Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 196: Break through history, ig, welcome to Shanghai (1/5 for subscription!)

"3/0! 3/0!! Win! IG, tie SSG's crystal base!! Zero three stars, advance to the semi-finals of the 2017 World Finals! We did it! We really did it!! "

"Perfect BO5! Perfect record! IG. Three to zero, a good three to zero! IG became the first team in the LPL division to advance to the semi-finals this year!"

"Three to zero, my mother!"

"Let's shout out that long-awaited sentence - congratulations IG!!"

"welcome to Shanghai!"

"Congratulations IG!!

"welcome to Shanghai!!

Guangzhou Gymnasium.

When the five people of IG carried an indomitable momentum, the tigers descended the mountain and generally flattened the Samsung crystal base.

The game screen freezes, and the scene is instantly crazy!!

Tens of thousands of spectators stood up collectively, and the commentators from various competition areas around the world roared and shouted!

Three to zero!

IG, on the stage of the quarter-finals of the 2017 world finals, 805 zero three stars!

Compared with RNG's double play in the group stage, the shock is only a lot more!

At the same time, they have also become the first team after OMG to have a clean sheet from the LCK team on the S stage again!

For a time, under the home court, tens of thousands of people were almost carnival, and the 666 and congratulations IG on the 26 live broadcast barrage of major platforms were like wild beasts, all over the network!


"IG beef batch!!"

3/0? IG3/0 Samsung?! Damn, am I wrong?"

"Crossing through? Are you sure it's not Samsung's three-to-zero IG?!

"My mother, I'm crying!"

"Little MG beef batch! Qiu dad beef batch!!"

"Fuck!! IG!! We've made it to the semifinals!!"

"Welcome to Shanghai! Shanghai welcomes you!!"

"Wow.. The scene of tens of thousands of people revelling together makes anyone's mood instantly elevate.

"We saw that everyone in .G has embraced excitedly, and we have been waiting for this moment for too long!

In the director's shot, everyone on IG took off their headphones when they leveled the Samsung crystal base, jumped up excitedly, and hugged together.

"Yes, no one knows better than them how hard this moment has come."

Seeing this, Miller felt more emotional: "IG's promotion this time is the first time an LPL team has returned to the semi-final stage after two years, and it is also the first time in their team-building history that they have advanced to the semi-finals.

"They broke through the history of their own team, and also broke the spell of the top eight in the LPL division for several years. With so many honors and meanings, I really cried!"


When the words fell, the cheers erupted from the scene, and everyone on IG had already adjusted their emotions and walked out of the competition room together.

Everyone up to now, the face is still a little trance and disbelief.

Because even they themselves can't believe that they can be three-to-zero three-star in the S competition.

No one in the outside world is optimistic about them, so why is IG not panicking before the game?

After the first game and the second game, they thought they would advance, but, to be honest, they never thought it would be three to zero.

This is Samsung, this is the runner-up in last year's S competition, and it's the LCK team!

As we all know, the pronoun of the LCK team in the S game is - invincible!

Now, they've busted this invincible myth!


"Qiu Dad!!

"IG cattle batch! IG come on!"


"Cherish I love you!"


The suffocating sound of enthusiasm off the field came to the face, and the emotional excitement of the tens of thousands of audiences on the scene caused the brains of the five IG starters to be shocked for a momentary blank.

When have they seen such a scene?

It was at this time that everyone gradually got used to it.

We really won!

It's all over, today's game is over!

"Let's go and shake hands."

I don't know who said hello, everyone on IG walked to Samsung's competition room, and the handshake session that had been dreaming about before the game finally came!

The handshake is for the winner, despair is for the loser.

Now the Samsung competition room is dead silent, everyone's faces are as white as paper, Ambrose is holding his head in pain, Cuvee is staring at the big screen in despair, the red words of failure have not disappeared.

Emperor Chi was trembling all over, and the huge sense of gap and despair had made him physically uncomfortable.

When the IG crowd, who had just been shocked by the frenzy of the outside audience, walked in, it was obvious that they did not adapt to the atmosphere in the Samsung team.

There was a silent handshake, and after leaving, Bai Qiu heard the sound of crying in the lounge behind him.

The road to e-sports is cruel and realistic. As the representative team of the LCK, Samsung is optimistic about 80% of the people in the world before the game.

Now that they are upset and lost, they are still beaten by zero to three. It is conceivable what will happen to Samsung after returning to China.

But, this is the reality, if IG loses at home, the end will not be much better than the current Samsung.

Fortunately, they won!

The more it gets to the end, the more difficult it is to see, and the more determined Bai Qiu's thoughts are.

Never lose, never be a loser!

What the losers have to face, IG will not feel the same for the time being. On the contrary, as a winner, IG's harvest and moment of honor have just begun!

As soon as they returned to the backstage, everyone in the IG club stood up, like a general hero who welcomed the return.

Su Xiaoluo's excited lips trembled: 070 "Fuck..Fuck, it's three to zero, brothers, it's three to zero!"


Did you even call your brothers yesterday?

"We made the cut! We really made the cut!"


"It's too dreamy, Father Qiu, you're too strong!

"No, brother, don't call me dad.

"It's alright, let's talk about it...

"Celebration feast, must celebrate feast!"

The carnival atmosphere in the lounge could no longer be controlled. The five IG members were surrounded by the stars and the moon, and the entire IG club was completely boiling after the five protagonists of the IG first came back!

Especially the old IG seniors like Su Xiaoluo, no one knows how difficult it is for IG to go this way. As an ancient giant in the same period as WE, they have not had any honors after six years, and the S competition is even more distant for them. An unattainable dream.

Unexpectedly, under the home game of S7 this year, they not only advanced to the group stage, but now they have even reached the semi-finals!

Just take one more step up and you will be promoted to the Bird's Nest!

The finals of the S competition have the qualification to compete for this year's world championship!!

PS: I saw some misunderstandings with my brother. Let me say here that the E of Qinggangying is a range skill, but everyone may not notice it in normal times. You can go to the game and try it for two games to know~

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