Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 256: On 3200w, am I Bai Qiu the kind of person who only recognizes money? (1/5 please subscr

Hearing the director's words, Jin Yibo was instantly shocked, and he stared at the past.

"Uh. No, Mr. Jin." The supervisor was also speechless and aggrieved: "Isn't our meeting agreed before, even if RNG is eliminated, we will give them the plan. After all, everyone is a top four, and RNG will definitely work better. This is what you said..

"Are you questioning me?" Jin Yibo asked shamelessly.

The supervisor was speechless.

"Stay in a daze, hurry up and prepare, IG, now 1G is the uncle, 1G is the hero, the savior, understand?!"

This sentence was almost shouted out, and the supervisor was so shouted that he didn't dare to say more.

Tonight, countless people were excited and even cheered because of the victory of IG. Only the official team worked overtime.

But there was no resentment or hatred in his heart.

Because they know that the better IG's grades are now, the more bonuses they will get.

How far IG can go now is enough to determine the direction and trend of the development of the LPL division next year!

Lift weights lightly!!

IG has gone all the way from an obscure little role to this point. How much has been paid and how much sadness has been 26. For the time being, there are five people who care about it. They only know--

Now, LPL takes IG as its hero!

The terrifying phenomenon-level influence is still spreading at an astonishing speed.

This night, except for some field news from IG and Bai Qiu.

There are also some lace news similar to the off-site, similar to #CherishXiranBite#, #CherishNingwang#, #CherishTuuan# and so on..

Among them, the first post-match interview animation that bit the ear quickly became popular, and Xi Ran became an instant hit, instantly attracting countless traffic and fans.

This is an unexpected surprise for everyone. No one could have imagined that Xi Ran, who just joined the LPL division this year and did not even have the qualifications to interview LPL players before, actually became popular at the end of S7?

The limelight is comparable to the current LPL-Sister Yushuang!

This exaggerated explosion, while everyone was amazed, was even more shocked by the current popularity of Cherish. It was just an interview related to him, a host, how could he be scolded by the heat and become popular?

There are also countless LPL female commentators and hosts whose eyes are red with jealousy.

Looking at it now, after this wave, no matter what the real relationship between the two of them is, it has become an established fact that they will ascend to the throne.

The other one is also about Bai Qiu's scandal, but this scandal has received much less attention.

Compared to the phenomenal S7, Tuantuan is still too tender after all, and everyone's eyes always stay on the next S7 finals!

IG's eyes have also fallen on the bird's nest.

After they eliminated LZ's, after the excitement and excitement of Shixi, there was only shuddering anticipation and tension.

Bird's Nest!

They are going to the Bird's Nest, and they are going to compete for the finals of this year's S competition!

The S game trophy that has never been seen in the history of the LPL division!

Can it be done?

In the face of those three letters that look despairing, everyone on IG dare not make a deal.


Just as King Ning said, since you have come this far, even if you die, you have to die standing up!

Feeling smug and nervous, a celebration feast passed in this mood.

That night, everyone on IG didn't know what happened to the outside world, let alone that the outside world had already started a carnival explosion with them.

They could imagine how much impact they would have on everyone in the world after they eliminated LZ 3-0, but until the next day, everyone found out that they still underestimated themselves.

Bai Qiu fell asleep in the hotel, and when he woke up the next day, he was woken up by the constantly vibrating mobile phone.

Don't doubt, Bai Qiu's phone has never stopped vibrating since he defeated LZ last night.

However, because he was so excited at the time and the noise around him, he didn't notice it at all. Afterwards, the celebration party was even more crowded. When he returned to his room, Bai Qiu, who had been tired all day, fell asleep.

Until now, when I woke up early the next morning, I finally noticed it.

When he was confused, he picked it up and took a look. Bai Qiu's dazed eyes instantly became clearer, and then he took a closer look--


"What the hell?"

Bai Qiu was shocked, but seeing that on his mobile phone, the call notification was already 99+, and he glanced at it, all f*ck numbers were unfamiliar.

It's still rare to have the same number, because the line is usually busy when the number is called, and even if the line is not busy, it will soon be topped by a new record.

"Are these people crazy? Who blew me up?" Bai Qiu's first reaction was that his mobile phone number was exposed, and then these were all calls from fans.

But think carefully,

No, there are actually very few people who know their private numbers, and most of them are professional players. Why do these people expose themselves when they have nothing to do?

For a while, my mind was still a little confused, just as the phone next to me was still vibrating, Bai Qiu picked up the phone with one hand and asked, "No, who are you, brother? Don't you get tired after calling all night?"

"Passed! Passed!! OMG. I got through!!!

Hearing the sound, Bai Qiu was taken aback for a moment.

Not because of what the other side said, but

The opposite is actually English!

The purest kind of English!

At the moment on the other end of the phone, the moment Bai Qiu got through to the phone, the entire TMS club cheered excitedly as if they had won the world championship. 103

The TSM boss even jumped on the table, dancing and saying to his secretary, "Tell me now! Get him!!"

"OK." The female secretary made a gesture, and then said to Bai Qiu on the other end of the phone in a very gentle tone: "Hello Cherish, I'm the player manager of the TSM team, we have been following you since you first played the S game. During the period, your performance was amazing, we had to marvel at your strong personal strength, therefore, our team would like to cooperate with you and sincerely invite you to join us!"

A long paragraph of English is uninterrupted and fluent.

Bai Qiu on the other end of the phone could understand these words, and he couldn't help it after he heard it.

Emotions are digging people.

He is familiar.

"Sorry, thank you for your invitation, I have no intention of transferring yet."

"NONONO, Cherish, we are very sincere." The female secretary calmly said with a smile, "Why don't you listen to our sincerity before making a decision?"


Bai Qiu coughed lightly, and was completely aroused by curiosity.


Can there be any sincerity?

Digging people is nothing more than money?


"Alas, that is 3200W of your country's RMB!


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