November 4, 2017.

This day is destined to be a day in the history of e-sports in the world.

Because today, hundreds of millions of viewers around the world, countless national competition areas, and the world's top tyrants have been looking forward to the 2017 Global Finals finals for a whole year, and it will kick off!

Also on this day, there will be a legendary dynasty and the world's No. 1 team.

Look at the names of the two teams.

IG vs SKT.

SKT won, directly defended the quadruple crown, and became the first legendary team in the history of the S competition. The four-year-old status of the dominant competition can no longer be shaken, and everyone in the world must be at their feet.

If IG wins, it will break all records.

That's right, various records, the first S championship in LPL history. The best result in IG team history, the best result in LPL history, the new dynasty legend,

Wait, wait, count, really count.

Fame, wealth, wealth, wealth, beauty, and fame at a young age.

All in the battle today!

Early in the morning, after preparing for the war for four days, no, to be precise, all 1G members for a whole year have already packed up their peripherals and got on the journey to the National Stadium, the internationally renowned stadium Bird's Nest.

Along the way, no one spoke, and everyone was quietly feeling the atmosphere and feeling at this moment.

This is a wonderful feeling, and it is the only chance they may experience in their 26 lifetimes.

Looking closer to the bird's nest, more and more spectators and crowds appeared on the roadside.

Too many people, too much attention, are focused on today.

The seven years of waiting in the LPL division and the expectations of countless audiences all fell on them.

bird's nest

This is a goal that everyone around the world is striving for.

All the teams in the LPL division fought hard for a whole year and fought fiercely. From the spring game to the summer game, people's heads were beaten into dog heads, wasn't it just for a ticket to the Bird's Nest?

Everyone knows that under the S7 home, as long as you get a ticket to the Bird's Nest, in fact, for the team and players, it has been a success!

Similarly, no one knows how much everyone on IG paid for this ticket.

How many cold eyes and ridicules have been suffered during the period, the light of EDG and RNG has covered them for too long, really too long.

IG has never really been the protagonist from start to finish.

Until now, until now.

They know that even if they lose today, the terrorist public opinion and the official will stop their losses and force them to be promoted.

But they don't want to lose!

As Bai Qiu and Ning Wang said in an interview at the beginning.

It has come this far, no one wants to lose, and no one is willing to lose!

Why must the LPL region lose to the LCK?

Today, they have to prove to everyone that the LPL division can also win the S championship. Under the premise that everyone is not optimistic, and under the premise that everyone already thinks they have achieved their goals, they have to exceed this epic level. feat!!

For this reason, even if the Dao disappears, even if the body is ruined, even if the reputation is ruined, it will be at all costs!

There are more and more people around, and the large square outside the Bird's Nest Stadium is now crowded with countless people.

Just glanced at it, the crowd was full of people, and it was impossible to see the edge at a glance.

There are more than tens of thousands of people. One venue of the Bird's Nest is enough to accommodate more than 100,000 people. Today, the Bird's Nest is full!

It is said that the ordinary tickets for a Bird's Nest have been fired by scalpers to tens of thousands, and the infield position is better, and even directly to the terrifying hundreds of thousands

That's it, it's still in short supply!

Bai Qiu recognized that many people were 1G fans because of the big red flags on their faces and the stickers of the LPL classic logo.

I even saw the black and white IG flag flying in the wind.

That's right, today is a cloudy day, with strong winds, and the IG team flag fluttering, and everyone's mood is the same at this moment.

The mountains and rains are about to come, the wind is full of buildings, and the black clouds are pressing down on the city and the city is about to be destroyed.

Until they got out of the car, no one on IG said anything. When they entered the venue from the VIP channel, they suddenly found that there were a few fans holding EDG and RNG support items in the crowd.

Very few, just a few people, it is too obvious at this moment, everyone can see them at a glance.

look at each other,

The past, the same city, more than a month ago, Beijing Wukesong Stadium, the LPLS7 expedition ceremony is still vivid in my mind.

Everything before the S7 finals was just like the past.

At that time, EDG and RNG were in high spirits, the No. 1 seed and the No. 2 seed were unmatched.

Only IG, no one pays too much attention and attention.

But they are still close comrades in the international arena and side by side for the LPL division.

At this moment, there are thorns all the way, and when I look back in the evening, I find that it is not.

Covered with scars, there are no longer any comrades beside them, only they are left alone, standing alone at the highest peak.

Under the overlook, there are corpses on the ground, these are the stepping stones to the top of the world.

The stepping stones have been discarded, and now, they are going to set foot on the final one--Fengshentai!

Let's go, "Today, either you die or I live!"

I don't know who said such a sentence, with unprecedented momentum, everyone on IG took the last step and stepped into this bird's nest that everyone is crazy about!

at the same time.

After everyone on IG officially stepped into the Bird's Nest, the outside world couldn't wait.

As early as 10 in the morning, major live broadcast platforms around the world have already connected to today's live broadcast channels in advance, and live broadcast the whole feat of the crowd outside the Bird's Nest.

At the same time, the official also broadcast some classic scenes and operation highlights before the S7 finals, including live audience visits, player interviews, etc.

That's all, before the main competition started, the popularity of the major live broadcast platforms started to soar like never before.

The Douxi platform directly surpassed 100 million popularity, but within half an hour, it has exceeded 200 million!

Other platforms are not behind, the decisive battle has not yet begun, the outside world is already crazy, and the S7 has completely exploded!

On the other hand, countless game anchors, LOL section, including DNF, PUBG section of various sizes of anchors, are also silently launching live broadcasts today.

Click in and you will find that their live broadcast content is surprisingly consistent--

It's all black screen live!

There is no content, only the sound, and the sound of the s7 official live broadcast room playing the tidbits before the match 120!

Yes, all of them are broadcasting S7 live, but due to copyright, they cannot show it to the audience in the live broadcast room, but this does not prevent everyone from being crazy about S7. Today, they will pay attention to S7 all the way, explain the whole process, and witness the new legend. Born!

Some smart anchors have changed the title of today's live broadcast room to the words "Go on IG, come on LPL!".

In an instant, the popularity began to soar, reaching several times, or even ten times, the usual live broadcast!

There was one person who made a proof, and passed ten and ten to a hundred. When the time came to 2:30 in the afternoon, 90% of the names of all the live broadcast rooms on the whole network had been changed to the words "IG Come on"!

The shock of the scene, the grandeur of the scene, the world is shocked!!

Until this moment, no one knows what is phenomenal heat and what is phenomenal event!

Phenomenal level, it represents the attention of the whole people and represents a historic sensational event!

At the end of 2017, S7, is the only phenomenal event!

The atmosphere exploded to the point where it couldn't explode, and the air seemed to be full of passion and blood. At this moment, no one could remain calm, and no one could be as calm as water!

7 years of waiting are placed between World War I, and 7 years of expectation are focused on one person.

The blood is still there, and the youth is still there.

When the needle came to three o'clock in the afternoon.

The entire Bird's Nest venue began to dim.

The open-air venue was clouded over.

It seems to imply something.

At the same time, a scream that was enough to shock everyone in the stadium sounded--

2017 Global Finals Finals, Officially Begin!!

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