Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 222: Crazy Targeting, Doing Anything (2/5 for Subscription!)


When the imposing character selection sound of Ice Cool sounded, all the audiences around the world were stunned.

Rui Wen??

IG. In the final top order position, did you choose Riven?!

"It's actually Riven!!" On the commentary table, the doll also stared wide-eyed, and said with a bit of surprise: "This...G wants to choose Riven? Are you sure?"

As soon as the voice fell, the fifth floor of IG's last choice was immediately locked in seconds.

It's confirmed, it's Riven, the Blade of Banishment!


There was a burst of terrifying cheers and screams at the scene.

Locked, it is a sharp change!

Riven, the hero, can be said that many old players in ancient times, including some players who only placed orders, are a very religious hero.

I still remember that in the first hand of Li Ge, single Ruiwen flashed a first-level single-kill opponent, and the limelight was unparalleled.

It's just due to various reasons, the change of version, the progress of players, the era when Riven was all-powerful is long gone.

The current Riven, not to mention a sewer hero in the competition, but very few people have come up with this hero.

No, not even very few, almost none!

This once made many old Riven players feel sad and sad, but there is no way, this is the status quo of the version, and it is everything that Riven, the hero, has to endure.

However, at this moment, I saw that IG directly locked the hero Riven in the second game of B05 in the semi-finals of the S7 global finals.

For a time, countless old Riven players were excited, and some ordinary viewers went crazy when they saw this hero.

After all, to be honest, even though Riven has the upper hand in the competition, in the passerby game, her popularity is absolutely enough!

"Cherish. This hand Riven, the doll stared at the big screen, not knowing whether to say good or bad for a while.

"Well, I didn't expect it. To be honest, I didn't expect IG to make such a move." Miller felt the same way, pondering for a while: "In that case, Riven is locked, and IG is sure to want Yasuo's mid-laner, Riven should be in the top lane, this version of Riven can't be in the middle at all!"

"Yes, but Riven beats Jace, isn't this the online initiative to let Conte?" Doll came back to his senses, not as excited as everyone thought, but a little worried: "Riven. This version definitely can't beat Jace. Yes, once this choice comes out, it will be very uncomfortable to play online!"

He originally wanted to watch Khan fall into disrepute, but Bai Qiu's unpopular choice of Riven made everyone see uncertainty.

Even flustered.

After all, Riven is known to be unable to beat Jess. At the same level, as long as a Jess plays well, all Riven can do is change lanes or ask wild dads to help.

Of course, if you rely on your strength to knock out Jess in one wave at level 6, then there is nothing to say.

It's a pity that the other side will not wait for you to come over like a fool. Khan's Jess is also the world's top, and even not long ago, Khan was worthy of the name of the world's first Jess!

It's okay for you to pick another hero, but Riven

How to play?

"Maybe. IG has its own tactics and plans. After all, Riven has the ability to knock flying, and can indeed cooperate with Yasuo." In the end, everyone can only attribute this to IG's "black technology".

However, no matter how dark the black technology is, once the IG lineup is finalized, it seems a little thin.

Especially after a bot like EZ was picked in the bot lane, Riven took it out and paired it with Yasuo from Rookie in the mid lane.

IG, obviously wants to carry out the version to the end, in the early stage they just wanted to focus on the middle and upper.

Cherish and Rookie are the thickest thighs in the two IG teams.

In this game, however, two passers-by who have a high appearance rate and are very unpopular in the game. Carry heroes!

"In any case, the influence of BP is always limited. Countless facts have proved to us that the temporary performance of the players on the court is the key to the victory or defeat of the game!"

"Then the lineup of the two sides has been completely settled, the game has started, let's cheer for 1G together, the second game of the semi-final B05, IG cheers!!"

"IG rushing duck!!"

After the words fell, the cheers and cheers of IG off the field had swept the entire venue.

No matter what the lineup is selected by IG, as the commentary said, the final victory of the game depends on the performance of the ten players on the field!

At this moment, the momentum reached its peak.

The game officially begins!

In this game, 1G's lineup is very strange, but LZ's choice is very comfortable. According to the official judgment, LZ's winning rate is more than half.

The combination of Jess Blind and Clockwork, it seems that LZ is the routine for playing the upper jungle in the early stage, but the choice of the bot and the Thresh is more advantageous than the IG side.

The existence of the clockwork also ensures that LZ will not be too weak in the late stage, which is a lineup that covers everything and the players are particularly comfortable!

The emergence of this lineup led to the occurrence of the following series of events.

At the first level, there is a hero like Thresh, plus the strong early stage Jess and the blind. As soon as they entered the game, the five LZ people decided to come and invade the wild area of ​​IG.

And this time they are not invading the bottom half of the wild area, but the top half of IG's wild area!

Obviously have an idea about IG's red buff.

But .IG wasn't given for nothing. Although there were very few first-tier regiments invading the upper half of the jungle, they realized this in advance after countless studies on LZ.

Baolan put down an eye position at the river in advance, and the others in IG were dangling around.

When a group of LZ people appeared, the IG people directly turned against the customers and focused the fire on Jess who was at the front of the opposite.

Taking advantage of his vision, he instantly knocked out the arrogant Jess from the start of Brother Man.

However, because of the early disadvantage of his lineup--without any retention skills, this wave did not get the first drop of blood.

Despite this, IG still completed a beautiful wave of vision battles at the beginning, and everyone in LZ dared not continue to fight after Jess was beaten to half blood.

In the first-level regiment, there is not so much attention, it is simple and rude, whichever side (Qian Zhao) is in poor condition will be bullied!

Reluctant to retreat, the scene was boiling.

""IG. This wave of consciousness is in place. "Miller couldn't help but praise: "Baolan's eye position is too good, very tricky, LZ didn't find it, and was directly seen by IG in advance!"

"Yes, in the recent game, all IG members have maintained a good state, and it feels like they are getting hotter and hotter." Doll nodded beside him.

The two said a few words, and when they were about to continue to observe the situation, they saw the director's camera suddenly move up--

I came directly to the upper half of the wild area where the war was extinguished before - the top, on the route!

I saw at this moment. On the originally empty upper route, I didn't know when, five sturdy Han Halls had appeared.

The five LZ people, who do not know when, have quietly touched the upper route.

Not only did he not leave, but he looked like he was still waiting to give IG a fatal blow!

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