Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 252: The sword points to the bird's nest, breaking through history (2/5 for subscriptio


"Qiu Dad!!

"Qiu Daddy I love you!"

"In? Smoking!

Before Xi Ran's words were finished, countless spectators off the court screamed like crazy after hearing the ID of Cherish.

This passionate scene is really rare in the past.

Even with Miss Xi Ran's mood, she became very comfortable, and said with a smile: "Yes, many viewers have already called out his ID, then. Let's welcome Cherish.cherish and say hello to everyone?"


As soon as these words came out, Bai Qiu did not answer.

Miss Xi Ran was stunned and looked at him a little puzzled.

Bai Qiu looked at the girl's stupidity and couldn't hold back, and whispered, "Cough, there are others."


The audience was so enthusiastic, and the terrifying victory swept through. Even standing on the stage with people around, the huge noise made Miss Xi Ran unable to hear what Bai Qiu was saying.

"What did you say?"

Seeing this, Bai Qiu looked at Ning Mazi, whose face was green, and leaned forward subconsciously, put his face next to Miss Xi Ran's ear, covered one hand, and bit his ear in a low voice: "I said, there are still people out there. ,elder sister!"


The sudden intimacy made Miss Xi Ran agitated in an instant, and then.

A small white face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even the roots of the ears were covered with a red glow.

"Yes, there are still people, who are they? Late, yes!" Said a few words in confusion, and swept to King Ning, who was about to cry, and Miss Xiran finally recovered.

He hurriedly said embarrassedly: "Well. Yes, it is a great honor to invite the Ueno combination of IG, Cherish and Ning. Then, let's say hello to everyone..."

When the words fell, Bai Qiu and Ning Wang greeted the audience.

But no one cares about it now.

The live broadcast barrage of watching the post-match interview is now full of question marks and slots.


"what's the situation?!"

"Bite your ears in public?!

"There is a situation!"

"Guigui, is this still the cold father Qiu? Why does he feel so happy standing next to Xi Ran?"

"Good match!"

"Good match!!"

"I am against this marriage!"

"I'm against it too! Get out of here! Don't rob me of my husband!!"

"Brother Li: ton ton ton.

"Brother Li: Cherish, this little B thinker, please teach me during the finals."

"Fuck! King Ning!"

"King Ning was ignored, haha, this expression made me laugh to death!"

A wave of rhythms that no one had expected was brought up like this.

The three people at the scene didn't know this yet, but Ning Mazi had already received 10,000 critical damage at this moment.

It's okay to see you two men and women flirting with each other, but now they are ignoring me!

Should I rather Mazi not be ashamed?

Am I so easy to be ignored?

Be reasonable.

King Ning is about 1.8 meters tall, a little taller than Bai Qiu. The two of them standing together are indeed the height of the IG team. Of course, Bai Qiu's appearance and temperament are also taken down.

At this moment, I also feel a little sorry for King Ning, Bai Qiu thought about it, and gently touched King Ning with his shoulder to show comfort!

Seeing this, King Ning also touched back, the two looked up at each other, and both showed perverted smiles...


Old Nantong.

Miss Xi Ran next to her didn't notice the little gestures of the two people's "eyebrows", she couldn't control the excitement and excitement in her heart at this moment.

"First of all, congratulations to IG, who eliminated the LZ team with a perfect 3-0 record. This is really unexpected. I believe that many viewers and friends around the world are very shocked by this result."

"Then because LZ is the No. 1 seed in this year's LCK, I would like to ask how Cherish and King Ning are feeling now?"

The microphone was given to King Ning, and King Ning was in a state of extreme excitement now, and said directly: "It feels very unreal, and then it's exciting."

Miss Xi Ran nodded and gestured to Bai Qiu with a smile.

"My words are similar to him." Bai Qiu said: "Because it is the first time in three years, the LPL team has re-promoted to the S finals, so I still feel very honored."

"Yes." Xiran nodded and said: "Then Cherish also said that after IG eliminated LZ, the LPL team has finally approached the finals of S competition since S4. At the same time, we all know that this is IG. The best result in the history of the team, what do you two have to say about this?"

This time, King Ning directly signaled Bai Qiu to come first.

"Well, our team's performance has been bad in the past, so everyone is surprised that we can get to this point, but I still want to say that I think our team is in very good shape now, and please support IG more in the future! "


The voice fell, and there was a terrifying cheering sound at the scene.

Everyone started shouting 1G's team name!

"Wow, I believe that at this moment, all LPL, all China G viewers support IG, because you are our last hope!"

Miss Xiran was also infected by the atmosphere at the scene, and continued to ask: "Speaking of accidents, I believe the result of today's game is indeed surprising, but the final result is exciting."

"And this time IG played against LZ, Cherish's opponent is also Khan who was officially recognized as the world's No. 1 top laner. What do you think of Khan?"

After finishing speaking, Miss Xiran added: "Because you eliminated LZ, many people outside are saying that you are the world's No. 1 top orderer."

Bai Qiu thought about it and said, "Khan is a very good top laner. As for whether I am the world's No. 1 top laner, I personally always believe that the No. 1 in e-sports must be honored and Champion."

"I haven't won the championship yet, so keep watching."

Bai Qiu's answer exceeded many people's expectations.

After all, the three hammer blows to Khan, and now the name of the ID Cherish is so big, he almost stepped on the corpse of the man.

At the peak, but not arrogant or impetuous.

And Bai Qiu didn't say these words, the three views and ideas coincided with most of the audience.

There was applause from the field.

Miss Xi Ran also applauded heartily, and then said: "I believe that you will prove all this soon, so... do you have anything to say to the fans who have always supported you?"

Hearing the sound, Bai Qiu was stunned.


What do you want to say to fans?

To be honest, at this moment, Bai Qiu was suddenly in a trance when he looked at the boiling auditorium off the field.

After a long time, Bai Qiu said hesitantly: "Well, in this case, in fact, I have never been very confident, because I didn't have any fans before, and no one paid attention to me, and now everyone may be paying attention to me for some reasons. ."

"Just, thank you for your support, I hope my performance on the field will not disappoint those who follow me!"




"Qiu Dad!! You have fans!"

"We are all your fans!!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole scene of the Oriental Sports Center exploded completely!

no fans?

Perhaps the former Cherish was really unknown, but now

Who dares to say that Cherish has no fans?

Miss Xi Ran looked at Bai Qiu with some strangeness and distress in her eyes.

Ordinary people may think Bai Qiu's words are a bit deliberate, but when he is beside Bai Qiu, he can clearly hear the trance in Bai Qiu's tone.

Like a big dream, holding the treasured Qingfeng in his hand has long been famous all over the world.

However, the time was too short, and Bai Qiu was inevitably a little uncomfortable and in a trance.

I'm afraid all of this is fake.

"You have fans, have you seen it? Now the whole scene, including the whole country and even the world, are your fans!"

After Miss Xiran finished speaking, she asked the last question: "The last question of the day, now that LZ has been eliminated and successfully advanced to the final Bird's Nest finals, what are your expectations for the next finals?"

This sentence asked Bai Qiu and Ning Wang.

The two looked at each other.

At this moment, there is no need for communication and words.

"It's been hit so far. I think everyone should know that goal." King Ning finished.

Bai Qiu said, "Our goal is to win the 2017 World Championship!

"The Bird's Nest won the cup and won the first 5-game championship trophy in the LPL division!"


The words fall.

Live Crazy!,

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