Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 254: Booming Bai Qiu, Immediately Conferred God (4/5 for subscription!)

The news of IG's three-to-zero elimination of LZ was undoubtedly shocking.

Even for most audiences, this is no longer a shock, but a big event that "breaks the three views" and "shocks the sky".

It is no exaggeration to say that the S7 was the first upset.

Under normal circumstances, the upset is a narrow victory of 3/2.

And what about IG?


With this record, if the two teams were to switch positions, everyone would take it for granted and would feel that there was nothing wrong with them.

But, this is the most shocking thing.

This record has qualified, and the positions on both sides have completely changed~!

Before that, 90% of the people in the world were not optimistic about IG, and even before the start of the game, a commentator said that when LZ played IG, 100!

On the day that RNG was eliminated, many LOL players cried: "My youth is over!"

"Uninstall the game tonight.

"Goodbye LOL.


For everyone, this is an indisputable fact.

The existence of IG seems to have been strategically ignored from the beginning.

Until this moment, until this moment, everyone looked at the two big characters of IG on the hot search list, and watched all kinds of hot searches that were crazy and exploded on the whole network, in the whole country, and even in the world.

They were startled...

Oh, it turns out that in our LPL division, there is a representative team called IG!

Now they win!!

They made the cut!

Zijing GwAwa: "IG!! I'm really in tears! Qiu Dad Niu Bu! See you in the bird's nest!! (Come on) (Come on)"

Commentary Miller: "People are at the scene, their voices are hoarse, and they can hear your story when they cross that mountain! Now the whole world has heard your story!! Home Bird's Nest, here we come! (Red Flag) )

Commentary Remember: "Really strong! 30 (thumb!) (thumb)!!"

Guan Zeyuan: "It turns out that our No. 3 seed is the strongest...

Commentary Wu Kai; "Watching the game in the hotel, everyone could keep it true during the first and second games, but in the final stage of the third game, everyone went crazy and cried. After 6 years of seduction, IG finally ushered in its own highlight moment on S7, IG bulls! Come on IG! We are waiting for you at the Bird's Nest!!"

LOL hallucination: "As long as the rank is higher than the diamond, you should know how strong Cherish is, this person is so strong that he is not a human being, he beat all the top orders in the world this year!!

Commentary Miller: "@IGCherish, today Qiu Dad has really refreshed my understanding of the position of the top laner, it's really terrifying, one day I can see our LPL's domestic top laner smashing everything in the S game, I cried ."

Zijing Gwawa: "I just want to say, Cherish, he is the No. 1 top laner in IE! He is!! I dare to say that even if I didn't play in the finals, this person's online operation and talent are definitely the highest in LOL history. of!!"

PDDliumou: "@IGCherish, this is my big brother, no, big daddy, Qiu daddy! Welcome to the bird's nest!"

Yu Shuang YSCandice: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo out watching in the backstage I'm crying so well today IG is so good, Cherish is really handsome, come here and give Qiu Dad a cigarette!!"

The picture below shows Yu Shuang taking a group photo with Bai Qiu in the background, plus the "Qiu Dad Cigarette Picture" that just exploded.


Xiran Iris: "The whole process was spent in tension and excitement. During the interview, I was confused. I couldn't believe it was all true. As a loyal "autumn fan", Cherish's performance today is really great. Well, during the interview he said he had no fans, I actually wanted to tell him that I will always be your fan!"

"Even if the whole world doesn't have your fans, I will stand behind you!


This kind of confession, which is almost like worship, did not cause much trouble at the key point of IG's elimination of LZ.

Of course, temporarily,

Because there are so many hot spots, everyone has no time to pay attention to them.

But someone paid attention.

Watching Xi Ran, who was paying special attention to the settings, post this news, at home, he was so excited that his forehead was congested with anger.

I just feel that the delicious food I fancy was taken away by other women.

Bad woman! Bad woman!

Thinking indignantly, this time is no more than a brain, Tuantuan directly logged into his recently popular Weibo account, posted a message, and specifically responded to Bai Qiu: "@IGCherish, you told me about your dream, I I have been waiting for the day when you hold the cup. Before that, I will give you a gift, I hope you like it.


?? "Tuan Tuan and Qiu Daddy know each other?"

"Newbie? Don't know the story of Tuantuan and Qiuqiu?"

"Qiuqiu? Who is Qiuqiu?" The new fans were immediately stunned.

After all, Tuantuan's popularity is based on Douyin, and most of her fans are also attracted. Only a few ancient fans know that Bai Qiu had a good relationship with Tuan Tuan, and even lived in her home.

"Wow, then I have to tell you what happened when Qiu Daddy sold Hue and was taken care of by the pig head group...

"? Anyone can ride the heat of Qiu's father? Qiu's father is our OK? Please don't mess around."


"Although I'm also a fan of Qiu Daddy, but the relationship between the family and Tuantuan is really good. Can some NC female fans stop squirting, when this is a fan circle? Qiu Daddy doesn't even have the qualifications to make friends?"

All kinds of voices, all kinds of tearing, at this moment, when IG decided to advance to the Bird's Nest, the entire e-sports circle is collectively boiling!

And such a large-scale collective sensation, which can be called phenomenal influence and popularity, finally made some people in the entertainment industry unable to sit still.

In terms of popularity and traffic, we are the professionals!

The whole world seems to be discussing the news that IG has eliminated LZ. Some people in the entertainment industry have responded quickly and have already posted on Weibo. While congratulating IG, it seems that everyone is The most popular Cherish, who shouted madly, successfully avoided a wave of heat.

The result is very good. At the moment when young people across the country are boiling, even some small fresh meat that is usually black can be washed white!

This discovery instantly made the entire entertainment industry go crazy.

In a short time, I saw all kinds of stars, usually those high-cold traffic little fresh meat, when the red actress, one after another, no matter what, the next one is respectful!

I don't know if it's intentional or unintentional, every hot, good hot, always bring an ID, and if you are familiar with Principal Wang, I will return directly--


With such a large-scale "set fire", Bai Qiu was instantly consecrated. and.

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