume the opponent in the most primitive way.

The most "hatred" Bai Qiu was the first to be set on fire by three people from Samsung, and he was quickly beaten to death. However, IG is not a vegetarian. After a wave, not only was the first set of fire, Crown Brother, lost. After half the blood, Cuvee, who arrived later, was also beaten into a big disability.

Rookie and Ning Wang cooperated several times and played very well, completely suppressing SSG.

However, it is only a pressure, it is obviously impossible to produce a kill, so after the chaos and separation, everyone's condition is not very good, and they all know the choice to separate.

- Bo's inexplicable team battle ended like this, and there was no head economy.

"Separated, separated, then this is acceptable, Rookie and Ning Wang fought well, we actually won this wave, and Samsung is in the middle and top, so we must go home to supply a wave.

The doll smiled and said: "The middle route is short, this wave may be able to play an IP

"Yes, it can be seen that IG is feeling better now, so. Huh?"

Miller paused and stared at the blue steel shadow on the big screen: "This. Cherish, where is he going?"

"No, what does he want to do?!" And.

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