Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 211: Anything that the blade points to can be broken (1/5 for subscription!)

Hit the road.

King Ning has been wandering around in the upper half of the wild all the time, to the point of being a little maddened.

Seeing Bobby shrinking to the second tower this time, his state was not good, and King Ning had other thoughts again.

Say hello to Bai Qiu to push the line, and prepare for a strong wave.

However, Khan is not an idiot. At least half of the reason why he was pressed so much in the early stage is because this blind man has been on the road!

Anyone who has played in the top lane knows that if the opposite jungler is always on the top lane, even the most carry player will not dare to press forward.

The road duo, who can withstand this?

That's why everyone sees such an outrageous complementing knife difference.

And Poppy is like this, when IG Ueno thinks about him, it is not so easy to kill.

When the blind man first appeared, Brother Hanzi had already retreated to the bottom of the second tower and continued to walk backwards.

Jess pushed the line over, and when he saw the man who had escaped a long time ago, he knew in his heart that he had no chance.

The other side is too oily.

"Khan. Go back, then there is no chance for this wave." Outside, the commentators of the competitions around the world couldn't help shaking their heads when they saw this scene.

"So steady, Khan's current style of play, covering up his ID, I thought it was a different person..

26 "I don't know if it's stable or not, but now, so desperate, this Poppy, Khan, has got into the autistic grass!"

On the road show. , After the successful retreat of Brother Man, when the blind man and Jess retreated, they came directly to the "famous" autistic grass on the road. This picture matched the ID on his head. cheer.

Poppy, totally beaten up!

And the situation of LZ on the road is already a little bit about to collapse.

Fortunately, King Ning supported Shanglu so much, which caused Cuzz's wine barrel to become more and more like a duck to water. After Shanglu just beat Hanzi to autism, the wine barrel also caught a wave in the middle.

Didn't get caught, but consumed Syndra's set hard, Rookie's state dropped, he died once, and now it's even more uncomfortable to laning.

At the same time, the strength of LZ's bot lane also broke out. IG's EZ + Thresh combination was too nondescript in the early stage. In the face of LZ's world's top Xuanming Er Lao, Xiaoxi and Baolan are not opponents at all.

The supplementary knife was suppressed by more than ten knives.

This time, looking at the overall situation, IG only has some advantages in the top lane, and even King Ning, who is a jungler, is comparable to the development of the wine barrel.

"That's not right." Miller frowned and said, "LZ has found these rhythms so well..

Our "advantage can't be expanded. The top road is the side road of Summoner's Canyon, and it's too far from the battlefield, which is why the top road has not been paid attention to..." I remember: "King Ning has been protecting the top, I don't think it is necessary. Ah, now that Rookie is being targeted by LZ, IG's mid lane is already at a disadvantage!

"I have to find a rhythm, I can't continue like this, I feel that we are a bit passive during this time...

in the game.

The situation of the game quickly became clear. As the commentator said, there was a reason why it was not taken seriously before hitting the road.

This is a line that is farthest away from the wild zone, middle lane, and bottom lane. After the top lane is often given an advantage, it is a single lane that can be taken.

And this game is too short now, Jayce is far from the time of the single belt, and the conditions are not mature.

"I'm going to the lower half of the wild area." King Ning quickly made a change after realizing this.

Bai Qiu nodded. After King Ning went home, he pushed Poppy back with QE again. He switched perspectives and looked at the situation in the middle. After weighing the pros and cons, he no longer controlled the lane. He pushed the lane directly and disappeared in the top lane. Bobby's vision.

"The opposite side has disappeared, maybe go home, or maybe, go to the middle lane and the jungle area!" Khan quickly marked a signal.

At the same time, Jess did as he expected. After exiting his field of vision, he came directly to the river and went straight to the middle!

In fact, after getting an advantage in the early stage of the road, in addition to brainless line play and TP support, you can also catch people!

Grab the approaching mid lane!

With the line of troops involved, the crushed Poppy is completely incapable of doing anything, but Bai Qiu has absolute room for movement!

"Jace. Going to move, Cheirsh wants to take the initiative to find the rhythm.

Miller is facing the big screen: "Want to come to the middle to catch a wave?"

"In the middle lane, oh, there's no chance! LZ has signaled the signal, and the rock sparrow is conscious!"

in the game.

Jayce disappeared in an upright manner and was in good condition. After being reminded by Brother Man, the BDD in the middle lane was obviously guarded.

Made eyes at the river, and at the same time thought about the river grass approaching the bottom road from approaching.

At this time, LZ's middle lane is an advantage, and Taliyah is still pushing the line to press Syndra, but the position guarantee will not be caught by Jayce.

"It's not easy to catch, brother." Rookie sighed when he saw this.

In this game, if it is said that Jace on the road is the boss treatment, he is the younger brother of the younger brother, and he is completely targeted by the opposite side.

In addition, BDD's laning strength is not weak, S7's BDD is a genius boy who has single-killed Faker!

There is no problem with the operation, and the laning strength is similar. Syndra did not flash once when she died, and was consumed by the brainless barrel of the wine barrel. Naturally, the line was at a disadvantage.

"Try it, Taliyah's state is not good." Bai Qiu said with a glance.

Rookie didn't speak anymore, because at this moment he had seized a wave of opportunities and directly hit the rock sparrow with a set of explosions.

Syndra after all, 070 is a line, a set of damage goes on,

The state of the rock sparrow has also reached about two-fifths, and it has become a big remnant.

"Oh~ Rookie, this set is very beautiful, and the rock sparrow's rock protrusion was twisted in the position!" There was applause from the outside world, and Miller stared at the big screen: "Then this wave. The state of the rock sparrow does not go home. If so, is there a chance?"

On the field, after BDD was consumed by Syndra, he did not go home, because he was almost level 6 and wanted to grab level 6. After returning home, he could go to other paths to bring a wave of rhythm.

But this undoubtedly gave IG a great opportunity.

When Jess came to the middle of the river and circled directly towards the position of F6 opposite to the upper side, this opportunity was instantly expanded to countless times!

Because of Jess, this wave bypassed Taliyah's eye position!

"Go around! Jess, Cherish! Your consciousness is too sharp!" Miller was instantly excited: "Then this wave, we have a chance to catch this rock sparrow, BDD didn't know that Jess came over, his eyes didn't look to Cheirsh!"

"Go up, go straight up!"

The next moment, Jess rushed out of the field.

At the same time, Rookie Syndra grabbed a minion and smashed it directly into the Taliyah at the extreme distance.

BDD Status Slips, Comes to Big Money!

This wave, there is?!.

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