Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 201: The Sword Points to the Bird's Nest, Ipl Gemini Returns (1/5 for subscription!)

LZ advanced.

After witnessing all this in the hotel training game, everyone on IG couldn't help but wailed.

Although it was expected before the game, C9 played LZ, and the probability of winning was even lower than when they played Samsung yesterday.

But when the truth happened, everyone was inevitably disappointed.

To put it bluntly, on S7, no one wants to face LZ, the world's No. 1 team that can't even beat SKT, the official favorite to win this year's championship

Although the IG crowd shouted loudly before the game, it was inevitable and a little bit of luck.

Now that luck is broken, everyone realizes that they are far less strong than they thought.

"Okay, let's continue training. Now that we have identified our opponents, we can also train in a targeted manner." Su Xiaoluo waved his hand, with an expression of unconcealed sadness and loss.

If so, who wouldn't want to go to the bird's nest?

The biggest stage in 7 years, IG also had illusions before this

The training continued, and the public opinion in the outside world on this day also took a turn for the worse.

For the schedule of IG playing LZ, all LPL viewers, commentators, and even the official staff are all very desperate. As for the LCK and other competition areas around the world, they are watching the excitement. A European host even joked on Twitter. :

"Yesterday's IG was unmatched, today's IG is crying,

This sentence is a true portrayal of the domestic audience, but there is no way, the schedule is this schedule.

The road to winning the championship, if you don't defeat the strongest team, the championship will have no gold content.

Time passed, and two days passed in a flash.

On the second day, in the B05 between SKT and MSF, SKT made a shocking promotion.

Why is it shocking? First, the promotion process of SKT was far from smooth as everyone imagined.

When facing the MSF Rabbit Team in the quarter-finals, SKT was once 2/1 and was on the verge of elimination, but in the end, with his super team awareness, and Li Ge, who was desperately trying to fight the blood horse C, SKT chased two games in a row, and the whole All B05s were filled, and they successfully advanced to the semi-finals of the semi-finals.

On that day, MSF, a previously unknown Rabbit team, became famous in the first battle. As they said in the promotional video for the quarter-finals, they defeated SKT, and they became famous all over the world.

Although they failed to defeat SKT this time, and their record of 2/3, once pushed SKT to a desperate situation, when they returned to China, everyone in MSF would definitely take off completely.

Glory to defeat.

On the other hand, SKT can still advance in this situation, which really shocked everyone in the world.

Is this team really invincible?

The S game is always invincible. As long as SKT participates in the S game, there is no time when they can't win the championship!

How terrible!

The promotion of SKT also indicates that the two most popular and powerful teams in the LCK are currently in the top four.

Now, there is only one place left in the semi-finals. On the last day of the competition, after an intense B05, RNG, the most popular All-China class in China, lived up to everyone's expectations and successfully advanced with a score of 3:1. .

After becoming IG, the second LPL team to break through the quarterfinals and advance to the semi-finals.

So far, the places for the four teams in the semi-finals of the 2017 global finals have all been settled, and the schedule has been automatically arranged.


IG vs. LZ.

This is a list that, just by looking at it, will make all the teams and fans around the world despair.

When RNG returned from Guangzhou Gymnasium and met with IG at the hotel, the two sides were speechless.

I have a lot to say, but I don't know how to say it.

In the end, they could only nod to each other.

"come on."

Forget it.

That night, everyone on IG took a plane and landed in Shanghai.

It was also that night that the country completely entered the carnival stage.

Two years later in the LPL division, if they do not break through to the top eight, they will be two teams once they break through!

LPL Gemini, against LCK Gemini.

This year's semi-final is the China-South Korea war!

Of course, it is said that it is LPL Gemini, in fact, RNG's prestige and popularity are far stronger than IG.

All-Chinese class All-Chinese class, in the final analysis, RNG is what everyone expects.

No matter in terms of popularity, strength, or the configuration of star players in the team, RNG is crushing IG in all aspects.

Even if IG had a good time a few days ago, as long as RNG is promoted, everyone's eyes will fall on RNG.

Some IG fans felt very aggrieved, and some people said half-jokingly and half-sadly: "Looking at the movement outside, I thought LPL would advance to the RNG-Team this year."

Behind the joke, there is some sad helplessness.

It's just that there is no way. IG's previous foundation is too bad. Compared with RNG, they are like young adults who have just grown up, while RNG has already fought countless times in LPL and international competitions and won various honors. old age.

If you want to reverse the situation, unless you can really achieve better results than RNG, or even if it is the same as RNG, everyone's attention is on the latter.

In the evening of this day, RNG collectively soared, and the announcements of LPL Gemini and the Sino-Korea war were flying all over the sky.

Globally, the Twitter list is dominated by the list, and domestic Weibo and other major media software are also dominated by these news.

The popularity of the S7 has completely reached its peak.

Attention is enough to count.

On the same night, everyone on IG took a low-key flight, landed in Shanghai, and continued the previous crazy training.

After the quarter-finals, there will be a short break for a week, but for IG and RNG, they have no chance to rest.

The closer to the decisive battle, the more intense the atmosphere of tension to suffocation and excitement to heart palpitations.

When the time comes to October 28.

This maddening tension finally exploded to the extreme.

Because today, October 28, 2017, is the opening day of the semi-finals of the 2017070 Global Finals!

Early this morning, IG and RNG, who had come early, took the bus to the internationally renowned super stadium, where the semi-finals of this year's S competition were held.

Shanghai Oriental Sports Center!

The nervousness of the rest of the way made them ignore the crowd of spectators outside and entered the venue to prepare.

At the same time, countless fans across the country, all audiences around the world, and even major anchors and official personnel, everyone who is related to the e-sports circle, have turned their attention to the Oriental Sports Center.

No matter how much everyone argues before the game, how deadly the semi-final schedule is, the contradiction between IG and RNG fans, RNG fans ridicule IG for its low popularity, IG ridicules RNG for not being able to beat SKT.

But when this day really came, all LPL fans and viewers put down all their prejudices and gave the best wishes and visions to the two teams today.

I've been looking forward to the semi-finals of the Gemini for I don't know how long. At this moment, they are not fans of any team, they are fans of the entire LPL division--fans!

Work together, work together!

This is the unity that has never been seen in the LPL division, but now it has really happened. Everyone is looking forward to the two teams that go out to fight, and the generals who kill for the LPL outside, can return triumphantly.

Time passed, and when the needle came to three o'clock, the scene of the Oriental Sports Center went dark.

The semi-finals are officially on!

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